Not your typical kindergarten teacher
The first event of the CrossFit Subway Series is this Saturday at CrossFit Long Island City. Vadim has thrown down the gauntlet with a killer WOD for everyone to test themselves against. That being said, scaling options will be provided so that everyone, regardless of strength, skill or capacity can participate in the workout. This is a great opportunity to vary your training environment, meet some new people and explore your competitive side.
Post to comments if you're interested in attending!
There is No Active Recovery tonight.
Due to an inspection, there is NO 12pm Class this Friday. 6am, 7am and evening classes are still on.
Not coming to CrossFit tomorrow? Why not check out a FREE M.E.L.T. class at our friends, lululemon athletica Brooklyn instead?
From your perspective, what kind of additional equipment does the gym need?
Heavy bags! Speed bags! and maybe a huge 15′ Tree Log …
i’m in! i think it will mark my first attempt at an athletic competition since i failed to finish the 1600m race at the first home meet in 8th grade.
Well, from my perspective, I’d love to see some BOSU trainers. Great nervous system stimulation and prep for any movement.
Some kind of semi-permanent bar dip setup? I like being able to bang out 3×10 pullups whenever I think of it and it would be cool to be able to do the same w/ dips…
More 15 kg plates would be great!
Showers. Would love to do a post-wod shower cool down….
Im down for the LIC thingy.
For those who are interested in what the CrossFit LIC Subway Series Workout will be:
“Bags, Bars, Bells, Balls and a Rope”
800m Run with Sandbag 60/40#Pull-ups, 30 repsOverhead Squat, 95/63#, 30 repsDouble Unders, 100 repsKettlebell Swing, 24/16kg, 30 repsToes-to-Bar, 30 reps800m Run with Med Ball 20/14#
Uh, what time is the Saturday event?
I’d kill for some of the Again Faster ultra speed cable jump ropes. Probably going to have to miss the Saturday Subway WOD which breaks my heart, looks super fun.
The fact that I cease to be a regular member in a little over a month probably precludes me from making a suggestion, but…FANS! A couple of industrial-size f***ers. It gets positively stagnant in there.
@Joe: My understanding is that things will kick off at 9AM.
Just confirming that it will start at 9:00am. I didn’t know if that time was confirmed at the time of posting.
there will also be a paleo potluck afterwards, buffet style, no on site cooking.
I have appointments at 9,10 and 11 and will rush down right afterwards.
Rats. I have to be in Brooklyn from 1-3. Hopefully I can make the next one.
Oh, and the gym needs a whole bunch of Kangoos.
Joe –
Paul and I saw a lady in the Borders at Columbus Circle wearing those a few weeks ago! She was just going about her business as if nothing was out of the ordinary. We knew they existed but didn’t think that we’d ever see them in real life, let alone in a bookstore in NYC. We were both speechless.
re: Kangoojumps
people are real assholes sometimes.
Atlas Stones 🙂
incase anyone is into this sort of thing, there is a huge yoga event taking place in central park tonight. something like 10,000 people doing yoga (1 instructor).Here is some more info:
What do I think we need?Barbell holders4 new sets of ringstherabandsa C of O
oh and sleds!!
okay… no more posting for at least an hour..
Slam Balls!!
Another prowler for group WODs!
Bumpers that don’t break/1 more set of Tech plates
More 22lb bars
Moar magic circles
Yes fans!
Time, David!
From my perspective (whatever that’s worth):-A Reverse Hyper-Stall bars
A Slip ‘n Slide would be nice too.
Do you think those will get as much use as the Jerk Blocks, YOON???
sleds, prowlers, slam balls, big heavy dummies and beef jerky bags/grassfed milks for purchase.
A couple of fans would be awesome. We’re basically doing bikram Crossfit right now. Showers would be great as well, but I suppose C of O comes first
I second Bosu’s
I say we put up 1 climbing wall and tell all the passer byers we ARE Brooklyn Boulders too.
Hmm the Subway series WOD sounds awesome sans the double unders.
Milk and Cookies keeping me up… Some small things that don’t cost much but would add a lot:
Improve curb appeal – larger logo on the door, or paint the door, or one better, paint the rollup gate with the “CrossFit South Brooklyn” text and/or logo.
The walls are bare, add some decorations e.g. photo collage of our athletes, it’s easy, fun, and we already have well over 5K photos on our flickr to choose from.
Leader board of some type, also keep track of house records: Benchmark workouts, most consecutive pullups, pushups, etc.
Have some yearly recognition of our athletes, perhaps an internal competition, most improved overall, achieved goals, what have you.
Offer FourSquare incentive for folks who check in: Mayor Specials (for the person who attends most frequently), Check-in Specials for athletes who attend a certain number of times, etc. This is also a good way to get additional clients.
As for additional equipment/training thoughts:More pullup bar space, especially fixing the unstable pullup rig by the gate.
And I like all the toys mentioned thus far, perhaps an axel for good measure.
Perhaps a bike rack would be great for folks who want to lock their bikes up without fear of them being ridden away…
I totally love the idea of a leader board/recognition/goals tracking/etc. Our challenges to date have been great but have lacked sufficient public accountability I think. If I had “muscleup” written next to my name on a wall in the gym I’d be doing a lot more pullups.