(E4/4) L1 5×5 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
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compare to 2.20.10
With a partner, row as many meters as possible in 15 minutes. Athletes are not allowed to row more than 500m in a sitting.
Post meters, partner and strategy to comments.
It's gonna look something like this..
Remember that we'd like to have a Primal Quest wrap up meeting on Monday, March 1st at 7:30pm at CFSBK. Please rsvp to Margie(at)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com if you can make it.
Coaches David and Fox will be at CFNYC today for Kelly Starrett's Mobility and Recovery Certification
I was trying to figure out how Id backsquat today with the soreness from yesterday’s beast. Now I gotta figure out how to do that partner deathrow too!
Hey gang,
I’ve mentioned to a few of you that you should take look at http://performancemenu.com to watch some of the training videos. Here’s a great one of Aimee Anaya snatching heavy.
Notice the SPEED she gets pulling herself underneath the bar. She fully extends her hips and literally uses the weight of the bar to pull herself underneath. Because her hip extension is so powerful, you can tell that the challenge is not getting the weight overhead, but rather receiving it.
Also notice how little her feet leave the ground. They come off just enough to split. She is not using her feet to jump the weight, but rather her hips.
heyo!! I am sporatic postatron.
@Ari You’re Welcome!@Shawn S Aloha Grinds, 78 and 3rd in Bay Ridge, pork and coffee, coffee and poke@Sarah D. I LOVED the movie of LTROI and I dont think they could have made any better (or any other) film of the book given the content, but I was really riveted to the book. Really liked Night Watch, had seen the film first. My friend Tim has been nagging me to read daywatch, I’m guessing you echo this?
@David Osorio…oh David. David, David.
High Bar Back Squat 5×5 acrossWarm Up: 45×5 65×5 95×5 115×2 135x1Work: 145x5x5
Partner RowAs many meters as possible in 15:003945 meters
WU: PVC overhead squat series and samson stretches. The hand together, knees together OH Squat is one of the hardest things ever.
HBBSQ: (45×5, 95×5, 125×3, 135×2)Work sets across: 140x5x5
Today was the best I felt with these squats. Thanks for the great cues Shane and Laurel!
Partner row–AMMAP in 15mins.3451 meters.Jenna and I each did 500m pieces until we had about 3mins left. That left us with about 90sec each of awefulness. Great job Jenna!
First time working with ARi today–fun times
HBBSQWu: 95×5, 115×5, 135x5Work: 155x4x5 160×5 on the last set.Im a little pissed because Laurel told me I might not have gotten full depth on the set. I would’ve tried to make them up but as is–Ari and I were behind everyone else so we had to get to the rowing.
The squats were heavy–but I never really felt like I had that super struggle to really drive up, where you shake, and youre just on the cusp of failing. Of course sometimes when youre doing 5 rep sets, when you figure out a weight is too heavy, its too late.
I’ve gotten a lot of my squat strength back in the 3 weeks I started squatting again. I think a lot of it was just confidence and comfort.
Row with Ari:3626mWe went with 250m rows a piece. I liked the amount of work this was. It was a good all out sprint. The only problem is there are about 15 transitions which probably eat up about 1 minute to 1:30 total. Thats an extra 300 or so meters.
@Margie thanks for the videos. The thing for me about a lot of the lifts–I know when I see a good looking lift, and I know the elements of a good lift for the most part–but I can’t get my body to do them. I guess I just have to find more practice time.
I really need to work on my triple extension. Should I just use a PVC or Broomstick to practice it in the mirror? It doesnt always seem right without weight.
Coaches any plans for a 1 weekend day/ 1 week day foundations coming up?
shane, my parents really had a great time today and very much appreciated all the great coaching and feedback.
after some waffling, I decided to do singles today as I have done 5×5 quite a bit recently:245, 255, 265, 265, 265. stuck with 265 to straighten out form and the last rep was the best from a form perspective, which always feels good.
W/up (45×5, 55×5, 65×3, 70×3)Work: 75x5x5
Fun times lifting with Ariel and Kira!
Partner row w/ the amazing Bethany:2937 m
We split this up into 500 m each. I was a slowpoke as usual, but tried to keep my splits in the 2:20s. The high 2:20s.
did thursday’s fun time WOD. subbed thrusters for push jerks
WUfoam rollingsamson stretchWOD prepMHPC prep 45x3x2, 75×3, 95×3, 135x2Push Jerk 45×3, 75×3, 95×3, 135×2
WOD3 rnds25 DL 13515 MHPC 13510 Push Jerk 135
CDfoam roll
HBBS 5×5:(45×5, 75×5, 120×2)123, 123, 123, 123, 123
15 minute partner row with Snip, 2937 m total. 🙂
Didn’t get in a normal work out, but started gently squatting and everything seemed ok. Hip feels delicate, but I am not sure if it is psychological or residual tenderness.
HBBSQ: 45×5, 75×5, 95×5, 125×5… then had to stop to help take some photos for lululemon’s CFSBK month.
Inversions and front and back lever practice.
Weighted pull-up holds @12kg – roughly 5 at something like 5 to 10 seconds.
I’ll have to make up the rowing.
Big props to Shane for the form correction today. Still trying to figure out this high bar back squat thing.
Now to the rowing wod. Partner’d with Dave. 1st time working out with him and all I have to say is “holy crap”!We put up a pretty big number: 3751I wish I could take credit for any of it, but after watching Big Dave put up stroke rates of 38 on average, well – it gives me pause.Now this is not Big Dave McGrath. I don’t know Dave’s last name and to be “politically correct” I guess I will call him Dave with Flavor.Yeah baby!
Again – “Holy Crap!”
Lots today.
Did the high bar today for singles.
Warmed up and then 255, 265, 275, 285. This got hard. So I called it. Definitely a PR.
Afterwards did the row with James 3653. James was faster than me.
Worked on hand stand with Allen which was awesome. I feel like this is finally making progress.
Later did cleans. Worked up to 185 but didn’t go higher because of the hips from the rowing.
finally posting.HBBSQ(45×5, 75×5, 95×5, 120×5)130, 135, 140, 145, 147×4
first time squatting this cycle and it felt pretty good.
did the rowing myself, i didn’t have a friend to work with 🙁
did 4 500s in the 15 minutes, resting 2 minutes inbetween pieces. averaged around 1:55 per 500, last one was a bit faster, 1:50ish.