(E2/4)L1 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
Post loads to comments.
compare to 3.6.10
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:
Deadlift 1.5x Body weight
Ring Dips
Deadlift 1x Body weight
If 1.5x Body weight is too heavy, use the standard 225/155 as a work weights.
Post time and Rx to comments.
compare to 6.13.09 or 1.18.09
Check out the CFSBK window at Lululemon Athletica Brooklyn all through March!
See some close-ups here and here
Happy Birthday, Collette K!
CrossFit South Brooklyn Affiliate Team
Official tryouts for the CFSBK Affiliate team will be held on Saturday April 3rd and Sunday April 4th. The final team will consist of 3 men and 3 women who will compete at the North East Regional Qualifiers on May 22-23. The only requirement for trying out is that you're able to attend the Qualifiers in Albany.
Tryouts will consist of 3 workouts scored by a point system. The first two workouts will be held on Saturday and the third will be held on Sunday. No scaling will be permitted for any of the workouts.
Saturday's Workouts
Event 1
3 Attempts for max weight of:
Clean and Jerk
Event 2
For Time:
Deadlift 225/155
Sunday's Workout
TBA on Saturday April 3rd
If you'd like to sign up for tryouts. Please send an email to David(AT)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com and post to comments.
Jason Ackerman - Albany CrossF says
I’m looking to have the affiliate competition start on Friday, May 21st.
Bjorn says
Ugh, if I only had pullups, I coulda been a contender… sigh…
gabrus says
I want in.
Joe says
Sure, why not.
katie says
last big hurrah before I’m out of town again for a couple weeks.
1st front squats with Jess, sets of 3.(45, 65, 95, 115)155, 165, 165, 165, 165
2nd DL/push-ups 10-9-8-7 etc.155 DLs, regular push-ups. The deads were probably too easy, the push-ups were killing me. I just didn’t have any more good ones in me. 7 or 8 min? i wasn’t paying attention.
3rd (a couple hours later)Cindy, kinda. Subbed sit-ups for push-ups, used the yellow band.10 kinda lazy rounds.
I’m going to try to take my pull-up bar with me so I can try a real Cindy sometime next weekend. Maybe.
Great to see everybody in the last week (except no Tamson… boo). See you all soon.
Matt U. says
Front squat 5×3 120#
DL 155#/pushups in 7:32.
Acc work: 3×6 knees to elbows
Samir Chopra says
Front Squat:
WU: 45×5, 75×3, 95×3, 125×3
Work: 145×3, 155×3, 155×3, 165×3, 165×3
Accessory WOD: 7:42. Sort of split the difference on this. Did trap-bar lifts at bodyweight (155 lbs), and ring-pushups as an intermediate between ringdips and pushups. The nice thing about this WOD is that half the work is done in the first three rounds.
Later M&R with Fox. Awesome stuff as usual. This was a blast throughout and I felt my body in ways I hadn’t before. Hmm..that doesn’t sound quite right, but you know what I mean.
Fox says
Samir – that’s the way I always coach this rep scheme (myself as well). Makes it seem less daunting.
FSq 4×3195, 205, 215(2), 215(2)
On both fails I got tired after the 2nd rep, waited up top, and slowed down way too much on the decent. My rack position sucked today, plus I sped too fast through warm ups.
DL/RD 10-1RXd at 2456:40I like ladders.
Then, apartment hunt for time
Then, last M&R class of the cycle. Thanks to Jess, Matthew, Carlos, Christine, Samir, Charles and Christian for making it great. And Shaney-cakes for jumping in and being a great demo dude. Keep up the good work.
Hope to see more faces and bodies at Active Recovery Tuesday at 8!
Tam says
Boo,indeed! Sorry to miss you, Katie. Hope to see you soon. Safe travels.
Samir Chopra says
Fox: You missed Richie in there (unless of course, you think he didn’t make it great! :))
More seriously, I learned a great deal from this M&R class and have come away with some good skills to take care of my body down the line.
.DMG says
WU1000m row (250m easy, 250m hard, 250m easy, 250m hard)
foam roll goodness. upper/lower good times.
Fr Sq(45x5x2, 75×5, 95×3, 125×3)145x3x5
DL/RD 10-1 modified. another fine little meatball.first 9 reps at 300lb, the rest at 275lbring push ups unbrokenhave to gut through the dips next time
CDext rotator goodness
safe travels katie
JMD says
front squat 1st exposure 115,115,115,115,115. thanks for cues shawn
10,9…1 body weight (130) deadlift and push ups 5:50
later ring dips 8,8,8,8,7. second time ive got stuck on that last rep. boo
Jess says
Warmup:-750m row (250 easy, 250 hard, 250 easy)-Foam roll-Movement prep (inch worm, straight leg kicks, squats)
Front squats: (45×5, 65×5, 95×3, 115×3)work: 125x3x5
Both knees tend to cave on my way up. A Fox coaching cue had me narrow my stance a little which I felt helped.
Deadlift/Pushup ladder: 7:05 at 155lbs.Really enjoyed this. Thought I would be able to do all deadlifts unbroken but couldn’t. That’s my goal for next time.
Final mobility class was great! Lots of good stuff learned. Really intend to keep this up on my own. Thanks coach fox!
.DMG says
oops, time on the DL/RPU – 9:08
ShawnS says
Squatsw/u: 45, 65, 95, 115, 135Work: 150, 155, 155, 155, 160They felt pretty good, maybe couldve gone another 5-10. The only spot I’m really struggling is the transition from down to back up. After that it feels pretty easy.
Deadlift/Ring Dig WOD. 9 somethingSubbed because I had to get out or I wouldve tried teh ring dips even if they killed me.Deadlifts tooooo hardPushups tooooo easy.Started at 200 deadlif had to drop to 180.
Im having serious trouble cycling deadlifts right now. Its the one thing we havent worked on too much since I came back. My form is really off and Ill need to spend some time correcting it (especially on the way down). My back is sore–not sure if its from poor form or just deadlifting high reps.
Maybe some light work on form tomorrow depending on the WOD–and making the KB/DU WOD
Fox says
Oh noooo! Sorry, Ritchie. You were my favorite.
Peter says
Front Squats 105 3×5
DL/Pups: 155lbs 10:13
Pushups devolved to onesies by the end… no thanks to Chris who had me do 10 twice!
Deb says
First 8am class this morning. Good times with McGrath, Bjorn, Ashley and Shane.1000m row WUFSQ 3×5 (45×5,55×5,65×2,75×1) 80x3x510-1 DL/Push Up Deadlifts at #125, push ups strict10:54. Paced it pretty mellow. Just grunted through.
stephaniep says
FSQ 5×3(45×5, 65×5, 95×5)
squats felt good today. lots of fun lifting with brandy!
DL/push up ladderdid bodyweight DLs (145)8:53
prob should have stopped or scaled down the weight – my back tightened up during my 7 round. push ups were surprisingly the easy part. thanks dan for helping me through that 🙂
Samir Chopra says
Daylight savings time starts tomorrow. Set yer clocks.
Laurel says
Snuck back to the gym after coaching and lunch was done to get in my work out. Filled the air with unrelentingly silly music, since Malcolm and I were the only ones there… weeeee.
Warm-up: Deb and Alec un-twisting tricks. Deep abdominal misery.
FSQ: (45×5, 75×5, 95×3,115×3)125x3x5
Hip felt fine – it seems to be ok as long as I do my D&A work just before. I started this set of exposures light with sets at 115 hoping to ease into it and so far this strategy seems good.
DL/push-ups @ ~bodyweight: 140lbs – 6:19.Thank goodness Malcolm was keeping track or I would have done the 7’s twice. I’m abysmal at counting.
Nice to see everyone! Does anyone know happened to post WOD weekend brunch?? I liked that tradition.
Malcolm says
Front squat 3×5. Work at 200 across. All reps successful.
Did the DL pushup variant. Wanted something fast and the 1.5 and ring dips would have taken me 45 minutes.
So did this Rx’d at 160 in 5:45.
Later in the day practiced handstands for about 40 minutes.
Snip says
Better-late-than-never post:
Double Under/Kbell/Situp WOD:1 pood kettlebellDUs 19 15 12 12 1 = 59KB 27 26 24 22 24 = 123SU 30 30 24 25 25 = 134Total: 316
No, that is not a typo. I did only get one double under in that last round. That’s what I get for counting the real thing instead of attempts. Kettlebell was heavy and it sucked!! Thanks Margie for being so encouraging through the whole thing.
Sorry to miss front squats today. I had a farewell brunch on the UWS and I think I spent about 4 hours on the subway. I’ll make them up.
Ari says
FSQ 115x3x5after warmups at 45, 65, 95
Thanks Laurel for noticing the knees and giving a good tip.
On the WOD10,9…1 or dead lifts @ 155 , pushups.7:30
carlos says
FSQ x3 155, 155, 155, 155, 165, 165
Realized I did 155 last week and upped to 165 and did an extra set. Felt great in new and improved rack position, very little collapsing forward.
Mobility class with Fox rocked.
DL/RD wod at 1.5BW (216#) and white band dips in 12:10. Yes I only weigh 144#. Deadlifts easy, ring dips rough even with band.
Thanks DanR for coaching me through and anybody who yelled “C-Los!”
ShawnS says
Don’t think ill fare that well in the tryouts but hey, they look like hell of a fun WODs
David Osorio says
Warm-Up2.5 Hours gym Cleaning500m RowFoam Roll
Front Squats(45x5x2, 95×5, 115×5, 135×3, 155×1)165x3x5
1.5xBWDL/Ring Dip WOD10:24
Scaled the Deadlifts up to 225. Ring Dips were tougher than expected. No Kip on them