Xuan M on Snatches
Happy Birthday, Coach Nick! Check out the birthday boy and Alec H featured on the CrossFit Affiliate Blog today.
Check out the CFSBK sweatpants, hoodies and new shirts at the CFSBK Store!
Of the following movements from our current cycle, which have you made the most progress with?
Squat Variant: High Bar Back Squats
Pull: Power Snatch
Upper Body: Ring Dips (volume increase)
Dear Coaching brethren:
Is the following an accurate summing-up of the rest-day schedules:
Tuesday AM classes: Make up Monday WODTuesday 5,6 PM: Make up Wednesday WODTuesday 7 PM: Make up Monday WOD
Friday AM Classes: Make up Thursday WODFriday Noon class: ???Friday evening classes: Make up Saturday WOD
Thanks for clarifying.Samir
happy birthday Nick! and awesome pic of you and Alec on the affiliate blog! wooooo!
i have missed all exposures to the back squat so will be starting fresh this saturday. i feel like with technique, i’m getting better with the snatch but still have a long way to go. in terms of volume i’ve made the most progress with the dips. i even managed 2 ring dips yesterday (singles) which i couldn’t do prior to this cycle.
Happy Birthday Nick!!
Way to make 50 look so damn glamorous!
Friday noon class makes up Thursday’s WOD as well
HB, Nick!A reminder to Crossfit South Brooklyn that Shane will be at the Yuk Yuk Hut all week and that the 7:30 show is completely different from the 10:30 show.
Happy Birthday, Nick!
From the WSJ:http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704454304575081613327728110.html?mod=WSJ_hpp_MIDDLENexttoWhatsNewsForth
It looks like the link is cut off but I think it still works. Maybe we’re on the right track with this whole Paleo thing.
Here’s a nice little reminder from the inimitable Melissa Urban
Thanks – thats useful information.
Happy Birthday Nick!
Most progress: squats. I’ve added 5 lbs each week with no major breakdown in form. My 5×5 is quickly approaching the 1 RM I made in January.
But do you ever have one of those nightmares where you’re drowning or someone’s breaking in, but all you have to do is grab the life preserver or dial 9-1-1 and it will be OK? And it’s so simple, you know what to do, but you just can’t do it? Either your legs feel too heavy, or your fingers keep clumsily hitting the wrong buttons…
Yeah, that’s how I feel about snatches.
Thanks for posting that, Tam. Good stuff…I think the post by Adam Cayce and Dallas’ follow up to it are especially great also.
Happy Birthday Nick Peterson. What will this year bring in facial hair?
Anyone interested in doing the 5 boro bike tour…my friends at Achilles have some charity slots available. I believe you only have to raise $300. Let me know if you want more info: sjoywil (at) gmail
Happy Birthday Nick! Thank you for all your contributions to CFSBK!
speaking of e-brakes, with all the stuck accelerators in the news:
remember: if your accelerator is stuck: SHUT OFF THE ENGINE.
Failing that: shift into neutral!
Happy B-Day Nick!
I would say that going from “You want me to put what over my head how?” to being somewhat comfortable with the movement (even if it’s not comfortable with me) would qualify snatches as most improved for me.
Erik K.
Happy Birthday Nick!
To celebrate, I repeated the wod I made up Saturday, cause I liked the way it left me sore.
4 rounds50 squats (40 lb weighted vest)50 lunges (40 lb weighted vest)100 sit-ups
Not really for time, plenty of pauses, took 45:30.
The sit-ups I managed to break up in sets of 100, 70/30, 80/20, 100. Squats and lunges were almost all sets of 10. My right knee started to feel a little tweaked by the last round of lunges and is a bit sore now. I’m sure the form wasn’t great. Once again, the lunges were the hard part. I kind of like this wod.