(E7/8) Sets Across
Post loads to comments.
compare to 5.26.10 or compare to 5.22.10
3 Attempts of:
Run 1/3 Mile
Rest exactly 2 minutes between attempts.
Happy Birthday Coach Laurel!!
Crossfit: Outside the Box at Lululemon Park Slope
Shamless Self Promotion: Coach Shane is teaching "Crossfit: Outside of the Box" at Lululemon Athletica here in Brooklyn (472 Bergen St Btwn. Flatbush & 5th Ave) this Sunday at 11am. Tell your friends as this is the perfect opportunity to check out Crossfit or come in and wow first-timers with your hard-earned skills! Hope to see you and or your friends this Sunday! RSVP: brooklyn-storeATlululemon.com
Thanks to Joe Williams and Jess Fox, Crossfit South Brooklyn is
now registered as a team with New York Road Runners – Team Name is
Crossfit South Brooklyn – Code CFSB
now registered as a team with New York Road Runners – Team Name is
Crossfit South Brooklyn – Code CFSB
Joe, Jess, and Coach Fox are all running the Bronx 1/2 Marathon together on August 15th. Anyone care to join?
Jessica's Daily Affirmation YouTube
That’s 472 BERGEN Street (not Degraw) for the Outside the Box event at Lululemon – yes?
Happy Birthday, Laurel!Happy Belated Birthday, Avi!
Saw that video on youtube a few days ago. I actually do similar daily affirmations atop my sink daily…my roomates love it at 6am.
Anyone thinking about Murph with a vest on Monday?
LBBS 95×5 100×5 105x5Still @ 50% but happy to be able to squat at all.
3 Sets 1/3 Mile Run:1:461:551:55First sprints of season with five fingers. Felt great!
Thanks for the awesome strawberries Margie!
yes, yes,i was wondering who to thank for those strawberries. thanks margie.
went light on the squats today. my legs, particularly my calves are still thrashed from all those wall balls thursday. four sets of five at 145.
running 1:45,1:48,1:45
Happy Birthday Laurel! Happy Belated Birthday Avi and Paulie! There seems to be a lot of CFSBK birthdays in late May. Malcolm, you may have to do a statistical analysis to see if there is a connection between being born in a certain time of the year and being a CFSBK member.
That Jessica kid is on to something.
3×1/3 mile:2:00, 2:15, 2:20
Feeling pretty trashed by Thursday’s KB/WB and wasn’t sure the 290 would go up. Took extra time warming up (thanks, Shane). Felt really heavy, but not really heavier than the last few exposures. I think I’m about ready to tap out on this cycle, although I hoped to hit 300 (the Wednesday after Murph, yeah) for a set of 5. Hmmm.
Running is always hard for me. The good thing about the pre-determined 2:00 rest is that I didn’t have time to sissy around and decide if I was gonna do the next one.
It’s also gonna be pretty hard to say goodbye to the quarts of Milk Thistle goodness I’ve been downing after squat sessions for the past 2 months. Bikini season, here I come!
I have been slacking lately. This week, no visits to the gym at work! Ack.
It’s been in fact three weeks since I’ve posted. Ack. I can remember (I don’t have my log book from work at home) that I successfully hit 245 for 5×3 but then tried 250 and made two sets but then the 3rd set was not a success. I think I may have hit 2 reps for the 3rd set. Don’t remember. The other movements have been proceeding, except the press, of course.
Then my most recent squat exposure at work was just 225 because I was feeling out of it that morning.
Then today I thought I’d try again at 250, at CFSBK, and it was a mess.
(45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 225×1)
Then running, 3 attempts, 1/3 mile, 2 mins rest
Maybe the fact that I missed dinner last night (due to falling asleep early) has something to do with it. Must make sure I eat well before Murph on Monday.
Back squat 205×3, 215x5x2 pr
really wasn’t sure I was gonna go up 5 lbs today. Adductors were still sore and I’ve been battling a cold for the past week so feeling fatigued. I jut got back from 2 days with 42 5th graders in DC– so I came in telling myself 200-210 would be fine. After the 1st set at 205 I felt good so I said why not? What do I have to lose? 215 went up fine the first time so I did it again. Some struggle coming out of the hole, but wasn’t the hardest set or done this cycle by far.
Run158154159that last run sucked. I really wanted to quit but was scared tal would catch me.
So since we aren’t cleaning Monday are we cleaning tomorrow?
Another problem with putting on weight 5-6 lbs in last 6 weeks is I’m growing out of my work clothes. I’m starting to have a hard time buttoning up that last button around my neck–especially with my favorite slim fit shirts.
May be time for bikini season with fox. What will I do when I start a strength cycle?
Happy Birthday Laurel!
I love Saturdays that start with taking Tucker to off-leash park hours, farmer’s market, Crossfit and Bogota brunch!
Warmup:-jog around the block-line drills
LBBS:(45×5, 75×5, 95×5, 115×5)work: 125×5, 135×5, 145×5, 150×5-I’ve missed several exposures of these and planned on going light. But 125 felt easy so I wanted to work my way back up to my last sets across weight.-Nice lifting with Sarah!
1/3 Mile Runs:2:06, 2:16, 2:08-I don’t like sprinting.
Happy birthday Laurel! Happy belated birthday Avi and Carlos!
Cleans tomorrow…Yes!
WU500m easy rowline drills
BSQgood lifting with young alec today(95×5 135×5 165×5 185×5)205x5x3
pleased with this. feet wide, sitting back. been so long since i’ve squatted. looking forward to more exposures in time. see shane? i do listen. sometime.
subbed rows for runs.1/3mile (535m) x31:41, 1:48, 1:49f*@! that was hard!!! got really gassed near the end of each one. not good
CDeasy row, ghd back ext x10
happy birthday laurel and belated ones to carlos and avi.
MANY HAPPY RETURNS LAUREL! Hope it’s a great birthday!
WU:run around blockline drills
HBBS: (45×5 95×5 125×3 145×2) 155x5x3
1/3 mile x31:47 2:01 2:14Foolishly tried to keep up with Vincent on the first lap, paid for it my next two.
ACC:pullups 3×5
Happy Birthday Laurel