Max rounds in 3 minutes of:
135/95 pound Power cleans, 3 reps
9 Squats
Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 5
Post rounds completed for each of the 5 cycles.
compare to 4.15.09
Laura R sets up for a Deadlift PR
Happy Fourth of July, CFSBK! We're running an abbreviated schedule today with only 10am and 11am classes this morning.
Hail to the chief! Love this wod, so brutal yet so good.
Chief is fun!! Did power cleans at 63lbs and pushups strict. PUs broke down into 1s towards the end, perhaps I should have elevated?R1: 3R2: 3R3: 2+3pc, 3pusR4: 2+3pcR5: 2+3pc
The Chief rx’d3+3pc, 3, 2+3pc+5pus, 2+3pc, 2+3pc
Push-ups were the limiter as usual for me, started doing singles in round 3, cleans felt pretty good though.
Happy Fourth!
chief rx’d1. 4+1CL2. 43. 44. 45. 4+1CL
really liked this one.
The Chief at 115lbs
1. 5+1Cl.2. 4+1Cl.3. 4+1Cl.4. 3+3Cl.5. 3+3Cl+6Pu+3Sq.
All pushups unbroken. Squat were strangely the biggest issue.
Does anyone know the schedule for tomorrow?
Whoops! Scratch that. Just saw the schedule.
Warmup:-Droms-4min row under 20s/m-Clean drills
The Chief–rx’d.R1: 4 + 1pcR2: 3 + 3pcR3: 3R4: 2 + 3pc + 6puR5: 2 + 3pc + 4pu-I’m with Bjorn in that the pushups were my limiting factor. I never thought 6 pushups would be so hard. Also, my cleaning form wasn’t great so alot of them ended up putting alot of stress on my wrist. This didn’t help during the pushups and my left wrist sure doesn’t feel good now. I think the only thing that will help is m-squared…margaritas and meat.
Happy 4th to all and a very Happy birthday to Jacinto!
4 rounds & 3 cleans all cycles + a few pu.s on 1 & 3. Used 105#. I think I am ready for 115#.
I have lots of kids gis and fighting gear to hand down if anyone has any karate kids.
The Chief: rx’dR1: 5R2: 5R3: 3 + 3clR4: 3 + 3clR5: 3 + 3cl + 2pu
Phew! That was challenging. A lot of fun but so hot. My push-ups started falling apart late in the rounds but I was slow on my squats the whole way through.
Late night drunken pistol contest (all on the right leg): fail, fail, fail, 5, 15. This was hysterically fun, at first I had zero ability to balance but then, once the competitive spirit woke up, I figured out how to do it. The left leg couldn’t cut it though. Great fourth of July!!
did the chief on friday morning with the chief himself, DMG
r1: 4r2: 3+3c+1pur3: 3+2cr4: 3+1cr5: 3+3c+3pu
i was happy that i stayed fairly consistent but man, that gets tough. 1 minute feels like NOTHING towards rounds 4 & 5. push ups actually weren’t the worst (although they did breakdown towards the end) but the squats into cleans – my legs were fried!