5 Rounds NFT of:
Run 270m
10 Knees to Elbows
10 Partner Medball Tosses, 10ft
10 Partner Medball Sit-Up Tosses
10 Lateral Box Jumps
Each partner must complete 10 repetitions of each movement before anyone can move on to the next exercise.
Accessory Work
Foam Roll & LAX Ball
Congratulations on all the new PR's set at the end of Coach Jeremy's Strength Cycle. How did everyone do?
If the Zombie Apocalypse started this moment, where would you go?
ZombieFit WOD
For those who asked, the recipe for the “cookies” I made for the Murph BBQ is now posted at http://www.readsnippets.com.
If you’re worried about sugar, you could cut the raisins and add more nuts!
did ok on cycle, wanted more. Hit 870 would have loved 900. 330 squat, 175 press, 365 deadlift. squat and deadlift were decent prs, press was same as last time which had been 20 pound pr. leaned back to much out of the chutes and missed it.
Jim is modest.
His squat was a 45lb PR and his deadlift a 70lb PR. On top of which he did this after recovering from torn tendons in his foot that kept him from training either movement for six weeks.
I’ll post more about last evening but I want to give them a chance to brag first.
Zombies!?Head straight to Cabela’s, stock up on ammo and take the plugs out of the guns.Let’s get it on!
Sorry the redneck just came out.
Great work strength cyclers! You guys are scary strong. Great to have around in case the truck gets stuck.
Two redneck references in one post – sorry gang.
We’re pretty much SOL if WWZ started today. NYC is gonna be hard to get out of. I’d head for Wisconsin or Maine or Canada… maybe Chris J’s boat… oh crap! did I let that out? There’s no boat. I repeat: Chris does not have a boat.
David: If you are not coming out of surgery today, there’s going to be an intervention. I’m coming to your house and dragging you to a hospital. I know some strong people who will be happy to help.
3rd CrossFit Total of the year. 2nd Strength Cycle.
Squat: 450 PRPress: 220 PRDead Lift: 530 PR
Total: 1200 PR
I know that everyone is concerned about body-weight multiples but I would like to point out that my CF Total is 30 times my age.
40 is the new strong.
I could not have done it without coach Jeremy.
Finally, get out there and SQUAT as much as you can. Want to get faster? Squat! Want to get stronger? Squat! Want better benchmark times? Squat! Trust Paulie T-Shirts.
Those are some amazing numbers Paulie! Really wanted to make it in to watch all of the strength folk, but couldn’t. I’m sure you all rocked it. Awesome job!
And I’m very curious about this secretive boat. In particular, when do we set sail???
Congratulations, Paul! You are going to cause quite a stir at the powerlifting meet.
David goes in for surgery today.Send some posi-vibes his way.
Hey Paulie the animal makes a great point. Jeremy is a fantastic strength coach and the cycle is a great experience that I can’t recommend enough to other folks. It’s a great, great cycle.
Cabelas!!! Red neck shooting game is the best there.
Snip I’m going to try and make your cookies. I am, however, a horrible baker. May call you mid-meltdown.
Thanks for posting Snip! Can’t wait to try these. They were yummy. Maybe I’ll snack on these instead of Tastycakes.
Back squat -315 PR by 85 lbs.Press- -145 PR by 20 lbs.Dead lift -355 PR by 40 lbs.—-Total= 815. Very happy with my #’s. Great coaching by Jeremy. Fun working with my lifting partners Christian and Juliana. Paulie and David B- you guys are scary.My goal is to break 1,000, who knows how long that will take, but the journey is a blast.
Unreal. Totally had some amazing PRs. I totalled at 1120lbs.
Back Squat: 375 PR by about 125lbsPress: 170 PR by 40lbsDead Lift: 475 PR by 110 lbs
I can’t thank Jeremy enough for all the amazing coaching and reinforcement. And thanks to Paul for getting me to sign up. I can’t wait to start the next cycle
@Paul: Nice work with getting to 1200! Would really have like to see a 531 DL 😉
@Jim: Impressive gains, especially considering the injury!
@Jack: Damn, that’s a rad score! You’ll definitely break 1000 before you know it.
@Dave: holy hell, a 265 overall increase is unreal… Nipping on Paulie’s heels!
Juliana, Justin, Jack, Christian, Jim, David, and Paul –
It was awesome to watch you do so incredibly well on the total last night! Truly inspiring and impressive. Congrats to all of you and Coach Jeremy, too.
Best of luck David! Surgery sucks, but it’s best to get it over with, and start on the road to recovery. I will bring you some cookies and a fizzy lizzy when you’re up toit :p
good job strongmen and woman!
I’m going to regret writing this, but…anyone doing this WOD tomorrow AM? I’m thinking I could squeeze it in before my 10:40 flight tomorrow…
David – best of luck with the surgery – positive vibes are coming your way.
All you animals cycle folks doing the total – congrats, very impressive from you all!!