For time:
Row 2000m
Please read Coach Nick's article on How to Row a 2K before coming to class.
post time to comments.
compare to 9.17.09
4 Rounds NFT:
5 Forward Rolls
10 push-ups
20 Kettlebell Swings, face height
Willie works on his Handstand to Forward Roll
Best of luck to the CrossFit South Brooklyn Rowing Club competing in the CRASH-B's today. CFSBK is the largest CrossFit affiliate team representing at the event. We'll also be rowing a 2K today as a sign of solidarity.
CFSBK Rowing Club Competitors
Alec H, John Mc-D, Bjorn B, David Mak, Vincent D, Debbie P, Jen B, Colette K, Steph P
Check out these Shots already coming in via Reshbot 2000!
What's so exciting about a 2K? Melissa Urban Byers
Goooooooo team!Wishing the crew up in Boston the best of luck. Look forward to hearing about the experience and seeing a slew of new PRs posted.Thank you coach Nick for developing our rowing program and for all the hard work and care you’ve put into making this happen.
Thank you to the Saturday AM crew. Everyone’s squats were solid and it was great to see everyone work sets across.
Finally I’m really glad today is my day off! Ouch.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Oh, f–k.
Wow, I was planning to do a 2K today as a solidarity gesture, and what do I see on the blog? Awesome (in a painful kind of way).
Good luck CFSBK team!
I had a feeling this was coming.
Good luck, Crash-B’ers!
Good luck CFBK team!
Wish I could join you for today’s test. 2Ks are mind bending. But Tamar and I are getting ready for our wedding in a week. SO, we’ll see everybody in 3 weeks.
Good health to all!
Good Luck Guys! In Solidarity!
Good Luck Matt and Tamar!
I’m here too!!!! Thanks David
Sorry Steph!!! It went off the CRASH B site last night, it has you listed as unaffiliated!!
Update:John Mc-D WON the coxan division with a 7:07 row.Great work, John!!
Congrats Matt and Tamar!
Congrats John! Way to go – keep the Skull and Crossbones flying! (er, what is a “coxan”?)
Way to go John, and the rest of Team SBK! You guys rock.
Congrats Matt and Tamar!
Nice, Mc Cann Doyle! You’re an animal.
More updates!
Nice work by all the “sympathy” 2Kers at the gym today. Many PRs went around…including my own.
7:18 pr by :20
Oops, forgot to post my time: 7.53.3 (PR by 12 seconds). I wanted to break 8 today so this felt nice. Many thanks to Paul for all the support (and to everyone else I could hear yelling, especially Matt, who seemed to be saying “Don’t leave anything behind” – I don’t think I did, cause I sure as hell didn’t have anything in me when I rolled off that erg).
Nice John! Keep it up sbk!
Warm up–4 rounds NFT of:5 forward rolls (I still hate these!)10 pushups (all strict, all rounds unbroken)20 kb swings (12kg)
2k row = 8:31.8 PR
Improved by nearly 30 secs since last time but man were my quads on fire at the end. I know I can still go harder next time.
7:21, it’s been a long time since I rowed a 2k for time. pretty sure this is a PR, since I think the last time I rowed one was in ’08, back when we had 2 rowers.
I felt bad for several hours after this, not sure why but I seem to have recovered after a nap. didn’t mean to alarm anyone!
8:21.8I’m unsure if I’ve actually rowed a 2k before, but I’m okay with my time. I was shooting for 2:05 splits, then hoping for a sub-8 minute time from the power 10s, but it was not to be. I lost my 2:05 target toward the end.
Jess – Not sure if hate forward rolls for the same reason, but I’ve improved mine by using this little trick: I drop down quickly into a squat at the start of the movement and bounce back up fast to use some elastic energy to spring forward. It’s worked better for me than taking things slowly.
good luck to the sbk team, i’m sure you guys crushed it. good luck to matt and tamar.
Geezus John, 7:07?! Wow.
Enjoyed the lightish warmups today (though Fox tried to kill us all with some Turkish Get-ups thrown in)
4 rds5 fwd rolls, 10 pushups, 10 1kg KB swings -Russian style.
The row sucked…8:05This was the 1st time I think I rowed a 2000. My rowing form is a bit off since returning. I feel like Im straining too much to keep form right, and thats making me tense, which is making me fatigue quickly. It could also be that all my muscles are shot from the past few days of programming–but everyone else has been doing the same stuff.
I did a few pulls after I got my breath back and focused on driving my legs and butt bqck. It felt better–more rubber band action, and was a lot less taxing on my quads.
Going to keep working on this.So now I have another thing to add to double under work.
7:32. PR, but probably the first time I’ve rowed 2000 for time.
Thanks Laurel for talking me through it…
7:57, PR by 13 seconds. Can’t say I feel great about it because (a) my form completely fell apart in the last third, and (b) I spent the next 25 minutes after the row hacking up my lungs because my body detests rowing so much.
John, you are a lightweight monster.
Early congrats to Matt R. & Tam!
2K = 8:32
Am feeling kind of ill today thanks for all the moral support. Nearly barfed on the forward rolls.
Congratulations to Tamar and Matt. Go CFSBK rowers!
thanks dudes!!! happy squatting, rowing, not barfing (or barfing, if it ultimately makes you feel better!) to errrrybody.
congrats john!! great time dude.
nice to do a 2k in solidarity of our crash b’ers. hope you all kicked arse up there.
6:57.4 PR
splits…1:39.3 s/m 30 wt 3571:44.3 s/m 27 wt 3081:48.4 s/m 28 wt 2751:45.4 s/m 35 wt 299
power 10 strategy helped a lot. not going out as fast as i normally do also helped, especially at the end. thanks ash and matt and anyone else who was screaming at me.this is probably fucked up to think, but i might actually be starting to sort of like 2k’s.
HAHAH Vince’s wife just chillin while Vince is goin all out—awesome.
IMPRESSIVE, Joe! And McGrath. Nice work, all.
PRs from Vincent, Deb, and Steph in Boston–go team!
Great work CFSBK rowers…
2K row 7:28
Only the second time i have rowed this and was pretty happy with the time (not sure if it was a PR will have to look back in my book). Last 700+ were pretty unforgiving and form/strategy went out the window…just kinda wanted it to end. Chrs DMG for the verbal push.
All the best Matt and Tamar!
today was amazing! cfsbk represented and represented well! there was so much teamwork and togetherness that the entire day felt so good.
we unfortunately reported john’s time incorrectly – he came in at 7:20 but that was still enough to win his heat! CONGRATS JOHN!
i believe most (if not all) of us PRed and really pushed the limits.
i came in at 7:49.5 which i am so happy with! my goal time was 7:50, old PR of 7:57 – and i couldn’t have done it without Nick. he kept me paced, and he brought me back with a slap on the back (litterally, he slapped me on the back!) when i had a momentary stop with 200m to go. Nick – THANK YOU!
congrats to everyone who rowed today and THANK YOU to everyone supporting us, from near (Asta and Dan) and far (EVERYONE at SBK!) – you pushed us and supported us throughout the day!
Steph summed it up great, thanks to everyone for all the support and well wishes!7:01.8 – PR by six seconds.So wanted to get under 7 but I gave it my all! Took me a frickin’ 1/2 hour to recover, freaked my wife out!
Just got in from Boston. Ditto what Steph said. Great time up there. Nice to see folks from Virtuosity and other CrossFitters up there. Some amazing rowing. Talked to two women who were in their 50s and 60s. Cancer survivors. One rowed a 7:20something.There was an 81 year old guy who looked about 60. A fit 60.Can’t thank everyone enough for the support, but especially Nick who got everyone of us through this event. He made it doable.
Just got home from Boston, great hanging out with everyone.
7:16 finish for me, on 7 minute pace for the first half, but couldn’t sustain. 2 seconds above my pr, so a little disappointing.
So great to watch everyone else though, exciting to see John win his heat and all of us holding our own against the specialists.
Special thanks of course to coach Nick who took great care of us despite feeling under the weather.
Now I’m excited to do something (anything) other than rowing…
A fine road trip.Debbie,Nick&Bjorn. A finer volksload never was had.Congratulations on all the records shattered!Thank you, Nick, for the generosity with your time and energy..StephP, Great dinner,better conservation.Yer all heroes All a yez6:51mediocreIt seems that training,diet & sleep do matter
7:39. 10 sec PR. Thanks for all the help Nick. Next year will be sub 7:00.Great job everyone. Congrats on winning your event John.