Jim R puts the final touches on his famous grilled Lamb
How are you feeling after Murph? Stiff? Sore? Slow? Come on down to Active Recovery tonight at 7pm for a little soft tissue and mobility work to get you back on track. Coach Fox will get you moving like a normal human again in no time!
June Paleo Challenge!
By popular request, we're doing a Paleo Challenge all through June. If you'd like to jump on board or are already on board, post to comments what your plans for the challenge are. Check out the Google Group from our previous challenge. Go ahead and start a conversation!
Today is Day 1 of 30!
Kick-Asphalt with Lululemon Athletica Brooklyn Run Club
Wednesdays at 7pm and Saturdays at 8:30am
472 Bergen Street
The Lululemon Brooklyn Run Club is kicking off (and asphalt) on Wednesday June 2nd at 7pm. Meet at the store for a 30-40 minute run in Prospect Park with run expert Meghan. All levels welcome! Bring water and a friend (you can leave bags at the store). Can't make Wednesdays? Join Coach Claire M every Saturday at 8:30am. Questions: brooklyn-store(AT)lululemon.com
The Hard Sell on Salt NY Times
Pfft. Rest day? Weak sauce!
I kid, I kid. Great job yesterday everyone!
I can do a june challenge.that sounds like fun.As I will hopefully be around more with rugby season over. I miss you guys.
Also, does anyone know the brand of those jump ropes (the one that have black foam and different color handles?).
thanks yo
really upset i missed yesterday…oh well, there’s always next year!
will there be make-up wods tonight?
I’m in for the Paleo Challenge. I’m off to a terrible start though, I had bought an Almond Butter, Strawberry Jam and Bacon sandwich at the Larder yesterday and didn’t eat it last night. Ended up having it and a Fizzy Lizzy for breakfast this morning at 6am. I couldn’t justify throwing them out…
On an UP note though, I am drinking my coffee, Iced and black, no dairy, I usually take my coffee about 3/4 milk and 1/4 coffee
What are folk’s opinions on Fizzy Lizzys? It’s fruit Juice and sparkling water (and delicious). Is it technically still Paleo? How is it less Paleo than when people make “paleo cookies” etc which are also high concentrations of natural sugars? FZ’s are actually lower in sugar than regular juice. Thoughts?Here’s the site, it’s not very user-friendly:http://www.fizzylizzy.com/aboutus
I won’t be teaching Group Classes tonight (Coach Jeremy will) but this is what I did with the AM Folks:
Warm-upRow :30 on/:15 off x5Hip Mobility
Back Squat3x5
1/4 Murph, “Smurph”
400m Run25 Pull-Ups50 Push-Ups75 Squats400m Run
At this volume, I made them all do it “Angie”/Chipper style. This means that you have to do all the pull-ups before moving on to the push-ups, etc. It took most folks about 15-20 minutes.
If you really wanted to do Full or even half murph you could, just talk to Coach Jeremy about it.
Fruit juice is essentially a sugar bomb. Cutting it with seltzer water would reduce the damage (I have no idea what ration of juice to seltzer FLs are – but I guess they’re more juice than would be ideal). I think someone (Cordain?) suggested that as an option for people who were having trouble laying off the juice.
As for paleo cookies, Whole30 (Dallas Hartwig and Melissa Urban’s program, which I’m trying to follow this month) specifically bans that sort of thing: “8. Most importantly… do not try to shove your old, crappy diet into a shiny new Whole30 mold. This means no “Paleo-fying” existing less-than-healthy recipes – no “Paleo” pancakes, pizza or Fudge Babies.”
I think to at least some extent both questions come down to quality of life issues. Drinking water all the time gets old, and having a little bit of juice cut with a lot of seltzer once in a while isn’t going to kill you. And while you shouldn’t make a meal out of any type of cookie, a Steph ball is a better option than an oreo.
And at the end of the day, metabolism first, history second.
Since I brought “paleo cookies” to the BBQ yesterday, this soda question ruffled my feathers a bit. I am no nutritionist, but the differences seems obvious to me. First, the cookies are made up of actual whole foods, and can therefore satisfy a hunger or sweet craving by actually filling you up. A beverage is meant to quench thirst, and water does an excellent job of that. Why have a soda? Because it tastes good. It has zero redeemable nutritional value. Second, when you make something at home, you know exactly what you’re putting in it. Contrary to what the fizzy folks will have you believe, that little monkey on the bottle isn’t squeezing fresh fruits into seltzer, screwing on the top, and passing it along to you, the consumer. There are chemical processes at work, to make sure it tastes like you’re drinking fruit, when really you aren’t. See salt article above. Finally, it’s a ripoff. Marketing this stuff as healthy or “made with real fruit juice” is an easy way to sell $4 soda to hipsters.
Paleo cookies aren’t for everyone, or for every day, but buying neon-colored sodas seems a further cry from the “real, whole foods” mantra to me.
Post-Murph: I am sore all over and my right hand is a claw today.
I am in the “Fizzy Lizzys are Paleo camp”. I think if your sugar comes from natural sources and not refined then it is alright. Sugar is not a problem in itself, only refined and fake sugars.
Interesting article about salt. It seems that the hype about cutting back has less to do with salt, and more to do with our food industry as a whole. Companies have been chasing taste before quality for so long that Americans have forgotten what real food tastes like. Since being “mostly” Paleo for over a year, shopping has become very interesting as there are entire sections of the grocery store which I do not visit anymore. The “health food” section in a store like Key Food is laughable. If the reduction in salt used by the companies undermines their ability to produce all this crap, then I am for it. Sounds like an end run on processed foods. I think we can all live without Cheez-its.
Where the crazy starts for me is in asking restaurants to limit it’s use. Taking salt away from a chef (especially really good sea salt) because some big company is abusing it’s effects on Hungary Man dinners is a bit much. Like natural sugar, natural salt has a great place in food as long as it enhances rather than masks flavor.
Malcolm – where are you on this?
BIG ups to the everybody who completed the full Murph yesterday. Sorry to have missed it. The “1/4 Murph” this AM was enough for me.
I’m out west and checked out Crossfit Intrepid in El Segundo, CA. They’re great. Totally recommend this place if you’ve ever nearby.
LBBS (5): (45, 95, 135, 185×3)205x3x5 + 140×205 rep PR is 205 so it’s nice to be able to do sets across there. I’m sure I can go up next time.
10 min AMRAP3 ring dips (w/ skinny purple band)6 20″ box jumps9 14# wall balls= 9 rounds + 3 ring dips
I must weigh in on the sugar debate – Brian I have to disagree with you. Sugar in its natural form is a problem. Quantity has to do with each person’s metabolism, but at the end of the day sugar is sugar.
It is true that fructose and its highly processed evil twin high fructose corn syrup are ultimately going to interfere with insulin production/sensitivity more than glucose. A lesson for those who think that cutting out table/refined sugars and replacing with loads of fruit is somehow more healthful since many fruits are very high in fructose (apples and pears for example). AND lots of glucose is still going to give your insulin a hard time.
Bottom line/safest bet: Cut out sugar. If you take any in, let it be from whole fruit or starchy vegetables. Quantity depends on goals/exercise levels and timing.
Some sort of dried fruit/nut concoction every once in a while is fine. Don’t be psycho about it.
Salt: natural sea salt does have important trace minerals, just like whole fruit. In general, home cooking will not result in an abuse of salt, however packaged foods will most definitely contain too much sodium since it acts as a preservative.
Even the precious paleo kits contain a wopping 1000mg of salt each. I love jerky as much as anyone, but it’s probably not the best choice every day, all the time.
From what I understand, sugar is sugar. There may be some minute differences in how your body processes it depending on what you consume it with, but the end result is pretty much the same. It always jacks up your insulin level.
The first time I did this challenge I decided to keep it really strict and not have the placebo treats, because I knew I was prone to craving them. I think that’s why the Whole30 approach makes sense for me personally. Any time you are in danger of finding yourself chowing down on a gross of any one kind of food, particularly if it has sugar in it (be it natural or refined), it probably makes sense to avoid it–or even what’s supposedly the “healthy” version of it–while you’re trying to eat clean. One of the major benefits (I think the primary benefit) of this kind of a challenge is forging new, healthier habits. If you just start eating honey maccaroons and apple juice and soda water in place of the usual rootbeer and vienna finger, have you really created a new habit? Or just satisfied the old craving with a new drug?
Let’s not kid ourselves about “natural” or “unrefined” sugars–they still do the same thing that that white stuff does. And by “white stuff,” I mean crack.
Nick and I just did a 30-day uber-strict paleo challenge, so I’m not going to do one in June. Instead, I’m going to figure out how to really live at 90% paleo, and not have that mean 100% for 5 days followed by 15% for 2 days.
I am totally exhausted today although I think that has more to do with the smallest member of our household than with Murph. Murph shredded my hands and made me stiff in the traps and lats, for sure. Wish I could make Fox’s class tonight, but sadly I cannot.
Cripes, that came off cranky of me. I’m sorry! I’m convinced that with all its moral/personal/ethical implications, food and diet is the new religion.
I read the whole30 plan and noted that despite the “No cheats! No exceptions!” mantra, she uses a few asterisks herself, as in the case of sunbutter, which has cane juice in it but is still deemed okay. I think this just goes to show that while we all adhere to the same “religion,” everyone has his or her own little interpretations. Who wants to be a zealot anyway, right?
Tam, the “white stuff” is pure and should be used in strict moderation. Crack is always whack;)
“Murph” 35:50 a new PR and as always a tribute to Lt. Murphy, a real American hero (please no G.I. Joe jokes).Yesterday was a day of glorification as well as remembrance, it was more than a pleasure to see my old friends and meet some new ones.As I walk into CFSBK I saw what I perceived as “the pearly gates”, there were men and women executing proper technique on squats, pushups, and pull ups. A couple of gentleman across the way performing “lifts” both Olympic and Power.In every direction there were coaches of all genres encouraging their athletes to perform at optimum levels. I then wiped the drool from my face and realized that I was not approaching heaven but in fact “going home”.I then realized how much I missed being a member at CFSBK, and how happy I am to be among those that welcomed me into the fitness revolution; I now see as my profession. The past five months have been a dramatic evolution of my life; I went from being a jarhead war loving Marine, to a dean’s list college student (community college).I am now an expecting father of a soon to be fire breather, also I am Crossfit level 1, gymnastics, kettle bell, and Olympic weightlifting instructor coaching my own clients (in strength, group, and foundations).If you the reader are still scrolling, please continue to be patient, and know that I am not trying to brag or stick out my preverbal chest.I have only written this to extend my utmost gratitude to the coach’s of Crossfit South Brooklyn, not just for today, but for the training, knowledge, technique, and courage to take on this new found obsession. To all attendees/members of this extraordinary box be mindful of how lucky you all are to be instructed by the coach’s you see every day. Again thank you for hosting such a wonderful event of fitness and friendship truly displaying to all that were there what Crossfit really is!Also I would like to thank those who cooked; I’m sure coach Margie had a big impact on what we were consuming, aside from the beer that is. I hope to see all of you in the near future.Siamo Fitness,D.I.(Michael, Mike, Sergeant, Voigt, coolest man that ever lived…etc)P.S. @coach Fox, thanks for the toast…well said – short, simple, to the point, and meaningful!
Great to see everyone yesterday. Sugar/salt/so on – I basically do the best that I can to eat as well as I can, as often as possible, so that when I get an opportunity to eat a delicious cookie or two, like those fantastic ones yesterday, I don’t feel too bad about it. I don’t remember the last time I had one. They were good!
Alas, if only I could say the same about beer!
There are two unbroken water balloons in my place. Now it’s just torture. Waiting for them to break is worse than the breaking will be!
Great place, great crew!
So im in on the 30 day challenge + dairy.
Im torn on the whole 30 philosophy. I do use things like almond meal bread as snacks–and that seems to help me.
At the end of the day–even while trying to be health conscious I want to enjoy and live life.
The next 30 days I will be a lot more strict than usual. I probably usually am at about 70-75% or so.
I think anyone doing this in some form or fashion is going to be eating more healthy than most people.
What to keep in mind is what are your goals? Are you doing this because you want to adapt to eating this way more long term? or do we just want to clean up our habits for the next month?Are you trying to get leaner? recover more quickly? stronger? bulk up?
Everyone will have a bit of a different answer.
I think if we all keep to the big picture and then decide on what specific goals we have for the challenge–then we can build around that and nobody has to be a zealot.
If youre having trouble figuring out a goal or how to reach a goal–I guess thats where the rest of the team/Margie can really help dial in.
A couple more things:
1. I just wanted to say that while my vacation was really spectacular (no internet access for about 4 days!) it’s great to be back. I got a chance to train at CrossFit OBX which has a LEGIT olympic weightlifting team. The gym itself was sort of a hybrid CrossFit,commercial,bodybuilding,power/oly lifting and highland games training center. I thought it was very cool. I would have loved to get some coaching on my O lifts but when I went there was almost no one there. Otherwise Sam and I spent lots of time exploring, swimming, skimboarding, jet skiing, breaking and entering, riding bikes and (only me) eating lots and lots of hamburgers. My standard meal for the trip was a Bacon Burger with 2 chilli dogs, fries, and a large cup of chocolate milk. Are fries paleo? (just kidding..)
2. I think Shawn has the right idea in terms of identifying your level of commitment to these sorts of challenges based on what your goals actually are. Personally, I’d like to be pretty strict about it. Moreso with sugars and starches.
3. Mike, that means a lot to me and the rest of the coaches and community at SBK. I really really appreciate your sentiments.
4. I think our next challenge should be a SLEEP challenge. I experienced what getting 6+ hours of sleep felt like it. I was a whole new person. I really feel like a walking bag of inflammation when I don’t sleep enough..
Sleep challenge sounds yummy.
Sugar IS sugar. And just like booze, if I want a little I usually want a lot. I am going to do the strict Whole 30 dealio. My goal for the challenge is to look better nekkid… This Wednesday however, I’m going to have my last 1/2 gallon of grass fed creamy goodness after I (hopefully!) reach my 5 rep squat goal.
Mike V – thanks, brother. Stop in more often.
Where in the world is Tamson?
I whole heartedly agree with banning the zealotry (is that a word?) and keeping goals in mind! I just think we have to be honest with ourselves about what sugar is while we’re doing that. Meaning, if you are trying to increase insulin sensitivity, don’t kid yourself that eating paleo cookies every day is going to work in your favor. This way frustration lies.
But I think one of my biggest pit-falls is allowing food to become a moral issue or a source of guilt. Which is why my goal for the month is going to be making my self completely comfortable with an everyday cookie habit.
Sgt. Voigt,
Thank you for your kind words. Good to have you home. I can’t express how proud I am of your accomplishments both inside and outside the gym. It’s been an honor to watch you grow and develop as an athlete and as an individual.Thank you for your comments. Makes all the hard work more than worth it. Can’t ask for more than that.We always love having you home and you’re welcome anytime! Our best George and Lisa and the rest of the crew out on the island. Keep up the great work!
Mmmm…sleep challenge! Leading up to Fight Gone Bad last year Laurel instigated a month-long 7 hour minimum sleep challenge between David and myself. It was AWESOME. Yet so deceptively difficult!
See y’all tonight
People, sleep is paleo! Esp. if your goals include changing your body composition, getting enough sleep is at least as important as cutting out the milk in your coffee. And for those of us trying to build life-long habits, adding sufficient sleep to the list of things that add up to taking good care of ourselves is key. No reason this challenge can’t also be a sleep challenge, I’m just sayin’.OK, I’ll stop overposting.
So to clarify – Sugar is sugar.no matter what the origin is.Corn syrup, molasses, fruit, refined white, honey – all equal.
Anyone care to weigh in on my theory of the regulation of salt as an end around to combat the processed food industry?Am I a conspiracy theorist?
thanks…cant help but notice that the jumprope comes in pink!
Jim –
So relieved to hear that the water balloons made it all the way home. I think that was probably the most adorable meltdown I have ever witnessed.
I like Fox am trying to look better naked. I’m also trying to get stronger.
I think the biggest thing keeping me from maximal strength gain and change in body composition is actually lack of sleep.
I average 5-6 hours on a weeknight. The sad thing is while I feel I am in control of my diet and being able to change that. I feel almost helpless in terms of changing my sleep. There just aren’t enough hours in the day to get done everything I need to get done.
Awesome words by Voight. I feel the same way as Ive stated before. And yea Voight–visit more often.
Im about to go post on our group–What did everyone eat today?!
I just came across this link on tips for getting more sleep. I was sitting here thinking “I can decide what to eat and not eat, I can decide to get to the gym, sleep is not as easy to control.”
Here’s some ideas, if it helps anyone.
The only thing I felt I could handle today was Annie so…6:49
Round of 50 DUs went great. My legs stopped working in the 40 round. Total system failure for a second.
Was fun to bang out something on a sore day. T-minus 25 minutes to salvation via at the hands of Fantastic Mr. Fox. Thank goodness for active recovery and clients canceling!
So unless I have. Miracle recovery I don’t think I shoul do exposure 8 of squats tomorrow. Is there any way we can finish saturday? If so what can we do tomorrow that may be lighter? I guess I could alway take another day off :(.I wouldn’t mind more active recovery work tomorrow since I can’t make it tonight.
My whole body is hurting (especially when I walk Down stairs) despite me downing 30 plus fish oil capsules in the last 24 hours.
It has been 2 weeks since I’ve been in, eek! I came down with a respiratory infection. Not at 100% but damn well close enough. Can’t make it tonight so I’m going to push my ride home and adapt the 25% Murph David lists above for home/me… Probably400m Run50 Push ups (modified)75 sit-ups100 Squats400m Run
and try to make it in post-work tomorrow (I wish there was a wed morning class!). Need to get going again.
Back Squats 165x5x3
The multiple exposures this month have really done me a world of good, form feels more and more dialed in, more weight hopefully soon to follow.
1/4 Murph/Smurph 14:46 rx’d
Opted for the quarter in hopes of doing unassisted pullups and it worked: First pullup workout without band EVER! Hooray. Surprisingly, even at a quarter volume pushups are the limiter for me. Kudos to David Mak who made up the full Murph by himself.
So I wasn’t feeling so sore this morning. Then noticed my hand shaking while working with my first client. I think I feel the DOMS coming on.All good. It’s a delicious fatigue. But I’ll shut up since I only did a 1/2 Murph.
Made up Murph today: 54:02 RxedPR by a minute plus I had to modify my last 7 rnds of push ups last year.The 5 push ups, 5 pull ups, 5 push ups, 15 squats worked well for me. All squats and pull ups unbroken. Push ups – fist 5 unbroken; second set of 5 – 3,2 for rounds 14-17; 2,2,1 for 18-20.Followed by a beer left over from the BBQ – that was perfect.
Sarge – Beautiful sentiment. Sorry I didn’t have the chance to see you.
Bjorn – Awesome job on the pull ups!
Wow, great times everyone, and impressive work DMak — doing this solo is no joke. For some reason I feel like you did this solo last year as well…