5 Rounds of:
300m Row
20 Pull-Ups
10 Burpees
Rest approximately 3 minutes between intervals.
Post times per round and Rx to comments.
Accessory Work
Spent 10-15 Minutes Foam Rolling
Check out this recap of the CrossFit Total that closed out Jeremy's Strength Intensive! Thanks Paulie S for putting this together.
Happy Birthday, Sam H!
This Saturday at 5pm we're hosting the Tze Chun Dance Company for their production of "Parlour Games". The event is Free and all SBK members are encouraged to attend. Check out this teaser for the show.
Hey all, missing CFSB. Had a great time with the folks at Crossfit Guelph (Ontario) yesterday. Michael, the owner, was very welcoming and has a great group of kick ass crossfiters.WOD – thrusters @ 95lb and deadlifts @ 225:400m run30 thrusters30 pullups30 box jumps30 deadlifts400m run2min rest200m run15 thrusters15 pull ups15 15 box jumps15 deadlifts200m run33:58 rxedNo excuses but I went into this beast with a mighty hang over. Still, good times!
Wow DMak – that looks like a brutal WOD to do with a hangover. Any hurling?
Nice video by Paulie. Awesomely illegal too. Boo to copyright law.
there’s a group going if anyone wants to join. see you there.
10pmUnited Artists108 Court Street
warm-up x2300m Row @ 25 s/r5 Ring rows/5 Scap Depression2 Rot Mnt Climb Each Side
Row/Pull/Brp WODR1: 2:28R2: 2:22R3: 2:38R4: 2:41R5: 2:39
Total Elapsed Time: 24:50
This wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. I felt like three minutes was enough to get near full recovery. i recommend going about 90% on the Row, I went about 70-80% on some of the rows and regretted the missed seconds afterwards. I tried to go unbroken on the pull-ups but that plan went to shit after round 3. Its much much better to come off the bar and re-grip than tear. MUCH better. Burpees need to be a sprint.
Yay! Kickass! Tonight!
You should all come, if for no other reason than to sit uncomfortably close to DMG in a dark theater.
Or me. But that’s way less exciting.
David: What is a good sub for the burpees (re: tweaked shoulder)? Would box-jumps do? If so, how many?
20, 20″ Box Jumps, S.
and a cool down of Ice massage from the freezer
Just back from the Hamptons.Introduced a winery owner who is training for a triathalon to the CFWU then we ran 5 miles together.She was spent and I ran sprints for the last 800m or so. good times.
Hope to be back to CFSBK tomorrow night!
R1: 2:25.R2: 2:44.R3: 3:27.R4: 3:30.R5: 3:44.
Total time 27:59. Done as Rx’d.
This was pretty rough following on the heels of yesterday’s 20 minute pace row. Had some conversations with my stomach and had to slow down a couple of times to keep it together.
brutal.2:303:023:123:223:12total 27:16the pull ups got me.
Shane wins for best DJ.(in my very lopsided opinion.)
WOD: 31:48
I think. I remembered my biggest and littlest, total and had an inkling of the middle times, but I could be off by a few seconds here and there. My splits were something like 1:58,2:04,2:04,2:06,2:10. The pull-ups ate my time. I was exhausted coming into this workout, just the warm-up rowing made my hamstrings quiver and ache (yesterday’s pace row)… then I jumped up on the pull-up bar in the first round and my forearms were almost immediately pumped and quivering (yesterday’s wod)… and then I hit my burpees and felt my shoulders tightening (yesterday’s benchpress)… and I thought “4 more rounds. gulp.”
Hurray for a rest day, food and sleep.
lost my individual times, but min was 3:48, max was 4:11, total was 32:31. (white band on pull-ups.)
increased my max doubles from 4 to 10 before class.
WOD 314:32
Double-unders came together the last two rounds, wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.
Subbed ring rows… which got progressively more vertical as the WoD wore on. By the end I was basically standing up and pulling my arms towards me.2:433:223:213:163:18=28:10
Subbed 10 strict pull-ups (chin-ups actually) and 20 20″ box jumps.
From memory (standard caveats apply):
Total time: 28:26
The pull-ups felt really hard – perhaps because I had done a bunch the day before as well.
Warmup–2 Rounds NFT of:-300m row-5 ring rows-5 scap depressions-2 mountain climbers with hip circles
WOD: modified to 15 pullups.3:263:564:233:584:12Total time: 31:55 (times approximates)
The pullups were the killer. When I got to 11 the first round I thought no way can I do 20–had to modify to 15 and those were still all done in singles. Boo.
Bonus work while waiting for Mr. Fox (I had alot of time to kill…):-Handstand pushup negatives 5×3-Cartwheel practice on yellow line-Putting the white boards left on the espresso table away ;)-Discovering that I can practice Dips on one of the GHD’s.-Foam Roll
Overall the best day I’ve had all week! Gonna really enjoy the rest day.
That was brutal man..
I loved the video that Paul posted! Did you guys notice Jeremy in the background getting pumped just as the guys were getting ready to lift? It was priceless.
This WOD was brutal to say the least. My time was 27:24, modified to 10 pull-ups. I benched before the WOD did 5×5 at 85lbs. After csfsbk, I took a lovely train ride into queens for a team workout (our first). Which was a slow death. It was great to see Mike and Brandy! In total I did three workout in a matter of two hours…yikes!
On another note, I super excited about the upcoming strength cycle but I’m a little disappointed that more ladies haven’t signed up (sad face). What’s up ladies?
Made this WOD up on Friday and it destroyed me
Best rd was 2:49 worst was 4:04 total time was 29 something.