(E4/4) L1 5×3 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
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compare to 3.19.10
Double Under Ladder
Complete the following sets of Double Unders in sequence. You must
complete an unbroken set of doubles at the given rep range before moving on to
the next set. If you get stuck at a set before 50, you may opt out and
work back down the ladder. There is a 12 Minute cap on this workout. If you don't have Double Unders, you'll practice this skill for 12 minutes.
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The 8am class gets ready for sprints
Our Foundations Cycles for May are now up. Spread the word!
May Evening Cycle
Dates: 5/12-6/7
Times: 8pm-9:15pm
Register Here!
May Morning Cycle
Dates: 5/20-6/14
Times 10am-11:15am
Register Here!
That’s what we get for stuffing animals with corn:
The lesson? grassfed.
Jim: There are many problems associated with feeding corn to livestock, but it’s the ethanol situation that seems to be to blame for the corn shortage and the resulting increase in meat prices. BTW, grass fed is probably still more expensive than the highest prices seen for corn fed meat. So if you can afford it, then go grass by all means, but when your WIC allowance is less than some people pay for gym membership, then you gotta do what you gotta do to feed your family.
@Jack –
Totally agree on all points. All I was saying is that while there may be some spillover to grass fed, their prices, albeit more expensive overall, are less correlated to corn than the frankenstein stuff is. Either way thought it was interesting. I totally agree that many people find it prohibitively expensive, and you gotta eat. I guess if you go cornfed, pop some omega 3s. A lot of interesting stuff out there to read about the unintended side effects of our corn subsidies.
i’m not going to be forced to run barefoot, am i? i haven’t had the barefoot running cool aid and don’t plan to.
Steph – no forcing! Anyway, I did drink my barefoot running cool aid and I’m not running barefoot on Degraw.. too much glass. Y’all are crazy people or have never had the joy of stomping down on a nice sliver of glass and so don’t know what yer risken.
DL 1-1-1-1-1(75×5,105×3,125×2,135×1) 145×1,150×1, 155×1, 160×1, 160x1Very pleased with this. Been awhile since I went for one reps.
12 min. DU practiceBest attempt was 13. PR. Happy about that.
Kipping Pull up practice6-6-5-5-4pooped at the end. Thanks Dan for the tips and eyes!
Thanks Chris for class!
DL Max Effort. Should have dialed it back and done sets across. But wanted to go for it.
300, 315, 315, 315F, 185×8. The first 315 was supposed to be a pretty safe lift, but it felt really heavy. Fortunately it was my legs and not my back so it was safe just hard. This was new for me where the limiting factor was not back rounding.
Repeated at 315, and ended up going down and doing a larger set at 185 because it was available and I wanted some extra form work at a lighter weight.
For the double under wod. No chance at the 50 but did do 5,10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5. Took me about 11:45. 30 was a PR by 3. Still giant jumps, but they feel like they were shrinking a little as I fatigued.
Late work night so had to do this one at the Globo
Sumo Style DL:345 x 1350 x 1 (PR)355 x 1 (PR)
DU’s are still a little shaky. A bit out of practice:
5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-45-40 Then time ran out
Can’t wait to get back to the box
Deadlift 3×5 335lbs
Double under ladder: finished all rounds in 10:55. I didn’t have any fails, but came close when I clipped my shoes on the first round of 45. My forearms and shoulders felt fried after this ladder.
Foundations WOD:
kettlebell swings/burpees/situps
my burpees suck *all* the ass.
deadlift 215x5x3double unders ladder 5 > 50 and time ran out.270 meter sprints; 43,44,45 seconds
DL – felt very heavy and lower back felt tweaked so on Mr. Fox’s advise went with a safe weight with sets across. 235x3x5
DU – Man, is anything more frustrating. Got to 30 before I had to go back down. Got the last five at about 12:03.
1200 class is great!
DL: (75×5, 135×3, 185×1, 195×1)
205×1, 215×1, 225×1, 235×1 (20lb PR!!!), 235F
HURRAY!!! I finally got away from the ~200lb range. Very happy with this. Thanks Jess for encouraging me to go for the 235. ๐ First time having two wheels on each side!
DU: 5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,45… then I kept failing! grr.
Accessory: 5 assisted handstand pushups white band low racks, 1,1,1,1 unassisted singles against the wall. These were hard after the DU… but I really really really want a set of 5.
Deadlift, after 3 weeks of sets across…430, a 10 lb pr!
DU wod5-40 and quit at 7 minutes so I didn’t start the noon class a complete wreck
did OHS, still avoiding deadlifts
(45x5x2, 75×3, 85×3)95×3, 105×3 PR, 110×2.5 and then went down hill from there.
double under laddermore like 12 minutes of frustration!made it up to 20 and even that took awhile.
did some pull up work – getting easier to string together multiple kipping pull ups repeatedly
Posting from iPhones suck. Just lost everything. Boo.
Stuck at work late and then at Downstate’s curl-centric gym; an entire room of really nicely made equipment dedicated solely to elbow flexion!) This place spent an UNGODLY amount of money on truly useless equipment and threw out THE SQUAT RACK and THE GHD. At this point, the dumpster outside is actually a better gym than the gym itself.
I thouroughly annoyed everyone hunched over on a stairclimber while trying not to drip sweat on “US Weekly” (I actually enjoy this magazine), “Muscle and Fitness” (just tell your parents already, it’s 2010!) or “Textbook” (worst of all in my mind although I really can’t quite say why) by pulling 1 rep deadlifts from the floor. (Maybe I yelled a little. Involuntary. Couldn’t be helped.)
Anyway, something about this antagonistic environment helped me to a PR. 415. I’m very happy about this.
I’m happy even though I was unable to curl it at the top of the deadlift. I probably should have stood in front of the mirror.
lol great read Willie.Why am I still up?
One part of the Crossfit Koolaid i havent had yet is getting a good 8 hours. ๐ Id liek to try to get at least 7.
Anyhow deadlifts(95, 135, 185, 215)255×3, 265x3x4 I think this a PR for 3’s. Felt alright coming up, but as usual, trouble going down. I just feel real tight.
DU WOD: no good. Im glad I can string together some doubles now–but no more than 10.
Doing doubles with no shoes really sucks and is frustrating. I had the Vibrams in the car but didnt wanna run through the rain to get them. Ive learned my lesson.
Holy crap Laurel!
Deadlift:(95×5, 125×3, 155×2, 175×1)185 (PR)190 – Failx2185 – Fail
Got to 25 in the DU WOD but only after making a mid-WOD trip to the ladies room. ๐
Love the story Willie!
Warmup:-3:00 row at 15 s/m-a little foam rollin’ and hip openers
Deadlifts:(95×5, 145×3, 195×3, 205×1)215, 225, 235, 245F, 240F-Back started rounding pretty immediately at the 245 attempt and I barely moved it off the floor. The 240 attempt was better but I felt my back going and dropped the bar halfway up. Happy with 235 even though it’s 5 lbs under my PR.
Double Under Ladder:-I was able to get rounds 5 – 45 unbroken on the first attempt in a little under 7 minutes. The rest of the time was spent trying to hit 50. The closest I came was 43. It’s a really sucky feeling when you know you are going to fail. Definitely want to try this again though!
Congrats on all the PR’s!
Holy shit ladies! Some nice pulls Deb, Laurel, Jess, Bethany. Wish I hadn’t tweaked my hamstring at the start of this cycle, I’ve been playing it safe. Did 195x3x5 with impeccable form, no switch grip–felt good about that.
DU WOD massive disaster. Got to 15. Thanks for the “jump tall” cueing, Fox, that really helped–not only with getting consistent DUs, but also with not jumping backwards, which I have been doing.
Want to get in the habit of this posting thing.
Foundations WOD:
kettlebell swings/burpees/situps
7:34 or a little before. I sat for a while before being reminded about the clock at which point it was 7:37.
My burpees suck, I need to work on pushups a lot more.
YAY hi elissa ๐
Great class yesterday!
Deadlifts:65×3, 95×3, 105×3, 115×3, 120x3x5…lower back is a bit sore today. hmm.
DUs:I have previously done two DUs total in all my attempts up until today, so the results here are very exciting! Worked for the full 12 minutes with a ‘single, single, single, double’ rhythm. Best consecutive = 7! PR for me ๐
That was the confidence boost I needed to get pumped up about DUs, thanks for the coaching Chris.
Accessory work: partner assisted pull-ups 5×3
Performed on Tuesday:
3 sets NFT: 10 KB swings 1 pood and 10 push-upsDL 1-rep max: 245, 255, 265, 270 (PR)DU WOD: 5 -> 35, at which point it was past 7 minutes and I wanted to try to get back down. I might’ve had a chance if I hadn’t tripped on #17 on my second set of 20.Stuck around after class for 4×6 toes-to-bar.
Foundations WOD
800m row50 sit ups30 burpees (squat thrusts, rather– good luck with adding that push-up!)
That row is deceptively exhausting.