For Time:
Run 1 Mile
100 Pull-Ups
200 Push-Ups
300 Squats
Run 1 Mile
Partition the
pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed.
Start and finish with a mile run. If you've got a twenty pound vest or
body armor, wear it. This year's "Murph" is dedicated to all the service men and women who have trained and still train at CrossFit South Brooklyn.
Post time and Rx to comments.
compare to 5.31.09
Mike V pushes the Prower
We're starting to run heats of "Murph" at 11am today and will probably sending folks off every 10-20 minutes or so depending on the volume of people that show up. Afterward everyone is encouraged to hang out and enjoy a little Memorial Day BBQ, SBK style!
There are no regularly scheduled CrossFit Group Classes today. Foundations is still on at 8pm.
We were just reading about Michael Murphy, and it hit us like a ton of bricks that the brother-in-law of a good friend of mine, Stephen Reich, was killed the same day as he. Steve, who was an Army special ops major, piloted the chopper that flew in to extract those SEALs. The chopper was shot down.
We were reading up on Murphy, and saw the date of his death, and put two and two together. Oof.
I actually never met Steve. I would have met him at my friend’s wedding, but I was in the midst of preparation for Sydney and couldn’t make it. Charlotte met him though.
My friend, also named Steve, always sang Steve Reich’s praises. He said Steve was the sweetest guy, and incredibly smart. He was also intense and competitive, but he had a way of still putting everyone around him at ease.
Here’s more info:
Happy Memorial Day!
Thank you to all the service men and women who are part of the immediate and larger CFSBK family.
Murph, and a burger and a beer and a cheers to you.
Just a note to say, as always, I am Cheering for ALL of you today. My girls most of all. You can do EET!
Good luck to all you first time Murph-doers! Wish we could magically transport ourselves from this charming airport waiting area to CFSBK to cheer you on… unfortunately we have had too little sleep and much sugar and alcohol in the last three days to be in any kind of shape to do Murph. We’re not even doing an airport WOD, just sitting here, somewhat comatose and sluglike and longing to be back home with you.
Sitting in an airport like this on Memorial day, I can’t help but think about the moment that our service men and women arrive back in the country and find themselves here. Airports are surreal places, but I can only imagine the added strangeness of holding a warzone in your head while sitting in the nowhere mundanity of a transit hub. I have enormous respect for the person who can take that dissonance, can take such an enormous range of realities, and come through it sane and kind. For those that cannot, who come home damaged and unable to cope, we have an obligation to provide support, compassion and respect.
My crew did the “Murph” this morning down here at Fort Leonard Wood, MO. It was hard, but worth it to honor the buddies and family members who have fallen. Thanks to CFSB for doing this. We appreciate it.
As rx’d with ballistic vest 40:43
41:58, 2 minutes faster than last year.
much respect to everyone who has or continues to serve our country.
50:34 as Rx’d
Was great to see so many people.
Jacob and I had a great time.
63:53 with blue band pullups and modified pushupsThis was tough, especially the pushups. I wish I could get of the knees but I just don’t have the power (yet!). Painful but so so much fun!
So great to hang out with all of you today, and see Sgt Mike!
Thank you to all of the men and women serving our country.
Great time today. Everyone did a really great job. Shane, awesome work running the pull-up bar. Thanks Margie, Fox, Jim and everyone else that helped with the food, it was great.
52:26. White band pull-ups. 5 rounds strict push-ups, 2 rounds paralette, the rest from the knee.
What a great day in the new space!! Thanks so much to the coaches for your hard work putting this together, to Jim, Joe, and all who cooked, and to Paulie for yelling encouragement at me every time I got back to the pullup bar.56:02 as Rx’d. Hands got totally shredded, but pushups were the real limiting factor. Dreading how I will feel tomorrow!
First off, thank you everyone for an awesome day. Really great food and awesome show of our community.
53:10 (scaled up to 405 squats)Not sure what I was doing but for some reason I was doing 30 squats a round. I had ben playing with the idea of 10, 15, or 20 rounds and guess I just got confused.
30 squats is no joke. I was wondering why I couldnt do them unbroken. Everything else unbroken.
I didnt realize I had done that many until I went to total up during my last 5 and saw I already had 405 squats…doh!It was still 10 minutes faster than last year–using a band and mixing in knee pushups.
I wanted to break 50, but the squats set me back a few minutes. I guess I can break 50 rx’d next year or try to break 50 with the 405 squats next year (anyone wanna join me)?
I just finished my last non paleo/primal meal for a month. Topped off with some Blue Marble and my Robb Wolf’s share of about 20 fish oil capsules. No Ice cream for a month will be tough if it stays this hot.
Oh well off to take an ICE COLD shower.
Thanks again everyone.
great day at cfsbk today. thanks for all the coaches for doing an awesome job setting things up. thanks to jim and joe for grilling and everyone else for helping with the food.
~34 minutes for my scled down version 1/3 mile 50pullups 75pushups and 150sqauts. felt better than expected on the run and shoulder got shaky where i expected it to. hopefully next year i’ll be able to do a full mile and move up on everything except pushups.
Thanks so much to the coaches for getting that together.
48:58 200 SUs, 300 Squats.
The food was great. I think there should be beers after every WOD, but maybe that’s just me…
Sounds like everyone had a great day at CFSBK. Sorry to have missed it. Out on long island this morning after a round of golf I went to the local elementary school and did 1/2 mile runs and 10 rounds of “Cindy” on the monkey bars in 26:45. Kind of weird with soccer games, baseball game and kids playing tag all around me but squeezed it in.
Then on the way home I drove past the Michael Murphy post office in Patchogue just to pay my respects.
61:24 as Rx’d. The excuse making part of me will point out that I lost a couple minutes trying to find tape when my right hand opened up circa round 16; the strict part of me says I should have gone faster.
Regardless, I ran the first mile in about 6:40, which is a massive PR for me.
Great day in the gym either way, and thanks to LT Murphy and all our servicemen on this Memorial Day.
Nice Scott!
Great work, everyone today. Thanks for making it such a smooth day WOD wise, food wise, and soclially. It was great too, to see some faces that I hadn’t seen in a while. You all are a great bunch to spend time with.
51:15 Rx’dMy hands hurt. Next year, +20 lb vest?
Hole. Lee. Shnikies. Yow. 55:52 Rx’d, with #20 vest. My left hand opened up around round 12 of 5-10-15 pullups-pushups-squats, and I had pullup fear the rest of the time.
Michael Murphy: you will be remembered. Thank you, all service personnel, for your dedication and sacrifices.
Almost forgot…Heyoooge thanks to Jim Ryan for getting us the grill upon which we grilled, getting our fire going, and for that tasty as heck lamb.
Also to Margie and Ariel for all the prep, and Joe Williams for manning the flames for the 2nd half.
61:11 – blue band pullups, modified pushups
As too many of you witnessed (my apologies), my knees will be a constant reminder of Murph for quite a while. Damn those pushups!
Thanks to all the coaches for warming us up, helping during the WOD, encouraging us, inspiring us, feeding us, and for all the other ways you made the day such a positive experience. Thanks, too, to EVERYONE who pitched in by bringing delicious food, grilling, etc.
Of course, thanks to all our service men and women, past and present, friends and strangers, for everything they’ve done.
After a day like today there isn’t much more you can do but give thanks for a great day and a great community. It is an honor and a pleasure to work for all of you each and every day and I can not express how proud I am to be a member of CFSBK and to have the opportunity to watch you all progress as athletes over the days, months and years.
Perhaps the most important and biggest thanks I can give is to the servicemen and women who have served this country past, present and future especially those who, like Lt. Michael Murphy, sacrificed their lives.
My very first full Murph:Rx’d-49:06.I had no idea what I’d do time-wise. The folks who did this with weighted vests or in the low 40s/high 30s. Hats off!Thanks to Noah for the tip on breaking the rounds into:5 Push-ups5 Pull-ups5 Push-ups15 Squats
I apologize if I got cold during the WOD, I just needed to focus on my count. No offense intended. A big Thanks to all who shouted out support.
Nice to finally have a big event at 597 Degraw. Can’t wait for more!
So glad there is Active Recovery tomorrow night. I’m there with bells on
1/2 Murph 26:002 rounds pullups w/white band, rest of the rounds no band. Felt like I needed to warm into this. Push ups on the knees cause they just felt hard from the get go.
First time doing any kind of Murph. Next time I’ll do the whole Magilla. I got scared by the volume and the notion of trying to recover for work tomorrow. I will not fear next time.
I know this has all been expressed, but it truly is a unique and wonderful community at CFSBK. I feel so lucky to be a part of it.
Thank you to all our service men and women. Past and present.
P.S. Thanks to all who provided food, drink and water balloons!
Yes, thank you to the grillmasters (Jim, Joe) the food prep queens (Margie, Ariel), the cheering section (everyone), band holders/moral supporters (Shane, Bailey), first aid (JBails, Matt), and the inspiration (esp Jess F, Ms. Rx’ed next to me). And to all the kids for being so adorable. And to all who brought beer;)
Days like today are so bittersweet; I’m going to miss you all SO much. At home I shed the first of (I’m sure) many more tears!
So sorry I couldn’t be there to join in with you all today (anyone doing a makeup Murph tomorrow?).I’m echoing everyone’s comments on being a part of this community, I feel blessed.
This really is a wonderful way to commemorate Memorial day and all of our service men and women. I have many friends and colleagues that are BOG (boots on ground) as I type, many that have been there and some that are shortly on their way. Some have been injured, all have been changed. I thank them and all of our military and civilians fighting for our country for their hard work and sacrifice.
Thanks to everyone for coming out and providing encouragement and food.
First time doing Murph; result was 57:29 as rx’ed. To begin I tried to stick to doing rounds of 5 pullups, 10 pushups and 15 squats. The pullups and squats were pretty consistent, but my pushups broke down into small sets very quickly.
Thanks to whoever suggested to break the pushups into 2 sets around the squats.
Thanks to Joe for manning the barbecue. I needed all that food after I was done.
I was happy to get it done in under an hour.
And thanks to everyone for their indulgence after being hit by water balloons and that big bouncy ball by my son. It was fun.
Ooh I ripped up my fingers. I’m still not sure how I’m going to take a shower without too much pain. Typing seems fine though 😉
Today was fantastic! I had a blast watching everyone work their butts off and, as usual, the community spirit was remarkable.
Big thank you to Shane and Fox for organizing the whole deal so well.
Jim and Joe were the master grillers, and they turned out some killin’ meat – thanks Ariel and Jenna for helping me prep!
And, of course, thanks to all who brought tasty treats for us to enjoy. I am always impressed with our collective prowess in the kitchen.
I wish you all icy baths and a limp free day tomorrow 🙂
52:03 modified –> I did 150 sit-ups and 150 one-armed KB swings (25#) instead of push-ups and pull-ups because of the whole torn pectoral situation. Should have gone heavier on the swings, but I was a little uncertain of my abilities since it was my first WOD since the injury.
Great day, thanks to lamb king Jim, coaches, water balloon throwers, and the rare but pleasant visitors like Sgt Mike and Brandy.
Semper Fi.
Murph, as Rx’d47:24 as Rx’dMile 1: about 6:58Pull-ups all unbrokenPush-Ups 5/5 then 3/2-3/2 after round 5Squats slow and steadyMile 2: who knows, very slow, had to walk one bit of the first lap, felt like I was overheating.
I was hoping to do 42 minutes on this but I’m happy with my effort.
It was a great day to come back from Vacation, very glad to get to see everyone for our second event at the new space.
Big thanks to the rest of the coaching staff for holding things down while I was away.
My very first Murph!60:27 rx’d.
Did this Cindy style. The pushups were clearly my limiting factor and were mostly in 2’s until the later rounds where there were lots of singles. Pullups were good until round 12 when my right hand tore. My left hand joined the party in round 14. Will be skipping softball tonight because I cannot image putting on a glove or swinging a bat right now. OUCH!
Went in thinking I’d love to do this in under an hour, but I wasn’t sure how realistic that was for me. The first lap of the last run was a killer. I ended up walking alot because of a bad side stitch (excuse, yes I know) and could have totally shaved the 27secs there. Next year for sure!
Overall, it was a fantastic day! Big thanks to Shane and Chris for coming to the rescue with tape. To Jess Bails for giving me water and taping my left hand while I was squatting. To Matt U. for torturing me with new skin. To Margie, Ariel, Jim, Joe for the hardwork in making sure we were well fed. To Brandy, Julianna, Sgt. Mike for being so great with Dharma and the water balloons. To everyone for the support, encouragement, conversations and laughs. And of course, big thanks to David for creating this fantastic community.
Grateful to everyone in the military and in crossfit. What a great day!
51:53100 pushups200 situps300 squats
Chris, we do finish every WoD with beers….
i was glad i did this under an hour. 58:55 but it really sucked. im very surprised i dint puke. next time im going to do it 6 push ups, 10-12 pull ups, 6 push ups, 20 squats so its a little more chipper style to get the squats done earlier and have less time on and off the bar. also, i can regularly do 6 push ups at a time but then after that its singles. strict.
41:13 no vest
Impressive you guys that crush the Murph below 40 min.
What’s the most efficient way to practice the Murph?
i am so bummed to have missed this. next year! congrats on everyone who did it. those are all great times!