3 Rounds for time of:
Run 400m
21 Kettlebell Swings, 1.5p/1p
12 Pull-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
This is our first ever "official" Helen with running as opposed to rowing.
Birds eye view of the Run, Wall Ball couplet
12 SBK'ers have alright signed up for the Wine Wasting. Only 8 slots left!
New Spring Classes for Kira D's cooking school, The Oakridge Kitchen have been posted!
Check out these great clips from the Larry Mintz Open that Yoon S took. The last female lifter Clean and Jerks over 100lbs above body weight!
While Root Hill did give my namesake salad the kibosh, they do now have amazing bacon! They make me this special breakfast of:4 Hard boiled eggs, 4 strips of (THICK) bacon and oatmeal.
that is all.
@David – it is not the same bacon they have for salads now? The one with some kind of sugar glaze all over it?
Anyone want to do Helen with me tomorrow during open gym? I hate doing these types of workouts alone.
If I make open gym tomorrow, I’m in.
@Shawn: If I don’t make it to class tonight, then I’ll definitely join you (and Joe) with tackling Helen.
I’d like some company for Helen tomorrow too. 5:30?
Wow – I just noticed an ex-student from Brooklyn College in that video that David linked to. I remember her telling me about being an Olympic lifter (way before I started CF). Nice to see her in action.
Jess Fox – we are reserving a pair of M shorts for you!
Ill be there more at 6-6:15ish snip. Probably have to clean up a few things around the office before SPRING BREAK!!!!
Itll be fun doing this with Joe and Dan–ill be motivated looking at their backs trying to catch up to them.
Cool picture from above! Also, you can call me biased, but that Tucker is a mighty handsome dog. Great scrapbook pic Asta!
7am: Helen, RXed
so I was pretty bummed after this because I really thought my last time doing this (end of January @ CFV) I was around 11:20ish for some reason. NOPE! just looked back and 13:08 was my last time so I’ll deal with those 6 seconds.
pull ups were harder than usual, the skin on my hands is really wimpy right now, used grips. KB swings were 21 unbroken then 11/10, 11/10. running was eh.
i LOVE being able to be outside! and i LOVE the new SBK gear!
To HECK with Root Hill! Oaxaca is opening up a second location on 4th between Carroll and Press.
Oh *snap* son.
Regan, Chris pointed that out to me last night! Very excited. TACOS!
Foam roll and mobility stuff to start class.
Helen: 12:12 rx’d.
My first Helen was in January at CFV with a time of 13:42. Pretty happy with my improvement. I guess I pushed myself harder on the run. All KB swings unbroken. First round of pullups in sets of 3. Later in sets of 2’s and singles.
WUeasy row 500mfoam roll and mobility work. always welcome.
HELENmy first one, sort of rx’d. subbed row for run.pull ups feel a bit better. i think.6’s, 5’s, 3’s and 2’s. pushing off the top of the bar is key.kb’s first 2 unbroken
bjorn, nice job with your first 7 kipping pull ups!
HELEN 11:48
Helen in 14:45.
I subbed 95 lb deadlifts for the kettlebells. As usual doing strict pullups killed me. I think I also did a few extra on the last set! Thanks to Tal for the support. Next time, I’ll take Fox’s advice and do chin-ups on a workout like this (if I’m still stuck with strict pullups which hopefully, I won’t be).
14:32 on Helen with 12kg bell and blue band.Jess made me do all my pullups with the blue band even though I said I needed the green band. Also, I gotta get me some kips.
Thanks for talking me through the WOD, Jess. I honestly wouldn’t have been able to do it without you insisting I could.
That said, I am fully obsessed with getting my pull-ups looking good now. My running quality is determined entirely by bad life habits, so fixing that is a matter of fixing my life, but so help me god I am going to get a motherf**king pull-up by the summer.
11:37 Rx’d. All swings unbroken, and somehow my only unbroken set of pull-ups was my last one. I need to learn how to run faster.
Btw, I think that’s my first benchmarked WOD performed as Rx’d, aside from Annie.
Also, this link landed in my email today:
Antibacterial chalk. Anyone heard of it? Is it worth looking into?
helen 10:14goal one was unbroken kb. checkgoal two was under 10 minutes. next time i’ll run faster.
also back squated before class. sets of three 110, 115, 115, 115, 115. first time with a low bar position
Soooo much good stuff in here…http://www.youtube.com/user/crackyflipside
My first Helen, she’s not bad.10:37 rxed. Unbroken KB/first round pull ups unbroken, second was 8, 4, third round was 6, 4, 2. My first round of pullups, even though unbroken, were for sh*t kip wise. Not sure what happend but it came back.
A pleasure working out with Becca, Asta and non other than the NY Wine Guy. You all kicked ass!Finished up with a slow 2k row cool down.
Helen: 11:19Got out of the gate strong on the run, but was lapped by David in the second round.All KB unbrokenPull ups broke out into 4’s and then 3’s.Thought I would catch David on the run, but my calves broke down and it was not to be.Thanks to Coach David and Leo for the encouragement!
13:321 pood KB / blue band
Started with american swings but did the last set as Russian, all unbroken (wahoo).
Looked back on my last Helen (april 2009?) and did it in 11:55.. what! Then I realized I was using the 3/4 pood and the green band so this is not really comparable.
ps: David you’re my hero.
I’m feeling a pre WOD nervous tingle today. Im going to shoot for 10 minutes. Ive been pumped to do this for the last 24 hours.
See you guys at about 6:15
@Shawn: I’m going to try to get there by 5:30 to prep for the 6:30 WOD.
Sub 10 is the way to go!
Posting here for record-keeping…did this with Shane in the all-Charlotte noon class today (Friday). I am OUT OF SHAPE. Also, hacking up a lung. So, runs sucked. All KBs unbroken. Pullups in 5-4-3 ish for the first 2 rounds, crappy crap for the last round–grip started to fail. 13:08.
Matt U: Antibacterial anything is eeeeevil. Breeds super-bugs. Wash your hands with plain soap.