(E4/8) Sets Across
Post loads to comments.
compare to 5.15.10
As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
10 DB hang power snatch, each arm 50lbs/25lbs
25 Squats
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
This weekend is the North East Qualifier, get stoked!
The Starting Strength Series, Charles Staley
Ack… I totally got my ass out of bed (where it really wanted to be), biked over to CFSKB in time for the 7am class that doesn’t exist on Wednesdays. Oops. Turns out I can look like a fool on Degraw even without wall balls and runs.
I haven’t learned DB power snatches yet and watching youtube it looks like I probably should learn before I try it at home, so after free yoga at work I’ll just hit the squats and maybe practice double-unders (sorry downstairs neighbor!)
Has this been posted?The second couple mention Crossfit Chicago.
Pretty impressive.
When is Robb Wolf going to make this part of his seminars?
Paleo-Pot cuisine.
Warm-UpLots and lots of stretching
BSQ (E3/8)(45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 160×2, 175×1)185x5x3
Felt good, 190 next time.
Going to rest, do work and then Fran later..
LBBS(5): (45, 95, 135, 165×3)195x5x3
HPSn AMRAP w/30# DBs:6 rds + 10 LH HPSnMaybe should have gone heavier…
Bsq 140x5x3the “knees-out” project continues, feeling a little better every time. Always a pleasure to work out with David Mak.
Accessory Wod: 4 rounds + 8 snatches rx’d
145x5x3 lbbsqsubbed pushups for snatches. 6 rounds plus 20 pushups and 6 squats
Back-squat night. Partnered up with Jason B(?).
WU: 95×5, 135×5, 165×3, 185×1
Work: 205×5, 205×5, 205×4 (staggered coming up on 4th rep, so walked it back in).
Burner: Subbed 15 pushups for snatches (still can’t go overhead). 7 rounds + 5 pushups.
StretchingLBBS 65Lbsx5x3
Wod with 15lb DB/ 4 rounds + all DBHPS + 4 squatsFirst time doing DBPS need to straighten up inbetween each rep.
Ended with foam rollGood class
LBBS: 290x5x3
Burner@45lbs: 6 rounds + 3 snatches.
Squats were slow — just didn’t have much left after the heavy back squatting. Snatches were all unbroken.
LBBS – 185×5, 190x5x2Felt pretty good, shooting for a 10lb increase for next time.
Burner – 4rnds plus 6 snatches. Wonderful seeing Bjorn and chasing him on this one!
205x5x3Today the weight felt heavy. I had a pretty aggressive increase to 205 after 195/200 lats time. I was also feeling a little sluggish today.
WIll see how Im feeling Saturday before making a jump.
WOD as RXd 3rds, 20 snatches 18 squats.
This one really killed me. Again I was feeling sluggish and didnt go 100%, but I havent sweated this much in a WOD since last summer in the Lyceum Sauna.
Back squat at 240 across. Speed and form were pretty solid.
WOD with 45 (no 50’s left) for 4 rounds + 8 snatches. Who ever thought heavy squat then air squat is a sadist. Not necessarily a bad thing.
LBBS(45×5, 95×5, 120×3)125x5x3
WOD as rx’d w/ 25lb db, only 3 rounds plus 17 snatches because my right knee did some terrible painful pop on my second air squat and I had to go really slow on all subsequent ones.
LBBS(45×5, 75×5, 95×3, 105×2)112x5x3
Not my best effort – a little shallow on 1 squat per each work set.
WOD @20#5 rounds + 4 snatches
BSQ 155x5x3gotta try to stop my knees from moving in
WOD @ 30 lbs4 rounds + all DBHPS + 16 squats
WU: easy row
HBBS: (45×5 75×5 105×3, 135×2) 140x5x3
WOD: @ 25#5 rnds even
ACC: pullups, white band 6×3, 5×2
foam rolling
BS at 125.WOD: 4 rounds at 30 DB – my DB hps was horrible. First exposure to this and much to work on.