(E4/8) Sets Across
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compare to 6.23.10
Complete two intervals of the following triplet:
As many Rounds as possible in 5 minutes of:
5 Single arm Dumbbell Thrusters, left arm
5 Single arm Dumbbell Thrusters, right arm
5 Burpees
Rest 3 Minutes
Use a heavy dumbbell.
Post Rx and rounds completed per interval to comments.
As many of you know, we've recently put up some performance leader boards in the gym. If you've got a score you think is worthy of the boards, please post it on the far left whiteboard located by the foam rollers. Include your Name, WOD/Lift, Score and Date completed. Only scores dating from the Degraw Street move forward are fair game. Enjoy!
Good luck to Asta F, Dan R, Katie M, Mike V and Juliana A competing in today's CrossFit Subway Series event at CrossFit Long Island City! The workout they'll take on is as follows:
"Bags, Bars, Bells, Balls and a Rope”
For Time:
800m Run with Sandbag 60/40#
Pull-ups, 30 reps
Overhead Squat, 95/63#, 30 reps
Double Unders, 100 reps
Kettlebell Swing, 24/16kg, 30 reps
Toes-to-Bar, 30 reps
800m Run with Med Ball 20/14#
Dan Rx'd says
Roll call!!!!
We’re waiting on Juliana and Fox — anyone know if they’re on their way?
Samir Chopra says
Today’s front-squatting was a bit of a fail.
I’d done 165x3x3 plus the squat-run WOD on Wednesday and I think I’m still sore and tired from that. So, today, I couldn’t get past 165 (and even that felt very heavy and difficult). I landed up doing:
WU: 45×5, 95×3, 125×3, 145×3
Work: 175×2, 155×3, 160×3, 165×2
Subbed 30-lb DB cleans for thrusters in burner WOD. Completed 7 rounds plus 10 cleans.
Bjorn says
Front Squats 175x3x3the “knees out”-project continues, thanks to Ramon for the stretching tips.
Burner WOD: 4 rounds + 8 thrusters, then 4 rounds – burpees, 30#
Sarah says
Front Squat: 110 x 3 x 3 front squat
WOD: 4 rnds + 5 thrusters followed by 5 rnds + 2 thrusters (20lb db)
Malcolm says
Front squat stayed at 185x3x3. Did this successfully with my knees out so I get to go up in weight on Wednesday.
Mini Wod at 30lbs. 5 rounds + 5 Left side thrusters and then 4 rounds + 5 Left and 1 Right side thrusters.
Fun having my parents in the gym today.
katie says
Well, that was humbling. Ended up scaling down a bit:800 m run w/ 40# bag30 pull-ups, blue band30 OH squats at 63#50 DUs30 KBs30 v-ups800 m run w/ 14# med ballin 28:48big thanks to asta for counting reps and especially for running with me on the last 800 so i didn’t totally give up. it was hard to ever get air–i guess just because you can do the movements rested doesn’t mean you can do them in a long, hot WOD. and weighted running, especially with hard to hold weird things, is super hard. lessons learned? bring more food and work longer chippers sometimes. i’m not sure that <10 min WODs are necessarily translating super well to this kind of longer domain.but good times. dan and asta did great.
Vincent Dugan says
140x3x3 FSQ
Acc WOD: Rd 1: 45# 4 sets + 4 thrustersRd 2: 45# 2 sets 40# 1 set + 10 thrusters
Laurel says
Katie – it is awesome that you competed. Good job. I’m sorry I couldn’t be there to cheer you on today!
DL: 200×5, 200×4.5 – got freaked out that my back might be rounding and got into my old head space and suddenly couldn’t complete the last rep.
WOD with 20lb dumbells, push press for thrusters (hip. grr.) 1st: 6 rounds + 5 left &5 right, 2nd: 6 rounds exactly. Kept it light to try and go fast and to cater to the weaker left side. Probably could’ve gone heavier though.
brian says
Visiting from out of town. Thanks to Dave and Shane! If you guys ever find yourself in Modesto, come on by Crossfit Modesto.Max Front squat for 3 reps 250.
5 min amrap1st round – 6 rounds plus 2 thrusters
2nd round – 5 rounds plus 8 thrusters
stephaniep says
r1: 5 rounds flatr2: 4 rounds + 5 thrusters (right arm)
30# DBs