5 Sets Across
(E1/4) L1 Ring Dips/L2 Ring Dips
Post reps and dip variation to comments
compare to 2.10.10
Medicine Ball throwing variants
Skill Work
Rope Climbing 101
5 Ascents
Charmel and Joe doing forward rolls during a warm-up triplet
Happy Birthday, John C!
Programming Note:
We've been really happy with the progress everyone's been making on their Power Snatches. We'd like not to lose momentum on all this technique building so the "Pull" variant on our next cycle will be Power Snatches again. Please remember to put your training in perspective and make conservative jumps.
Check out Shoulder LOVE this weekend at Lululemon Athletics Brooklyn
Is Soda the New Tobacco? NY Times
Stone Age Subculture Takes Shape In US Spiegel
The Barefoot Professor
The article on soda was frightening in two ways. First in the obvious way, reading that sweetened beverages are the number one source of calories in the American diet, making up 10% of calories for children and teenagers, freaks me out. Second because the idea of a ‘sin’ tax on food scares me. I don’t trust the government to stop at sugar sweetened beverages. How long before we get to taxes on butter and steak, for their supposed dietary evils? I hate to say it but I am on the side of the soda companies who are arguing that the science is very different for diet/health links than it was for Tobacco.
At the risk of having to hand in my ‘liberal’ card, you can have my butter when you pry it from my cold, dead, greasy fingers.
maybe we should just encourage people to drink Diet Coke and be done with it.
Power Snatch 5×3(45, 65, 85, 95)105, 110, 110, 115, 115)
HBBSq 3×5 – for time’s sake(45, 135, 205)245x5x3
“Annie”6:48 (pr)
Headaches:After squatting pain free and getting another met-con induced crushing headache I believe they are actually muscle tension related, not blood pressure related.
Hellooooo, scalenes and SCM. Coming to getcha.
Don’t make me post links to the mice studies again.
I think Diet Coke is a better option (and was a habit of mine before the Quest started), but still: http://www.paleonu.com/panu-weblog/2009/6/17/what-about-diet-soda.html
I think we (or those people that drink soda and all the other crap pushed by our food industries) are already paying ‘sin taxes.’ Just because we don’t make out a check to the government doesn’t mean we aren’t paying a tax. To indulge in those food habits is to pay a surcharge. And to pay an additional cost in damage to one’s health.
The lottery is rightly described as a tax on people bad in math.You can’t figure out the odds, you pay. Similarly, for soda or junk food. You can’t figure it out. You pay. Does it matter whether the surcharge goes to a corporation or to the government? It still lands up in a fat cat’s pocket.
Taxes are easy targets because the government is a big bogeyman. But the corporations that place these surcharges on our life are even more powerful, and even richer.
Malcolm: it’s much easier to not have a liberal card to hand in in the first place!
Samir: the difference between the tax we pay on our bodies from eating bad stuff and what the government does is that the government always does the wrong thing. let them start taxing sugar (which in fact they already do, effectively, via the tariffs and corn subsidies) and then they will start taxing butter and steak.
what’s scary is that when this guy wrote that story back in 1978 i’m sure he thought banning butter was kind of farfetched.
haha, not so much.
oh also i’ll point out that the lottery ‘tax on bad at math people’ is the most regressive kind of tax there is. i am by no means an advocate of progressive taxation, but if you tax people bad at math, you are basically taxing people who are generally dim-witted and dim-witted people are generally going to be poor, so you are taxing the poor more than you are taxing the rich. in what universe does that make sense?
Mine is not actually a libertarian argument against taxation. Mine is a scientific argument against bad science. If we taxed “unhealthy” food based on the main stream view of health all of our bacon, steaks and eggs would be slapped with a big fat tax.
I think there is definitely a place for taxes being used to enhance social well being. I think tobacco taxes are good to the degree that they begin make people internalize some of the excess costs on society of smoking.
I just don’t think that the state of the art for nutrition science is very good. Who knows, in 5 years I may believe something very different than I do today about nutrition, it has happened before (see my years of low fat, vegetarianism). This is the nature of the beast in fussy sciences like nutrition. I just think we make the problem worse when we get government involved with bad science, e.g. the low fat cholesterol scare of the last 30 years.
Basically I think no nutrition advice that the government could give right now would be likely to help, and could very well hurt. For instance the NYC ban of trans fats aligns well with my nutritional beliefs but the current push to curtail salt doesn’t match nearly as well (for an interesting take see if you can find a copy of the Gary Taubes article on Salt in the journal Science from 1998). And the cure could easily be worse for us than the illness.
Mmm.. Diet coke.
Sameer: And corporations always do the right thing? Our government does the things it does because it is run by corporations. Why not direct our ire at the puppet masters? I thought the point of libertarian and anarchist analysis was to be critical of opaque power relations. So why not run the analysis a little deeper and see wherein the power actually resides?
And your point about the lottery is precisely my point. Lots of things don’t look like taxes but they just are.
The products we buy because we think we “need” them are just tangible forms of these surcharges. They are a “lifestyle” or “keeping up with the Joneses” tax.
Nice going, David.
Yesterday I went to the Carnegie Deli and bought a giant slice (all of their portions are giant) of 5th Avenue Bar Pie and I ate most of it. There is still some left in my fridge. I always forget that they put a layer of peanut butter in between the crust and the chocolate mousse but I am never disappointed.
Meanwhile, I had to look up “scalenes” and “SCM.”. Next time, Fox, can you just write “neck muscles” instead of forcing me to learn something? Thanks.
@Fox – I’d like to know how to do something about tight and angry scalenes and SCM (right there with you Snip, had to look’em up.) Mine are always tight.
@tax debaters. Sin taxes are regressive (basically they limit poor people from doing whatever the activity is) and while they may offer some recompense to society for the costs of individual choices, our tax code would be absurd if we started taxing all choices people make that result in (or are thought to result in) net costs to society.
Seems to me we had a pretty dim-witted person as our last president. Guess he’s not too poor.
between the convo on soda (and i’m not even a huge soda fan) and paulie’s PIE comment – my salad isn’t cutting it today!
i did, however, cheat last night with vosges “Mo’s Dark Bacon Bar” (just a tiny one) and it was DEEEEE-VINE!!!!
Is the cycle schedule going to stay the same (Saturday: Squat Variant, Monday: Pull, Wednesday: Upper Body)?
obligatory workout comment:
ring dips, 5×5, was better than last time, completed all of them much more easily, no failed final rep.
Malcolm: your point about bad science is almost the exact same point as my point about bad government. my point is that even if we had good science, there is no way the government will enact good policy based on good science, because it is government. The fact that the government is in the pocket of the corn lobby means that we will never have sensible nutrition policy in this country.
Samir: corporations, independent of government, do not have the power to put me in jail and/or kill me if I don’t do what they want me to do. The only way corporations can have power beyond what is legitimate is by subverting the power of the state. Therefore I direct my ire at the true source of injustice, the state. Corporations who subvert the state are merely acting in their own best interest given the environment in which they operate, and I can’t fault them for that. I fault the state for setting itself up as a powerful target that can then be subverted to their interests and for allowing itself to be subverted.
Im sticking to my workout.
4x4x4x4x5 Ring dips.Felt way easier this week. Last week I struggled on teh 1st set to get 3, this week, I didnt struggle at all til the 5th set. I still managed to get a 5th rep in. Afterwards I added 2 more sets of 4,and finally felt worn down.
Rope climb was fun. I made it up 3 times with legs, but my arms were too TAXED (see what I did there folks) to pull with just my arms.
Warmup: These were tougher than I thought they’d be. Rotating hip ball toss 2×10 each side, and chest pass version 2×5 each leg. A coupel times it felt like Scott was gonna send me through the wall.
Good to be back–3 weeks in a row–starting to feel much better.
Warm-Up500m Row
then about 25 minutes with the foam roller and doing mat-based mobility work. Body was not feeling ready for a workout.
Power Snatches45x3x2, 75×3, 95×3, 105×3, 115×1)120x3x5
Really squirrley today, I kept yawning and had no “pop” in me today. I slept 8 hours last night and had a good breakfast.. maybe just off to a slow start today. Plan on doing that 120 again next time to make sure they’re all crisp.
Waiting on the rope climbs.. might get plenty of work demoing them.
Yesterday”Annie” 7:04 Tied my last Annie
Joe, funny you should ask.. i was thinking today it might be nice to rotate the days.. not sure though. Any consensus from the group? We could make things work either way. Until further notice, consider them to be on the same days.
Mr. Adrian Bozman will be in house tonight.
5×7 bar dips.Pretty spazzy on the rope. Gonna have to fix that.
damn, missing the boz!
man, who would have thunk diet soda would cause such a bevvy of posts.
WUmedicine ball variants were fun
DIPS6 6 6 5.75 4.5
Rope Climbing 101good stuff.
GHD ext10x5
Fun class.
Medicine ball was entertaining.
4-4-4-4-4 dips. Next, time probably the same with less struggle on the last 2 sets.
The rope was a lot of fun. Almost made it to the top, but 8 inches short my arms were completely done. Then I scraped a channel in my shin on the way down since arms were not helping.
David, you want a picture to show people, instead of just warning them…
Great day!
If you want everyone to squat, you should probably keep that on the weekend.
Otherwise, “constantly varied” says mix it up…
Can’t we just stop subsidizing corn which is pretty much the base ingredient in every product mentioned above?
What needs to happen in order to stop this silly policy which is making Americans fat?
Of course, the food system might collapse, but it would balance out sooner or later right?
just a thought.
I venture to guess we all agree with you on that one, however the political reality is such that the corn subsidies will likely be around for a long time to come.
Aw man! I missed the serious discussion about tax, corporations, and government! I had so many different fart noises to add!
Looking forward to some rope climbing tonight. Marine Corps!
Matt: on that note i propose that whenever someone reaches the top of the rope they have to sound off: “South Brooklyn!”
Brian: I think Iowa is too powerful politically for that to happen.
Too bad I am missing the boz this evening! Should not have shown up for lunch class I guess.
Ring Dips: Got 5 across, tried to focus on form and depth.
Rope climb: 1 full climb with legs, 1 full climb with arms only.
1 extra set of 5 bar dips afterwards
Dips: 5×5 on white band (missed first two exposures, need to catch up!)Rope climbs: one 16″, one 20″ climb, both with legsRowing intervals & a few handstands for fun. 🙂
Was bummed I couldn’t even get ONE unassisted bar dip. Next time! Instead, did 5×7 w/ white band.
Rope climb was craziness. But I’m sort of excited to do it again. Sort of.
Row: 5 rounds of :30 / :15 restMy splits were in the 2:20s, which is pretty good for me.
Bar dips: 5x5first 2 sets with white band, last 3 was 2 strict and 3 w/band.
Didn’t really get anywhere on the rope. More practice required.
And some rowing intervals for dessert. Fun class!
Med ball warm up with Willie was a blast.Ring dips – 6 across, last couple on the last set a little wobbly.Rope climb (I love this kind of stuff) – three ascents, arms only.Little rowing afterwards…
Ring dips started off well but then suddenly faded: 5,5,5,3,3 (in retrospect, I probably should have rested more; Malcolm and I blew through our five sets pretty quickly).
Ring dips: 5×4
Missed out on everything else, was too tired and in need of food!
Definitely needed more rest between sets of dips. 5,4,3,3,3. Next exposure will be 4 across. Ah the lessons of hubris. Rope climbs were fun, did one with arms and legs and one with just arms. Wish we had time for more but my will power to go back and do them after the mini-row wod was done.
5 30 second sprints with 15 seconds of rest. I was getting about 140 meters on each section. Definitely need better form. This sucked. I could blame the fact that this was my first metcon in a month, or the fact that I have a head cold. But in all likely hood this would have sucked no matter what.
Foundations WODDeath by Wallball14lb ballMade it through round 13 (I think)But I was definitely below the upper line (didn’t have a lower line on my wall). That was tough!