(E2/8) Sets Across
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compare to 6.16.10
4 Rounds NFT of:
10 Strict Chin-Ups
20 Overhead Walking Lunges
:30 Lateral Plank, each side
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We've got a new Foundations cycle launching next week! Tell your friends and enemies!
Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8pm
Dates: 6/29-7/22
Register Here!
Brian D will be guest coaching the Power Snatch for Monday's evening group classes. Get excited.
He'd like everyone to review this footage in preparation
Want to learn to Grill like a pro? Kira D's cooking school is doing a BBQ intensive. Details here!
last night i pre-tested the press–PRed at 102! i’ve been stuck at 100 forever, so that’s great.
this morning:FS(3) (45, 95, 135, 165) 190x3x3 first round too shallow, the rest legit but not pretty. need to back down.acc work = blue band, then 25/35/BB OH for the lunges. barbell was somehow the easiest to balance.
Front squat was frustrating. I think this is still related to the food poisoning earlier in the week but I had to do 185 across when I had planned to use 185 as my final warm up.
All chinups unbroken. Started out with a 35lb plate for lunges but demoted myself to just lunges because I was having issues with too short of a stride.
Hip is murmuring at me, decided to sub deadlifts for squats. Three sets of 195×5 with a dead stop between each rep. Felt good.
Accessory work: 3 rounds of it. Used 15lbs for the lunges.
Now I am going to crack open a young green coconut and feast on it’s innards. YUM.
Checking in from the New Jersey. Jess and I have been out here this week helping care for my ailing step dad. Until yesterday the closest thing I did to exercise was pick up another donut. Although I have made time for yoga a few days…
Yesterday we did what Jess dubbed “Jersey Murph”:Run 1 1/2 miles50 pull ups50 push upsRun 1 1/2 miles
Today we did:15 x 40 meter repeats with about 30 seconds rest in between.
Sorry to hear your step Dad isn’t well Chris.
Front Squat: (45×5,50×3,65×2)75x3x3Felt good. Light enough weight to focus on mechanics.
Accessory work: All chin ups strict with the exception of 7 in the 2nd set with a white band. Feel really happy about this progress. 25# plate for first set of lunges, 35# thereafter.
Great day at CFSBK.
185×3, 190×3 then per Shane’s advice, scaled back for a tough last set at 175×3.
I need somewhere to go up. I guess my goal for this cycle will be 205-210.