3-3-3-3-3 or 1-1-1-1-1
(E4/4) Max Effort or Sets Across
Post loads to comments.
compare to 5.24.10
Accessory Work:
1500m Row
Every 300m drop your split time by :10s.
Athletes must maintain sub 20 S/M stroke rating
I missed you too.
Welcome back David! Congratulations on helping to make the NEQ a great success!
Happy Belated Birthday Carlos G.!
Remember that tomorrow is our 3rd Annual Memorial Day Murph from 11a to about 3p. Come out and participate, spectate or even player hate.
Bring your real family to meet your CF Family. If you haven't yet, RSVP to comments and let us know if you're bringing a side dish for the BBQ.
Receiving the Bar, Coach Burgener Crossfit
I’ll be there tomorrow with a large spinach salad.
After the BBQ…would anyone be interested in doing a Paleo challenge with me for the month of June? Perhaps something similar to what CFV did? I’m using June to clean myself up and would love to gather folks to join me in…
i’ll be coming but i dont know what to bring. i’m open to suggestions as long as it doesn’t involve me cooking. i like you guys too much to do that to you. beer maybe?
I’m in for Murph. Not sure if I can do the BBQ, but I’ll bring something if I can.
Im in for Murph + Tene, Kamau, and maybe my sister.
We’ll be bringing a Kale dish, Plantain dish, and either a small steak or couple pieces of chicken.
Jess ~ let’s talk, girlfriend!
And I’m still in for the BBQ, likely +1.
we are having a BBQ today – feel free to stop by for free food and booze. you can even workout if you want to be the crazy guy working out at the party. crossfit bliss.
29 strong place, garden apt, between kane and degraw.1pm-ish
i think ill be there for murph. if we have leftovers today ill bring something.
if you come to our bbq and want to bring alcohol bring something other than beer.. cheap pink wine maybe. we have SO much beer.
Pretty chill day at SBK today.
Warmup:-droms-3 rounds of: 5 k2e, 10 inchworms, 20 kb swings (1pood)
Power cleans:-(45×5, 65×3, 75×3, 85×3)-work: 95x3x5
1500m Row:Started at 2:30 but couldn’t really get below 2:00 in the end and I didn’t really feel like pushing it.
Jess – I’m in for a June paleo challenge!
I am in for murph, and will probably bring fruit salad.
120lb power cleans 3×5 (pr)
Rowed B and was going great until the last 300m when my oversized FGB t-shirt started getting caught in the seat. This is contra-indicated for making 1:50.
I’ll be bringing corn relish for Murph tomorrow.
WUdroms10min (not amrap)5 K2E10 inchworms20 KB swings
POWER CLEAN(45×5 95×5 135×3 165×3)185 190 195 205 210felt good. i really like this movement. i need to drop more. i’m almost muscling it up. looking forward to the next time.
ACC WK1500m row. incr spd by 10sec every 300m.got to 1:40. just. started off too fast. 2:10 instead of 2:20. that’s where i screwed up.
CDfoam roll goodness.
jess…i’m in for paleo too
this will be my 3rd murph, my strategy this year is to do 10 rounds of 10 pushups, 10 pullups, 10 pushups, 30 squats, instead of the “cindy” style rounds I have done in the past. my reasoning is I think I waste a lot of time switching, 10 pullups are easy for me to bang out and it would be good to break up pushups as much as possible.
looking forward to seeing everyone and the bbq afterwards!
Jess, I’m in for the Paleo challenge.
I’m so sore! Damn squats, cleans and rowing! I hope it goes away by tomorrow.
I’m bringing guacamole along with chips, carrots, and bell pepper slices.
Jess – Maybe. I need to clean myself up, bad.
Rough day at the gym today. Just wasn’t feeling it.
Power cleans 5×3(75×5) (95×5) (125×3)135×2+f 135xfdropped down to 95x5x5 to work on technique.
Did the B row. The first segment was the hardest. Can’t seem to row a 2:30 for the life of me. Everything else was fine, although there was a few seconds of 21 s/m on the last piece at 1:50.
That’s great news about June paleo. I had the same plan but figured I was going to have to go it alone. I’m in.
See y’all in the morning.
Same with you on all counts Joe.
Prior to this morning was excited to finish cleans, but woke up a little before the 10 AM, didnt eat and felt sluggish.
Worked at 145 but failed my last set. Started on C row, but thats just way too slow so switched up to B.
I’m in for June Primal/Paleo. Ill probably do mine with dairy–maybe not we’ll see. Will try to convince Tene to do it too. This is a good month for me to try to do it 100%. I dont think July will be since I have a lot more free time.
i’m gonna try to make the murph and the bbq tomorrow