(E1/4) L1 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
All pulls taken from a dead start, loss of lumbar extension constitutes a missed lift
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compare to 2.4.10
Assistance Work
Ring Rows 4×10
Isometric Hold over the pull-up bar. :05×4
Forging the future of fitness
We're very proud to announce Crossfit Kids and Crossfit Teens classes will begin on Saturday, April 17th! Each hour-long class will be meeting twice a week for 8 weeks. Classes are limited to 10 students so register today!
SBK Kids
Ages 6-10
$320 for 16 sessions
Saturdays from 2:15-3:15pm
Tuesdays from 4-5pm
SBK Teens
Ages 11-15
$320 for 16 sessions
Saturdays from 1:15-2:15
Wednesdays 4p-5p
For further information about the program, discounts for children of current SBK members and to register check out the Kids page Volusion site.
i HEART that lucy was more honest with missing a rep than some of the adults i’ve seen do crossfit!!
i’ll be there tonight, making up the sectional try-out wods, and cringing one deadlift at a time…
Yay for Lucy, and her legit box jump reps!
Kick ass tonight Steph!
Speaking of Kick Ass — who’s interested in going to see it when it comes out next week?
AND completed in a dress! She’s got talent and style.
I’m a proud Mama
the ‘goose’ rules!!
WUdromsring rows 10×4
DL(135×5, 185×5, 225×4, 275×4)315x3x5felt good. took it relatively light today.
iso hold on pu bar5sec, 10sec, 15sec, 20sec
CDfoam roll and teeny ball of pain work.
Oy Deadlift.
Warmed up with 70, 90, 110.130x3x5Felt fine. Still scary (last two times I tried max effort deadlift I couldn’t stand upright for a week. Sets across at a good tech. weight for me, thanks.)
+10×4 ring rows+iso holds, unassisted (Becca and I reminisced about when in Foundations we couldn’t even get up without assistance) :05×3, :10×1+Practiced double-unders.
GREAT Kipping tips from Laurel, which allowed me to SLAM the pull-up bar with my clavicle. I think I finally understand “burst from the hips.”…
Awesome video! Go Lucy!!!
DeadliftWarm up 135×3, 205x3255x3, 265×3, 275x3x3x3
4×10 ring rows, flat with feet on low box (last couple reps of last two sets were a little weak)
5x5sec iso hold
See ya all in two weeks, miss CFSB already.
Oh, does anyone know about an unofficial affiliate in New Orleans? I’ll be there this week and won’t have a car to get to any of the neighboring affiliates.
Deadlift: 170x3x5
170×3 is my previous x3 PR so excited to see where this ends up.
Iso holds 3x5seconds then for our last one we did max hold: 20 seconds.
Did the affiliate workouts today.
3 attempts at Max Clean and Jerk: 184, 199, 209(pr)
21-15-9 deadlifting pullup wod: 4:24 (I think)
Deadlifts felt easy for round 1, but caught up quick on successive rounds.
Pullups were all over the place. So inconsistent it’s embarassing actually. A few random chest to bar pullups, one or two belly button to bar, cracked my jaw on a rep, and alternated between gymnastic kips and butterfly.
Felt good to do a metcon.
Was really stoked to help support Stephanie P. as she stormed through the workout. Frankie, if you’re reading this, you’re a trooper, baby! See you for tomorrow’s workout.
deadlift 5×3: 195,195,200,200,200. happy to be right where i left off at the Lyceum. six month goal for dead lift and back squat is 2x and 1.5x body weight respectively.
LBBSQ: 45×5, 65×5, 95×3, 125×3,165x3x3 (trying to get back into this post hip-injury)
DL: 65×5, 95×3, 125×3, 165x3185x3x5 (wasn’t sure what weight to go for, this was probably too light, didn’t need switch grip, everything came up quickly.)
Accessory: 4×10 ring rows, feet up on the little box. Quite challenging. 5×5 second pull-up holds.
LBBBSQ: 45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 185×3, 225×3, 255×3, 275x3F(I got the first rep, but am not good at lifting while being watched, need to work on the mind game). Probably also over warmed up now that I look at those numbers.
DL: 75, 135, 185 all by 3. 250x3x5. All reps okay. Managed to keep back well set, can safely go up. Also working on getting my hip completely open at the top per a cue from Fox. Feels more natural, but will take some relearning.
Ring rows done with feet on the little box. 4×10, really felt each set by the 7th or 8th rep.
5×5 second c2b pullup holds. First four rounds I was at C2b height but not actually touching. Laurel showed me that by pulling my elbows back I could push my chest through and touch the bar in an isometric hold. Worked, but much harder. Grmph.
affiliate challenge wods
was pretty bummed about this – i know i can get 120, but had a mental hiccup on my first 110 attempt so did it again to be on the safe side. i somehow need to not psych myself out doing jerks.
21-15-9deadliftpull up
deadlifts are my arch nemesis right now bc of my lower back issues. plowed through them anyway (call me stubborn) and REALLY appreciate everyone who cheered me on. big thanks to dan and david for cheering/pushing/counting.
pull ups sucked more than i expected too.
now, advil.
Deadlifts at high noon:(95×5, 135×5, 165×3, 185×3) 205x3x5
Really worked on standing up with my chest set, driving my feet into the floor.
4×10 ring rows4x5″ hold–last set did max, 12″.
Then, went for five minutes of handstand practice in the middle of the floor. And wrenched my hamstring right where it attaches to the femur on the right side doing a kick-up. Fox, I’ll see you at 8pm tonight for some assistance. (What’s the deal with those classes? $20? Or part of the package?)
Haven’t posted in several days so I apologize in advance for the long post…
Affiliate Team Tryout WODs:#1 (Saturday)-Max Clean and Jerk= 105lbs.-went for 115 on my 3rd attempt and failed. perhaps too aggressive of a weight jump. Or I need to not be afraid to squat clean and I would have had it. Either way 105 is a PR for me with cleans!
#2 (Saturday)-Deadlift/Pullup 21/15/9TIME: 7:15-Every DL felt super heavy, but I think my form stayed rather solid because I didn’t get the crazy soreness in my low back like I did with the DL/pushup ladder that we did a little bit ago. Pullups weren’t great. My kip was all out of whack to start and then my grip/forearms were on fire! Still fun though.
#3 (Sunday)–3 rounds of 400m run/30 boxjumps/40 double undersTIME: 14:31-This was a quad-burner, but completely manageble. The last run was the hardest part for me and I nearly wanted to stop to walk. Glad I didn’t but I still need to learn how to push myself harder!
**Thanks to Ryan who was my partner in crime during these wod’s! Really glad I didn’t have to do any of them by myself! Also thanks to David running the show and to those who cheered us on!
Now back to our regularly scheduled program…
Deadlifts (Monday) 3-3-3-3-3(95×3, 125×3, 155×3, 175×3)-work: 185x3x5-These actually felt lighter as I went on. Why do these hurt my hands so much? My calluses look so much work after a day of deadlifts than after 45 pullups.
Ass.work:-Ring Rows 4×10-Pullup holds :05 x 4
*I think it’s funny that everyone keeps referring to the “little” box. Everything else we do/use in crossfit is measured except for that. It’s ADORABLE! 🙂
Ran right before coming to the box. Felt strong considering that I haven’t deadlifted in months and had run just two hours prior to lifting.
Ring Rows 4X10Pull-up holds (asst.) 4X5 secs
250 M row – :47.8