(2/4) L1 Sets Across/L2Max Effort
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compare to 5.10.10
For Time:
1000m Row
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If you're feeling beat up from the last week of programming, consider skipping the row for some extended foam roller love.
A big thanks to everyone who came out yesterday for the street fair either to help out or just say hello.
The Journey of Mankind
Sorry I didnt get a chance to join you on 5th for the festivities.
I really wanted to get out there but had to spend some valuable hours without Kamau cleaning up so he could destroy the house again. By the time I looked up at the clock it was already 5 PM.
body is beat.
see you tonight.
I just stopped by to say hi. I figured if I hung around too long, my GUN SHOW might intimidate people and scare away potential clients.
I’m also competing with Coach Jeremy for the title of Bierkraft’s best customer. Their pulled pork rocked, and drinking beer in the middle of the street was a highlight of the day.
Fair was a lot of fun yesterday. Thanks to all for being so welcoming to a new guy. Highlight had to be Laurel’s continuous hour of cleans, unreal.
Also popped into the box and PR’ed Fran. All on 4 hrs of sleep…good day.
Topped it all off with the big ol steak at Prime Meats…win.
You guys all think I was at the fair to help out. Really, I was just there for the beer and pulled pork. Good times either way.
Cleans:Sets 1&2: 115Sets 3,4,&5: 125
First time starting from the ground as opposed to from mid hang. Some issues, but much better than last week.
1000M Row: 3:50.4
big crowd this am
WUfoam roll, lacrosse ball action750m easy rowwall stretches that showed how tight my legs are.
Cleans(75 x5 95×3 125×3 145×3)155x3x2 165x3x3felt good.
1k row3:21 ugh! this is hard and that much harder with no sleep.
I don’t know how religious CFSBK folks are about their favorite versions of Black Sabbath, but I just wanted to say a quick RIP for Dio. I still remember listening to “Neon Knights” when it came out, and thinking it rocked.
I didn’t post last night so I wanted to get this said today:
Yesterday was such a great CFSBK day, and a great day in general. It was awesome to be part of some peoples first Frans, and see some PRs (including me and Shane!). I think the blog photo yesterday was my fav to date. Thanks to all who stayed around to push me and Shane…wifey, Bjorn, Jess B, Shawn, and whoever else.
Then the 5th Ave Fair was a blast. It was fun to see El Oso WOD in the street, and to do one myself. There was a bit of buzz about CFSBK’s street antics this morning at the other (not to be named) gym I train at.
All in all, I feel like a pretty lucky dude to be part of this community!
no me gusta el oso. Lo pejor!
Speaking of community, CrossFit South Brooklyn has a team registered for the Bronx Half Marathon in August. Jess, Chris and I are in. Who else?
Used the same weight on the cleans as last week (a lowly 52#), am still really working on form, first time starting from ground instead of mid-hang as well. The weight felt better than it did last week, my form felt worse.
4:50 for the 1000m row
Yesterday I didn’t make it in but I did do a ridiculously modified fran at home (dumbell thrusters and upright rows using stretchy band thingies in my door.. Closest I could find to ring rows since I don’t have a pull up yet), the dumbells were too light though, I shoulda stepped it up ::shrug:: I’m going to count it as a win for working on forming habit of crossfit rather than an actual workout.
Power cleaning night.
WU: Bar drills, 75×3, 95×3, 115×3
Work: 125×3, 125×3, 130×3, 130×3, 135×3, 140×2
1000 m row: 3:39.7 (PR)
i missed the other clean exposures, so i was just guessing at a weight to use here…power cleans (3): (45, 65, 85, 95) 115x5i worked too fast and probably too light, so i did an extra set at 125 and 135(2)
1000m row = 3:35.2had a little mental breakdown in the middle and stopped to adjust my foot strap. whoops. just didn’t feel like i had anything in the tank today.
(plus a newly added 18 mi round trip bike commute that’s more tiring than i’d have thought. happy for the rest day.)
Fun noon class today. Hating cleans slightly less with every exposure…stuck to last week’s weight, I want to do it right before I go heavy.(53×3, 83×3, 93×1) 105x3x5.Was able to keep the bar closer to me, now I need to remember to let go of it. Thanks Fox for excellent-as-always coaching. And thanks Willy for the tip on splaying out my knees–I think I finally understand the connection btw that, starting from a more vertical back, and keeping the bar close.
1K row: 3:49.8. Psyched as my goal was 3:50. Fun to do this with some rowing newbies plus Willy–nice work, all!
Got stuck at work, becoming a recurring theme. I got into my backyard and got most of strength training in. LBBS 3×5 225 felt easy. Could not bench it’s too heavy with no spot, Rita at dr with Michael who has fever. Was hard enough with the two kids with me. I don’t have 2.5 pounds, so DL for 5 at 295. Felt good too.
Missed bench but can’t control that, and might be ok for rotator cuff. I’ll be back in there on Wed with something to prove.
clean (3s) 120,120,120,120,125,1251000 meter row: 3.28.3
Cleans were fun as always. 175x3x5. All reps pretty clean. Form felt a lot better than last week. Weight was pretty light and there were no near misses.
Rowing is the other side of the coin. Went too hard in my second power 10 and was basically dead for rest of the row. Should find a better level than all out for my power ten so I can get back to my normal speed afterwards. 3:50 for the 1000. Ugh.
@Fox: Thanks man, glad you enjoyed the photo!
@Joe: What’s involved in getting signed up?
Missed the last exposure to the cleans, and for some reason thought they were mid-hang power cleans and did at set @185×3. Whoops, that was fatiguing!
Power Cleans:185x3190x3195x3 ugly190x3 ugly135x15
Full Cleans135x5 felt solid.
Row 1000m3:35.7
Run 1x around the block – 2:10 Thanks to ShawnS for keeping time (next time you should totally run with me, peer pressure = good)!
Then 4 rounds of 50 doubleunders at max speed. Trying to push this along, shoulders were on fire by the time I was done.
Tired, Body Brokedown.
Super stressful day from work had to get to CFSBK.
135×3, 135×3, 140×3, 140×3, 140×3
Ideally woulda liked to jump up more but was too tired. Will be ready next week even if I have to rest on Monday.
Didnt really want to row but guilted myself into it since it’d only be 3 minutes3:38.6 (PR)
Just used Wolff’s calculator and popped like 15 fish oil pills and got laughed at by wife for being weird.
Now going to sleep.
Go to: https://www.nyrrc.org/cgi-bin/htmlos.cgi/2918.1.087004571312589107
Click through the ridiculous waivers/releases, fill out your info, and remember to type CrossFit South Brooklyn into the ‘Team’ field (for some reason it’s not showing up on the drop-down at the moment).
Subbed Back Squat 5×3 for cleans:(45×5, 85×5, 115×3)120x5x3
1000m row – 4:18.3
Joe – CFSBK Team is not available yet?
Regional Events are announced!
Team Workouts:
Affiliate Event 1 * (4 – 7pm)“Pull and Push”in 12 Minutes complete:Males – 40 Snatches @ 115#Females – 40 Snatches @ 83#Then – When both males and females are done with all 40 reps, the team will go for the maximum repetitions of handstand pushups in the time remaining, one individual at a time.
The score will be the number of Handstand Pushups completed as a team. The Snatch can be power or squat. HSPUs will have hands placed on 35# plates for the entire duration of the movement, with an Abmat below your head. Full extension of both arms is required at the top of the movement.
Affiliate Event 2 * (1 – 4pm)For time:100 Ground to Shoulder (135/95)100 Box Jumps (24”/20″)100 Chest to Bar Pullups100 SDHP (95/65)100 BurpeesAt the same time: Row a 4k25 Minute Time Limit
Two athletes can be moving at the same time, however, one athlete must be on the rower until the entire 4k is completed. With the other movements, one of the three remaining athletes can move at a time. You must complete all 100 reps of one movement, before moving to the next. You will have two barbells, and the plates needed to make the weights necessary for the movements. After the 4k is completed, two athletes can move at once to finish the remaining 100 rep movements. If the 100 rep movements are done, but the 4k row is not finished, time will continue to run until the 4k is completed.
Individual Events:
Individual Event 1 (9:30am – 12:30pm)21-15-9Overhead Squats (135/95)Chest to Bar Pullups
No racks will be provided for the Overhead Squats. There is a 10 Minute Time Limit.
Individual Event 2: (4 – 6:30pm)Establish 3 Rep Max Clean and Jerk
You will have 10 minutes to establish your three rep max. All three lifts must occur within 40 seconds. If you miss a lift, you can make another attempt, as long as three successful lifts occur within 40 seconds. You will load your own bar. As long as the bar passes through the rack position, and you lock the weight out overhead with your feet below you, the lift will count. You may drop the bar from overhead. All 3 lifts must be entirely done before the 40 seconds has expired. Athletes will be responsible for loading their own bars. All athletes will be able to make 310 pounds in 5 pound increments. If you feel you will go heavier than 310, please let us know.
Other events will be announced over the weekend!
This looks awesome.
i might be down for a 13.1 mile run through the lovely bronx in sweltering August.
@Malcom-I don’t get the 40 second thing. Is that 40 seconds to complete each attempt? There’s no way you can make an attempt, change out the weight, and make another attempt in 40 seconds.
@Gabrus-Do it!
Nevermind. It’s a 3rm, not 3 attempts at a 1rm. /can’t read
Still learning the movements so spent most of my time focused on that and ended up with 85 for my Clean weight.
3:46.2 was my 1000m time and 1:53 was my split.