(E3/4) L1/L2 Max Effort
Time to get aggressive. Attempt a 1 rep max
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Assistance Work
Hip Extensions 3×10
Tabata Sit-Ups
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Christine G at the Prospect Park Duathalon
Reminder: There is NO 12pm Class today
Coach Laurel M and Nicole B will be competing at the CrossFit North East Sectionals this weekend. The workouts, movement standards and video demos can all be found HERE Good luck, Ladies!!
2nd Annual Crossfit Wine Wasting and Paleo Pot Luck
When: Saturday, April 10th at 5pm
Where: CFSBK (Weather permitting, we're going to try and do this on the roof)
Cost: $20
Why: To learn more about the worlds oldest adult beverage and enjoy some yummy Paleo goodness with your Crossfit family.
Brian Scott, Certified Sommelier and resident CrossFit wine guy prove that wine is Paleo! There will be a sit down seminar on wine and winemaking where we will taste 4-6 different wines . Bring all your wine questions that you have been afraid to ask! Then we will learn how to taste analytically according to the format used by the Court of Master Sommeliers. After the seminar we will all enjoy a Paleo Pot Luck feast with even more wine!
There will also be a blind tasting competition during dinner with fabulous prizes.
1st place: Bottle of Bollinger Champagne and massive street cred
2nd place: Riedel wine decanter.
The competition will be written then judged by Brian with the winners announced at the end of dinner.
Limited to 20 people so sign up early!
Please email David(AT)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com with the subject, "Wine Wasting" if you'd like to attend!
Yay Pushjerks.Those events look fun Good luck Laurel and Nicole!————–
Hey guys I posted this on the facebook page, but in case anyone doesnt have facebook–Ithought Id post here too:——Anyone interested in splitting a full share from my CSA? http://www.plgcsa.org/
The stuff comes from here: http://www.woodbridgefarmonline.com/
23 weeks: May25-Oct 26. The price with the split would be $295 each. I can do most (if not all of the pickups) and bring them to the gym. Pickups are on Tuesday.
If youre interested or have questions just respond here or inbox me!
P.S. this is my 1st year with this CSA. Last year I was a member of the Flatbush CSA. I dont have 1st hand experience, but have heard really good things with the PLGCSA.
With the competition this weekend and coach Laurel being out–is there still a teaser class on Saturday?
Yes, there is still a teaser!
just looked at the wods for sectionals and i am SOOO BUMMMED i am not competing! (insert me kicking myself in the ass for not registering)
i’ll be there judging and cheering on nicole and laurel though!
and cheering on brandy and anne too 🙂
Samantha Orme from Virtuosity is competing too! GO SAM!
I’m excited that so many people I know are going. It was a lot scarier when it was just me from CFSBK. Wish you were competing too StephP and JessF, and that KatieM hadn’t been shipped off to haiti.
I’m going to get worked on that first WOD, but you two would rock it.
Is this weekend only the qualifier for women? Where’s all the men?
Best of luck Laurel, Nicole, Anne, and Brandy!
Go ladies!
David – prob dragging 3 friends to the teaser saturday.
Shawn – how much food to expect per pickup?
laurel – anne, brandy and i may be getting a room and splitting it – if your interested let me know.
are you doing any of the wods before the workout? i’m going to do them all the next few hours. want to know if i vomit up the lunch i just ate?
your free to join me at any point if you like/can.
fyi – keith posted this on his tumbler about the first wod – it’s good info:
NY/NJ Sectional Workout #1For time:Row 1k30 burpee box jumps, 24”Row 1k12:33
I had zero intensity. Just did this gently as a warmup this morning. It’s not a terrible WOD. Obviously the faster you go the worse it feels.
My rows were just over 4min each. That’s a really relaxed pace for me. I did the BBJs steadily without stopping to just over 24” box. They took me roughly 4 minutes. I was just focusing on landing each rep in the center of the box and standing up completely.
This wod can be done in under 10 minutes if you pull 3:30 on the rows and do your BBJs at a rate of 10+ per minute.
Sarah – there are a ton of guys competing. It’s 37 women and ~119 men? I don’t know many of them – I do remember one guy, Dan Agnese, that I judged in the qualifier’s last year. He was in the top 16 until the last workout where he was killed by the C2B pull-ups and got a DNF. I’m guessing he’s taken care of that problem and I’m looking forward to seeing what he can do now.
Good luck, Ladies. Sorry to miss it.
Okay, where’s all the Brooklyn men?
Here is the answer to your question Asta: Its not very specific. But from my experience half shares are usually a lot for 1-2 people.
# How big is a full vegetable share?
A full share is sized for an average non-vegetarian family of 2 adults and 2 children. It includes a variety of 8-12 seasonal vegetables each week.
@Nicole – Thanks! Let me see how things go with the transportation stuff.
At best my rowing/burpee WOD is going to be close to Keith’s relaxed warm-up version!
I’m at work and then coaching this evening so I can’t join you. Good luck! Anyway, I’m pretty sore at the moment and want to give myself plenty of recovery for the weekend. Let me know what you think of the workouts when you are done.
My plan for this evening is to row 500m at my 1000m pace, practice some burpee box jumps and then run through all of the movements at the Rx’d weights to get a feel for them so I know what to expect. I don’t think I’ll do any of the workouts straight through though! Badass Nicole.
@Sarah – in BK!
Good luck to everyone. I would get smoked in all those events. And all events in general, unless there is beer chugging and profanity for time.
Push Jerks185205215225235Leo was right, I think I could have done more.tabata situps79. BOO!
felt good to do a group class again
I’m very cozy right now in my new crossfit sweatshirt- thanks Paul and Becca!
Push Jerks:
WU: Drills with 45s, 65×3, 85×3, 95×3, 105×3
Work singles: 115×1, 120×1 (ugly pressout), 120F, 120, 125 (ugly pressout)
There you have it. A pretty shite job. I have to admit, I’m pretty frustrated with this lift and myself. Feel a bit stagnant over these exposures. There’s always next week, I suppose.
Tabata situps: 102
Just another day at SBK.
Great weather, great classes. I’m feeling great this cycle and feel Ive gotten a lot stronger since getting back to the gym. I think a lot of thathas to do with it being my first full cycle since the long layoff so I havent hit a plateau yet.
WU: driving to Degraw as quickly as possible after leaving work late.
Push Press: Did a couple of Press, Push Press, Push Jerk complexes with the bar.
WU: 75×3, 95×3, 115×3, 125×2, 135×1
Work: 135×2, 135×1, 140×1, 140×1, 140×1, 140×2, 140×1, 140×1
Did some extra reps to try and get things right. Bringing the bar down felt a lot better today. I think the main thing is getting consistency on the “up” part of the movement to get my hips open.
Accessory: Hip extension 3x10Tabata situp: 95 (i dont know why these are so slow..I felt like I was going pretty fast.
Afterwards did 3 runs to 4th with various sandbags since I missed the warmup and finished with 2×10 GHD sit ups.
Looking forward to some type of killer WOD tomorrow. Will have to make it up Friday evening.
Push Jerks95105115120 x 2 (StephanieP did not approve first one)125 PR
Tabata SUs98Ergh!
Good fun today! Love seeing the new gear and figuring out what the easter bunny needs to buy me. Great job Becca and Paul! Oh, and totally save those medium shorts for me. I want them.
Push Jerks:-drills with the 33lb bar (I love this bar!)-warmup: 45×5, 65×3, 75×3-Work: 85, 90, 95, 100, 105
My first try at 105 was not a full lockout so I tried again and got it. Not the prettiest though. These felt much better today. Really focused on Fox’s coaching cues: controlled dip down, full hip extension on the drive, not letting the bar slip off my “meat-shelf” as I dip… I also paid more attention to my elbow positioning and I can honestly say that my wrists didn’t hurt once today! Really enjoyed lifting with Becca and Jess! Nice job ladies.
Tabata Situps: 93 total
Hip Extensions: 3×10
Kipping pullups: 10 without coming off the bar. Could only get 3 consecutive before I had to stop swinging and reset, but I’m working on this…
Arrived at CrossFit SBK shortly before 6pm to prepare for the 7pm class. Going to keep this brief.
Movement Prep Work: ~15minutesHam-string PNFDot Drills
Warmup20 Strict pull-ups20 Chest-to-deck push-ups30 Double Unders20 Box-Jumps 20inch20 Wallballs @12feet @ 20lbs20 Walking Lunges with 45lbs plate10 Deadlifts (technique) @13510 Full Cleans (technique) @13520m of A skipping20m of B skippingRun 400m unweightedRun 400m with light sandbag (25lbs?)20 Knee to Elbows4x240m partner relay run with heavier (45lbs?) sandbags
WorkoutPush Jerks:(45×5, 65×5, 95×3, 135×3, 155×3)185×1, 195×1, 205×1, 225f, 225f, 215×1
Tabata Situps: 15321, 20, 20, 20, 19, 19, 18, 15*
*abmat malfunction in the final round.
Good times today!
Oops, left out the 10 OHS @ 45lbs that were part of the warmup as well.
@Jess – Nice job on the 10 pullups. That is a huge jump, must feel pretty damn nice.
Warmed up with those lovely 45lb bag runs. Ugh, those were hard for me and it showed with some slow trudge/running.
Barbell warmup.
Then 45×3, 65×3, 95×2, 105×1, 115×1, 125×1, 135×1.
Work sets were 145, 155, 165, 175, 185PR
Really didn’t know where this was going to end up. I think 175 was a PR, but I will have to double check that. Looking forward to this next week to start a little closer to 175 and hit it hard. See if I can’t up it a bit.
Tabata situps total = 106. 3×10 Hip Extensions.
Then about 30 minutes of handstand practice. Slowly (very slowly) this is getting better.
push jerksbar warm up @ 33#(75×5)95, 105, 115, 115, 120 (PR)additional attempt @ 125 – FAIL!
115 was wonky the first time so tried it again.
3×10 hip extensions
skipped tabata sit ups but met a friend at her gym
did 4 rounds NFT ofrun 250m, 5 burpees
2×10 DB squats w 35#dbs2x10 each arm DB snatches w 25#dbs2x1 minute planks
wasn’t really in the zone to do anything specific so just played around with a few things.
having the garage door open @ SBK + the nice weather makes working out so so nice.
Typo. The 185 was a fail and the 175 was a PR.
Second exposure to the Push Jerk, and I think I could’ve jerked more weight but am pretty happy with where it went anyway. I’m not sure now if my bar weighed 32 or 33 pounds, but it’s definitely thirty-something. So assuming it was 32 pounds:
warmups on 3242x552x562x372x177x182x187x189x1(I definitely had 90 in me but couldn’t be bothered to do the math in weights. If it turns out the bar weighs 33 though, I guess I hit it.)Tabata Situps: 111
Push Jerk(my second exposure)
(33×5, 45×5, 55×3, 65×3)75×1, 80×1, 80×1, 85×1, 90×1 (after 2 fails)
The first 2 attempts at 90# were sooooo close and I knew it was totally doable – which it was. Great lifting with the 2 Jess’s!
Tabata situps: 99