Perform 3 sets of the following complex for a maximal weight.
3 Mid Hang Power Cleans
1 Push Jerk
You have 5 attempts to find a best complex. The bar may be dropped from overhead after the
jerk but must be regripped and pulled shortly after it settles.
5 attempts to comments.
compare to 4.29.10
Coach Nick and Ryan P go head to head on the 400m/50 Squat couplet in the pouring rain
Good work to Dan R, Asta F , Mike V and Katie M on yesterday's Subway Series WOD at CrossFit LIC! The next event will be a 5K run at CrossFit Queens on July 10th. This is a great opportunity to benchmark this standard distance. 5K runs completed at this event will be fair game for the Leader Board. Sign up here!
There are only 2 slots left for our Foundations cycle that starts this Tuesday. Get em while they last and Register Here
Epigenetics is a field of science that studies how environmental factors like nutrition, exercise, stress and sleep affect how our genes are expressed. This plays a critical role in our basic understanding of human nature and will shed some light on how your parent's lifestyles affected your own genetic expression. Read more about Epigenetics at How Stuff Works or watch this video on NOVA and post thoughts to comments.
good (hot) times with margie at 9! last time i struggled with workout mentally–increased the weight too fast and only actually finished one of the five rounds. much better this morning:3 rds of 6 deads + 3 HPC + 1 jerk(45, 65) 95, 105, 110, failed at 11515# better than last time!great to work with robin.
Does anyone know of a room/sublet available for the first two weeks of July? Sarah and I have to be out of our place by the end of the month, but our new place isn’t ready yet. My gmail addy is joseph.c.williams.
Early shift this morning (thanks, Margie!)
115, 125, 135, 140f, 140f
After the 135 set my forearms and grip were fried. Liked this one, though.
Then off to Der Schwarze Kölner to watch Germany. Oh! My!! God!!! Thanks to Ashley for being a very good sport.
53 x 3, 58 x 3, 63 x 3, 73 x 3, 78 x 3
Anyone want to give me a ride to Queens for the 5k? (Yes, I know its the SUBWAY series, but 9am is too early for me to take a long ass train ride through 3 boroughs.)
@Ash, Bjorn: Sorry I stood you guys up this morning. I didn’t have your cell#s, else I would have called. Full story when I see you guys next.
Congratulations Bjorn; commiserations, Ash.
great 9am with coach margie.
WU500m rowpvc dislocatespvc lat stretch3x mhmc mhpc pj
DL/MHPC/PJ(65)95 135 155 160(1.5) 160(2.8)grip just gave out on last mhpc.
this complex rocks!!
CDlacrosse ball
good lifting with john and brian.
75, 85, 95, 105, 115. I like this wod too. The clean is def the hard part for me.
not john, josh!
Today was nearly a boys club day! Good work to my ladies Robin, Katie and Sarah. Oh and the gents too 🙂
Got in 4 attempts during 11am with Nick, which was fun:
63,73,83,88. Might have a couple pounds left in me.
Fun workout today. I realized I made a little math error in my favor. My max today was 135, not 150. My son had me up at 5:15 this morning, so was a little cloudy.
Very sweaty 9am. Learned a lot with this WOD, mainly that getting exhausted makes me think less. Cleans are getting there, very slowly– got to 62 lbs. Major thanks to Margie and Katie!
Thanks Margie for a good class. I’m going to steal that lat warm up with the PVC pipe. Good stuff!I made 160 today, and failed on 165. I gotta admit, I hate me a complex. Never fun, they force you to find that deep, dark place way to fast.Good talking to you David and Paul.If you’re ever in Modesto, hit me up.Brian
Epigenetics is very interesting, people!
65758595105-2 rounds + 6 DLs
Have a great summer everyone! I’ll see you in September.
I listened to the How Stuff Works epigenetics podcast last week… Fascinating and scary. Will check out the NOVA video.