5 Rounds for time of:
10 Push Presses, 135/85
400m Run
Post time and Rx to comments.
Strictly Push Presses today, Jerks are considered fouls.
Assistance Work
Shoulder Mobility
Dave McG attacks a 2000m Row
Congratulations to Matt R and Tamar A on their marriage!
Big thanks to Dave Mak for scoring the community a Refrigerator and cutting up the boards for our tablets!
Heavy Push Presses require a high level of midline strength to avoid
hyper-extending the lower back. The tendency for someone with tight
shoulders or a weak midline is to lean back the top of the movement.
Coach Fox will take us through some openers for the shoulders and
hips before we go overhead today.
Before class starts is the best time to do some individualized movement prep. Do you do anything before class specific to you?
5 rounds of:10 pp @ 65#400 m row
I subbed rowing for running because it seemed to be easier on my hip flexor. It felt okay whilst I was doing it, but I think time usually reveals the truth in these cases. Did all push presses unbroken, which might mean I could have gone a bit heavier. Again, tentative about the injury. It seems to be really hard for me to predict what’s going to affect it. Some combination of flexing my leg and external rotation. I hate it.
Yay, Matt and Tamar!
This is one of the few WODs that I’m actually pissed to be missing. (I’m sick…again.)
On movement prep:Let me first say that I’m really grateful for the recent tendency to start classes with mat-based movement prep. I don’t always make it to class early enough to do it on my own, so I really appreciate when we take the time to do some pre-hab as a group specific to that day’s workout. When we don’t do it and I move straight into snatch work or whatever, I definitely feel worse.
Before class, I try to do stuff to loosen my hips, activate my glutes and get some thoracic mobility: kneeling rock-backs, fire hydrants, cat-camel, glute bridges. My upper back/shoulders have been giving me problems recently, so i should probably stop messing around and spend some time on them before i get a serious ouchie.
Smashed my nose on the 6th pp and lost 30 secs getting some tissue to sop up the blood.75lbs.17:35Great to be back. I had fun @ Crossfit Invictus in San Diego and can heartily recommend them if you are down there.
15:22 with 85 lbs.
Many thanks to Chris for the pre-WOD mobility work – I really feel much more confident going into WODs when I’ve had that sort of intensive prep work.
Also, a great feeling to be able to just walk in through the main roll-up door. Summer is going to be a rocking time!
14:56 with 115 lbs. and only 270m runs. PPs were unbroken in the first round, 5-5 in the second, then 3-3-2-2, 3-4-3, 3-3-2-2. Felt hard after making up the row-thruster-pullup wod yesterday.
Fun class today. I also love the mobility work and foam rolling that we’ve been doing before class…despite all of the moaning.
WOD: 15:26 with 75lb push press.
Wanted to do the rx’d weight but I kept jerking it so I decided against it. First 2 rounds were unbroken, the next 2 were 5,5 and the last was 5,2,3. Next time I need to push to have more rounds unbroken.
Completely agree with Samir about the awesomeness of having the gate rolled up, especially on such a gorgeous sunny day! Looking forward to more of this!
Oh, and big congrats to Matt and Tamar!
15:00 with 85#. The push presses were a little too easy, so hopefully that’s a sign that my shoulder is back to 100%.
Stella had a great time meeting everyone!
15:58 at 85#
Push press needs work. I think I ended up doing more of a press on a lot of my reps and that really wore me out.
I look forward to doing this again in a few months with some more work.
17:41 @ 42 lbs
I wanted to do 52, but my shoulders felt not so great. I was trying to think why…I did the thrusters WOD on Thursday morning so it really shouldn’t be from that. Then it dawned on me it was probably the handstand work from yesterday.
Stella is so sweet!
Congratulations Matt & Tamar! I <3 you guys!!
Thanks guys! My morning WOD included leftover pasta and carrot cake. And not push press (though, I really dig incorporating 400M runs. Hope we can do more of that in the warmer months.
See you in a couple weeks.
Big Congrats Matt and Tamar!
great class today.
WUshoulder mobility and foam roll work. good stuff mr fox!
WOD15:14 or something around that
push press rXsubbed run for 500m rows
really liked this one. and lovely to see the gate up letting in some daylight.
congrats matt and tamar!
14:34 at 95#. Felt pretty good, which means I probably should have gone heavier. Next time.
19:02 I hate running 85# push press.Hurt my knee skiing last week, so I was glad to get thru the wod(no excuse for the time). Great to be out doors via the rollup doors.
Agree with DMG, great to have the big door opened up this morning, appreciate the new space more and more..
10 pp@ 95lb400m run
5 rounds 13:10
Tks Chris for the PP pointers, i need a bit of work here i know…but i’ll be thinking “umpa lumpa” now at all times during this movement…
5 RFT10 Push-Press 105lbs400 m run
I also enjoyed the door open, plus the post-WOD dog melee. I can’t wait to get back to the point of doing the WODs as prescribed.
Matt and Tamar…HooRAH!
21:17 – I think the slowest time of anyone on this one. Push press started at 85lbs and dropped to 80 in the second round. I thought the weight was causing me to jerk it, but it turns out my body is just happier doing push jerks. It’s a more natural movement. To do the push-press, I have to be slow and think carefully about every rep.
Running is miserable.
17:50 @ 95lbs. Weight wasn’t really an issue. Running was really an issue. I will regret this, but I need to run more. Ick I said it.