4 Rounds of:
1 Minute Rower, Max Calories
1 Minute Rest
1 Minute, Max Double Unders
1 Minute Rest
1 Minute, Max Ring or Bar Dips
1 Minute Rest
Post Rx and total reps per movement to comments.
Weighted Chin-Ups
(E1/4) L1 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
Post loads to comments
Noah locks out a Barbell Thruster
Happy Birthday, Bjorn B!
Happy Birthday, Katie M!
CFSBK at the 5th Ave Street Fair!
This Sunday CFSBK will have a table at the 5th ave fair next to our good buddies, Bierkraft. We'll be there from about 9am-6pm if anyone would like to stop by and say hello. In addition to having some information out, we thought it would be fun to do some quick WODs throughout the day. If you're interested in helping out with this please email margie(at)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com.
Were also looking for a 6-8ft table to display our stuff on. If anyone has one they'd be willing to lend for the day please let us know!
Just a reminder that I’m buying drinks to celebrate my official entry into middle age tonight at Der Schwarze Kölner, 710 Fulton Street. Hope to see you!
Happy Birthday Bjorn!!!
Happy Born Day Bjorn.
I have two tables of undetermined length that I could loan you. They are pretty sturdy. I think that one is 6 ft and the other 3 ft. Someone would have to come and pick them up.
Where’s The Beef?http://online.wsj.com/article_email/SB10001424052748704370704575228663711638580-lMyQjAxMTAwMDAwOTEwNDkyWj.html
Got Oil?http://gizmodo.com/5537703/underwater-video-of-the-main-gulf-oil-leak
BjornHAPPY BIRTHDAYyou are catching up to me,I’ll wait for you.
weighted pullups bwx5, 25dbx3, 30dbx3, 35dbx3x3
wod totals for 4 rnds: 74cals, 134DU’s, 27ring dips
Happy Bday Bjorn! I crested the hill not long ago. This side is pretty good so far.
yesterday squats 185x5x3
7:04 7thrusters/ 20situps x 5made it through with 95# bar but nailed my chin on final rep. I have a bruise today.
Happy Bday Bjorn! We’ll toast you from the west coast. I want photos of the mayhem!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Katie & Bjorn! La la la. Skip, Bounce, HURRAY!!!
So many May babies!! I like people born in May 🙂
AJ – we are set for a table, thanks!
High Bar Back Squat-230x5x3. Slowing down a bit but still feeling good.
Bench-205x5x3 WOMP WOMP! Failed every set. 4 reps, 3 reps, 3 reps. Time to bust back and rebuild from 185.
Yesterday’s WOD: Rx’d 4:55. Oh Thrusters. Great to chase Fox on this one
WUfoam roll, lacrosse ball goodness3 min row 20s/m avg 1.48-1.50 paced roms
CU(bwx3x2, 24lbx3)1pdx3 1.5pdx3 2pdx2.97 sooo close
Meatballerg cals 28 26 24 22 – 100kb 1.5pd subbed for du’s 35 35 30 30 – 130bar dips 18 11 11 10 – 50
this is the first time in a long time that i felt pukey knocking on the door. a dooozy. kudos to the programmer.
CDfoam roll to try and untighten this damn knot in my calf that refuses to bugger off.
Very sore from yesterday so I spent about an hour foam rolling/lacrosse balling in the late afternoon. Hurts so good.
Chinups:BWx3x3-suprisingly these felt easy for me, which I’m super happy about! May actually try a weighted (say 5lbs?) chin up next week.
WOD:Row–17, 18, 18, 18 = 71DU’s–29, 37, 41, 50 = 157Pushups–20, 20, 16, 20 = 76-The pushups were by far the hardest, but my double unders today were the most frustrating part. That first round was awful and I just kept getting caught in the rope. My usual rope felt shorter so I tried a different one, and it didn’t help. Anyways, no excuses. I should have tested it out before.-Fun to have Sarah next to me pushing me on the pushups. Awesome job on that last round!
Squat (yesterday)215x20x1…so much fun
Thruster/Sit up WOD Rx’d4:51Yep, thrusters STILL suck.
Today’s Minute Madness MeatballI have to check the board, but something like…Row – 92DU – 190Ring Dip – 96
Always fun to take class at SBK!
chin ups 40,40,45lies lies and more lies. my columns got mixed up on the white baord correct numbers…row: 89 calories, double unders: 327 and ring dips: 36.fox, you killed the ring dips!
Happy Birthday Charmel and Bjorn. May 13 was a good day for Crossfit.
Row 81Pushups 70Box Jumps 92
Big hairy fun today–even after the face-plant box jump when I looked up at the clock instead of down at the box! Whoopsie.
Happy birthday Katie and Bjorn!
Today I was super sore. More sore than I have been in many months, but only my quads. Foam rolled for about half an hour then did the weighted chins. 3×3 at 53. Followed by more foam rolling.
No WOD for me today.
Came in late, grumpy and starving after a long day at work. Didn’t want to join the class because I was 12 minutes late and didn’t want to make people do burpees. Wasn’t sure about the WOD because my silly hip is hurting again. grr. Warmed up on my own and then felt ok so snuck into the group… naughty.
Weighted Chin-ups: 40lbx3x3 These felt good, chin well over the bar, nice and fast.
Nice work Jess F and Jess B, both of you are making such enormous gains on your pull-ups! I can’t wait to see what this cycle does for you.
WOD:DU: 66, 60. 53, 60 = 239Bar Dip: 13,10,9,9 = 41Row: 17 17 16 18 = 68
Trusty green rope was really failing tonight – first felt funky to Jess and then broke on me in the third round of double unders. I ended up with the weird super long blue one for the rest of that round which made things funky. Bar dips were hard – I didn’t realize people were kipping ring dips or I might have tried for those, thought they had to be strict. Oh well! Good to work the triceps (they are still somewhat pumped several hours later.) Rowing was hard as always, Willy got me to get my stroke rate up in the last round and that really helped my calories, I need to work on moving more quickly.
Christine is running a round-the-clock, 200 mile relay race in which you sleep in your team van! She’s the puppy in a team of over-the-hill, super-fast, marathon moms.
Happy Birthday Bjorn and Katie!Weighted chin ups – 45x3x2, 50×3
WOD:Dips – 17, 14, 14, 13 = 58Row – 26, 23, 23, 24 = 96DU – 56, 57, 58, 58 = 229
Go Christine!
Weighted pullups10x325x330x340x2 f on the 3rd
WOD totals88 calories139 double unders59 bar dips
Row stayed pretty consistent but got progressively harder as the rounds went on.
Double unders! Had my best set of 48 on my last round.
Bar dips–these were hard but fun.
First round knocked out 21it then dropped to 13, 12, 11. I think I gassed myself out too much on the 1st round.
Chin-ups: 2×1 assist1x2 assist3 assisteek – I haven’t been working these enough and it shows!
WOD: Dealing with two injuries so subbed 1 pood KB swings for DUs and one-armed push press (20lb left, 25 lb right) for dips.
57 cals rowed85 swings60 push presses
Did this at Ladies’ Day with Shane (Friday noon class)–good times.
Chinups: 1×3 white band warmup1x3 strict2x3 WITH FIVE POUNDS.
I am beyond psyched about this. Now I just need to freaking keep it up. Please, everyone, when you see me in the gym, ask me if I’ve done my pullups yet. Thanks!
Crazy-ass 1′ WOD:Row-73 calsDUs-100 (including a PR of 22 in round 3!)Pushups-91
And Happy Birthday Katie!