(E7/8) Sets Across
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compare to 7.3.10
For Time:
Run 400m
21 Front Squats
Run 400m
15 Front Squats
Run 400m
9 Front Squats
For loading, use 65% of the weight you squatted for triples today.
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You guessed it, a Front Squat.
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Congratulations to PR and Sarah H on their new Snatch records!
Luca says
isn’t this exposure 7/8?
gabrus says
Snatch125x2135x1145x1155x1160x1 PR165xF
Front Squat215x3x3
Metcon @ 135#13:53
David Osorio says
Right you are, Luca!
Warm-up:Foam Roll/LAX ball, right leg emphasis500m Easy row @16s/r
Back Squat(45x5x2, 95×5, 110×3)120x5x3
Troubleshooting my technique here to minimize stress on patellar tendon. 5 lbs up from Monday
3 Rounds NFT:230′ Sled Drag @ +90lbs x216 GHD Sit-Ups
Upper Body Rehab:DB See Saw Press15lbsx10x3
Biceps Curls20x10x3
Alternating some curls and bent rows with the dumbbells to regain some pulling strength.
Here are some sled numbers that see to work for me, this may be of some guidance for others:
Heavy Sled, short distance135lbs, 105′ (roll up gate to fire hydrant)
Medium sled, medium distance90lbs, 230′ (roll up gate to 3rd ave)
Petey Hopps says
Front Squat95x3115x3125x3x3
400m run (on a hill)x321-15-9 Front squats 75lbs8:35
Last page of my book–tore out the first 3 pages and taped them into a composition book.Sigh.
Sarah says
Front Squat 115 x 3 x 3WOD @ 65lbs 9:12
Margie says
WOD @ 75lbs: 10:32
Enjoyed class very much.
Fox says
Late post…Yesterday day 2 of 5/3/1
NFT Triplet:10 GHD Sit Ups10 GHD Hip Extensions20 DB Shrugs @ 50lbs
Did shrugs for grip/upper trap strength endurance. I can’t remember the last time I did them in a routine. It’s impossible NOT to look like a meathead doing shrugs.
Then we proceedeed to push the Prowler at +90lbs for 10x20yds in the 105 degree heat…these were sprint-ish. I swear Shane kept pushing it further ad further away from where I needed to start.
Good Times !
Sameer Parekh says
9am? what is up with this subway series? it requires us to become teetotalers?
David Mak says
So, had to bail on the front squats — got to 125×5 in warm ups, then tried 150 and re-injured a lower back issue. Completed the metcon in 8:05 with a 1.5 pood KB doing goblet squats. Now I’m walking around like an old man (along with old man sounds).
Dan Rx'd says
Movement Prep Work:Foam rollingHamstring PNFShoulder mobility workPVC Over Head Squats10 x scapular pushups
Workout:Nancy as Rx’d – 15:055 rounds of 400m run and 15 OHS at 95lbs-All OHS were unbroken, paced this out at ~3 minutes per round.-Runs felt slow, and it was brutally hot, but this was FUN!-Could shave off some time by not pausing to chalk and tightening up the runs a bit. But am very happy with my first Nancy!
Cool down work:3 sets of 50 Double Unders2 sets of 15 restricted ROM HSPU
Thanks to Asta for keeping time, and David Mak for all the encouragement!
Charlotte says
Fun times with Dave Mak and the ladies at 6pm–nice to see the evening crowd, it had been a while. Dave, bummer about your injury! Hope your recovery is speedy.
Fun with front squats–felt good lifting these heavy, thanks Fox for encouraging me to take a pretty big jump in weight from last week.
(45×5, 95×3, 115×3, 130×1)140x3x3
Did the metcon with 95# (91# would have been 65%)–that was HARD. I was SLOW on the runs, thanks Margie for yelling at me in the midst of your own workout! Finished in 10:31. Need to run more. (I recall saying this about 6 weeks ago when we did Helen…)
James N. says
FSQ: 160x3x3WOD: @105 – 12:49
Becca says
Late post…
Front Squat(45×5, 80×5, 95×3, 110×1)115×3 – too shallow on #2 and #3 = Fail.115×3 – Fail on rep #2115x1x2 (1 rep PR)then I dropped down to a couple of sets at 95# to work on form. Thanks for the coaching, David.
Run/Front Squat WOD10:36 @ 65 lb
ShawnS says
did the metcon makeup on friday at
Only had to drop the bar once.
Man is it hard to breath when you have that bar on your chest.