Gabrus Does a Tabata Sledge Hammer Swing
Remember there is no 10am CrossFit Group Class tomorrow. Classes at 8, 9, 11 and 12 are on as usual.
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Do you filter your tap water or drink it straight? Why or why not?
I want to do a Tabata sledge workout! Maybe I will find time for this during the weekend. Sounds fun.
We filter our tap water. Why? Um, bubbles. Our tap water comes out really cloudy with bubbles. I find this unappetizing. They settle out and it doesn’t taste bad, but I like to be able to drink now. Also I am a bit leery of some of the chemicals that get put in, and filtration doesn’t seem like it could hurt. But the real reason is anti-bubble.
I get those same bubbles. House guests are always skeptical. I indulge in copious amounts of tap water. often straight from the faucet.
New York has supposedly some of the best tap water in the country/world/universe. Plus, the brita is way too slow.
lots o tap water.
did wednesday’s beauty today, or as claire called it after the second round “spicey”.
WU6 min row1st min warm up5 min row @ 18s/m start at 2.30 dropping 10 sec every minute.foam roll mobility work. top/bottom
WOD5 Rounds of:1 min max KB Swings (face level) 2pd1 min max DU1 min max SU1 min rest
KB 30, 30, 28, 28, 26=142DU 50, 40, 40, 40, 35=205SU 32, 30, 26, 26, 29=143TOTAL 490
woah! this was a splendid one and a supreme arse kicker!
Brita all the way. Not sure why. It seems to taste better, but I think that has more to do with the fact that it’s refrigerated, rather than the filtration. Joe, I’ve heard the same thing about NYC tap water, but didn’t they also find that it contains traces of antidepressants, birth control, and other fun stuff that doesn’t get filtered out of our pee?Just sayin’.
Ditto on tap water sans filter. I have a suspicion about why this question is being asked….
Straight, no chaser. Tastes great, less filling.
@Tam What’s your suspicion? I should have known this couldn’t have been a straight-up question about water.
Please stick to the question at hand.
I think the best question that could be asked on this blog would be:
Which question would you like to see asked on this blog on a rest day and why?
Brita – it might be psychological, but it just tastes cleaner…but then again, when i’m in the middle of WOD and ready to pass out i’m not that picky…
@ Management:
mmmmmm tap water. i grew up on tap and love it. i have a brita that i keep for skeptics who come over.
What Paddock said
straight tap water out of a nalgene bottle. brita for guests if they want it.
I agree with Avi. I always use a filter at home, but in the middle of a WOD, I really dont give a damn what my water source is and have had straight tap at several times at CFSBK.
Did about 45 minutes of foam rolling and stretching at open gym tonight, and then headed home. My foot/ankle is still bugging me, and I might take the weekend off.
Way to beast your way through the double under/kettlebell/situps triplet Snip. Very nice.
Made up snatch 95# x 3 x 5
We drink from the tap unfiltered. We need the birth control and antidepressants.
Smudge drinks from toilet unfiltered.
Blind taste test is required.
What Joe said. Tap… usually with unfiltered ice cubes too! Yum, anti-depressants.
I like “beast” as a verb.Tap, unfiltered. Our water comes from the Catskills, it’s awesome. We used to have a faucet Brita but it kept falling off. Now we just fill a pitcher with tap and leave it on the counter. Bubbles settle, and chlorine evaporates.