(E2/4) L1 5×5 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
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compare to 4.10.10
Get with a partner and alternate stations for max repetitions in the allotted time. The work interval is :45 and the rest interval is :15. Complete 4 work intervals of each movement.
Box Jumps, 28"/24"
Kettlebell Swings, 2 Pood/20Kg (Forehead Level)
Post partner, Rx and total reps completed per movement to comments.
Charmel R gets some vitamin D and WB
Bierkraft goes Paleo!
Yes, it's true. Ben Granger, owner of the raddest beer shop and brand-new SBK member, has added a special Paleo option to his menu of sandwiches, buns and brats.
Ben has devised perhaps the best food item ever: meat wrapped in meat, on a stick. Enter, the Bottle Rocket. These tasty concoctions look like corn dogs, but are made entirely of meat. Each weekend, Ben will be serving up a different Bottle Rocket – a perfect post workout treat.
This weekend's Bottle Rockets are:
Ground lamb rolled in pistachios, wrapped in pickled collard greens and covered in homemade "lambchetta" (panchetta, only with lamb belly)
A pinwheel of chicken sausage, caramelized ramp leaves, black trumpet mushrooms and lamb neck, wrapped in lambchetta
Bierkraft is on 5th Avenue between Berkeley and Union
Our South Brooklyn Kids classes kick off today!
Don't forget to check out, "Parlour Games", the Free dance performance today at 5pm at SBK.
Bierkraft today post WOD!It will be a race to beat Ryan over there.
katie says
Good early morning class.
OHSq (3): (45, 65, 85) 95×5
Jump/KB thing with Tam– (20″/1 pood)I got 66 jumps, 103 swings, she got 65 jumps and 84 swings for a grand total of 318.Maybe I could have gone heavier on KB and taller on the box, but this scale allowed me to keep moving the whole time.
Deb says
OHS (45×5,45×5,50×3,55×2) 60x3x5Definitely going to jump up in weight next time. This was perfect for dialing in the form. I love this movement!Accessory WOD with Willie 1 pood KBswings, 20″Box Jumps total=348. Box jumps were hard and turned into some type of quick foot switcheroo in the middle.Good class.
.DMG says
WUfoam rolldromsohs drills
OHS(45×5, 65×5, 95×3, 105×2)115x5x5felt good. i really need a good warm up for this movement. it’s a great one!
BJ/KB with the mighty bjornrx’dbj -16(bj), 26, 14, 25, 14, 23, 16, 21mcg -32(kb), 16, 27, 28, 26, 18, 27, 18total 337
cdfoam rollghd extpush ups with band
Tal says
Maybe one day I can do one of these exercises… (and I thought handstand pushups are hard)
Ash says
Good to be back at the sat AM class after missing last week and nice to work with Mike..
WUDU 30 sec splitsfoam roller workOHS drills
OHSfirst exposure for me this cycle..5×45/5×65/3×75/3×75/3×95/3×95/3×95
felt better with the movement as i went on, Shane pointed out a need to engage shoulders a little more..
AccWorked with Mike for a total of 320 with 1.5pd
A(KB:BJ)(26:16)(26:15)(25:13(25:15)M (25:16)(25:15)(23:15)(25:15)
Sarah says
overhead squats (max effort)warm-up [22 x 5, 27 x 3, 32 x 3, 37 x 3][42 x 3, 47 x 3, 52 x 3, 57 x 3, 62 x 3]
accessory wod:Box Jumps (a little more than 20″): 13, 11, 10, 11Kettle-bell swings (20kg): 20, 18, 16, 20
Fox says
OHS 5x345x5, 75×3, 105×1125,135,145,150,150
feelng a bit whacked so I left the conditioning alone today.
Can’t wait till lunch at Biercraft. Hope there are a few bottlerockets left!
WTF were all you peple doing at the un-godly 8am class?!
Samir Chopra says
HBBSQ today instead of OHS on account of sore shoulder.
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 125×5, 165×5
Work: attempted sets across of 190×5. Got to 190×3 on the last set and then had to bail. Thanks to Shane and Laurel for observing me and the tips!
Acc WOD: Subbed 25 lb DB cleans.
51 cleans, 54 24″ box jumps. Everything felt hard.
Time for a nap.
Laurel says
I could definitely still feel Thursday’s workout today. Was nervous about my shoulders, but once I warmed up things seemed fine.
OHS: 45×5, 65×5, 85x5105x5x5
Strangely the OHS got easier after the 2nd set. Very exciting. I’m looking forward to upping the weight next weekend!
Accessory WOD: 24′ box/1.5 poods with Jess. Found this fairly challenging – BJ: 45, KB: 73 – so 118 and I think Jess had BJ:49, KB:71? so 120, so 238 overall? (Correct me if I’m wrong Jess!)
Anyway, great day and GREAT squatting Julie.
Jess says
Warm Up:-Jump rope: singles, then doubles, then attempts at triples-Foam Roll-PVC Overhead squat drills-10 Burpees (late folks…boo!)
OHS:(22×5, 45×5, 60×3)work: 70x3x5
These felt much better today than last week. Maybe I had more confidence because I taped up my wrists??? Either way, felt good.
Accessory WOD:24′ Box Jump: 15, 12, 11, 11 = 491.5 pood: 20, 15, 18, 18 = 71Total=120 (Laurel has the team total above)This blew. I wasn’t afraid of the 24′ box though so that was good. I just can’t cycle them fast though. The KB felt super heavy today.
Malcolm says
Great class today.
Felt really sore going into it and was a bit spooked about going overhead when my shoulders were feeling pretty smoked.
WU: 45×5, 75×5, 95×3, 115×1.
Work: 135, 145, 155, 160, 165PR All by 3.
I think I have at least 170 in me for next week. Love overhead squats.
Accessory work was hard on me.
Did it as Rx’d with the 2 pood and the 28 inch box. Worked with Ryan who definitely out paced me.
KB: 63. BJ: 54 + 117 Total. Looks a lot better if I add in Ryan’s 169 for a team total of 286. Wish half of that was mine.
Julie says
Thanks Laurel and Shane for fantastic coaching this morning. LBBSQ at 60x5x5.Laurel’s wall metaphor worked well for squatting today, too bad the “glass” one for the box jumps didn’t prevent me from smashing down in an elephant style 🙂 Good acc. work with Becca, not sure on our numbers.
Bethany says
Overhead Squat: 80x3x5. These felt good – the hardest part for me is the setup/jerking that weight overhead and getting it stable.
That accessory WOD wiped me out! Samantha (H.) Foxxx was my partner. Don’t have our team total but I did 49 BJs at 24″ (wow that sounds dirty) and 78 KB swings at 1 pood.
David Osorio says
warm-upfoam rolling
felt like some light snatching before OHS,95×2, 115×2, 135×2, 145x2x3
OHS(45×3, 95×3, 115×3)135×3, 145×3, 155×3
had to cut it short to help set up the dance performance gig. didnt feel my grove on OHS today anyway.
as usual, lots of random handstands today.
ShawnS says
OHS w/u: 45,65,75,95Work: 105, 105, 110, 110 (real wonky set), 110 (PR)
Had a 15# jump from last week. Its not the weight its the balance. Im sure thats the case with everyone.
Accessory RX for 2 rds then tapped out to the 1.5 pood.Hand still torn up from Thursdays WOD made KB swings that much more difficult.57 swings 62 BJ did it solo no team.
Tam says
Thanks for posting my stuff, Katie.
OHS: wu= 45×5, 55×3, 65×1 (then I bailed)
quickly realized I wasn’t going for the 70# I’d hoped for.
65x3x3 60x3x2 (or is it x2x3…always forget, 3 reps, 2 sets at any rate)
65 felt okay, but my hips are definitely still a bit wobbily, so I decided to go down. Felt more solid at 60.