5 Sets Across
(E1/4) L1 Ring Dips/L2 Ring Dips
Post reps and Dip variation to comments.
7 Rounds for time of:
25 Double Unders
5 Knees to Elbows
Post time to comments.
4 x 500m / 2' @ max effort. Go much harder than you would for 2000m.
Please be sure to warm up and cool down sufficiently.
For the benefit for folks who have not gone Primal, what have your experiences eating a more strict Paleo diet been?
Mandelbrot Fractal Zoom
David Osorio says
Normal classes today, Snip. Just went to bed early and slept late.
Laurel says
Great picture of Shane and Linus in the scrapbook!
In the first week of the paleo/primal challenge I went from drinking 4 cups of coffee a day to about 5 tablespoons. The first three days were pretty miserable, but now I have a much more stable energy level through the day and don’t have to orchestrate coffee acquisition around meetings etc. Otherwise the challenge wasn’t a big switch for me, plus I am on a bulking cycle so am drinking at least 1/2 gallon of milk every day. Once I’m done with Starting Strength, I’ll go strict for awhile and see how that works.
Snip says
Thanks, David, for allaying my fears. I’m glad you caught up on your beauty sleep. (not that you need it, of course)
My first strict paleo experience:
I am beginning week 5 and I feel pretty great. I’ve had really good energy, and have noticed some strength gains. Pushups, squats, and kbell swings have all improved, even after 2 weeks with no SBK.
Of course, it hasn’t all been rosy. The first week of adjustment was rough; I wasn’t used to eating so much fat and protein. There was also a point last week where I thought I’d toss my (paleo) cookies if I had to eat another egg, avocado, or chicken thigh again. I’ve since gotten over that.
Doing this challenge with Margie and the group has made it easier to stick with it. Not surprisingly, many SBKers are as passionate and knowledgable about food as they are about exercise, and have helped me tackle new dishes using everything from collard greens to pork butt.
Overall, it’s definitely been a positive experience, and I think it will change how I eat even after the 6 weeks are up. I’m looking forward to reuniting with beer again, though I think we’ll be seeing each other less frequently in the future.
Fox says
Today’s photo looks like we’re at a poetry SLAM! Margie is kicking us some knowledge.
Paleo musings:
-Overall, Paleo has been great.-The 10 days from about mid week 2 till the end of week 3 sucked and were pretty filled with cravings.-I too, miss beer. Although I don’t think I’ll drink as much of it as before.-Related to above comment…The 3 wine spritzers (jokes commence) I had while watching the Superbowl knocked me on my ass. WTF?!-I used to be a snacker but now am filled by 3 or even 2 meals a day.-Fat and Protein are awesome.-I think I smell like coconut and bacon on most days-I am much more sensitive to sweet tastes now.-I also miss my peri-WOD whey/casein shake. I think I’ll go back to this, but am going to experiment mixing with fat (coconut milk) instead of a carb (malto powder).-My doctor is terrified about my most recent blood work. I, am not.-I am going to play with cyclical carb ups (paleo carbs).-I feel like my performance in the gym has improved now, even though I was gassed for a week or 2.-When is the finale meeting?
Snip says
Fox, not to get too personal, but since you brought it up…what was it about your bloodwork that terrified your doctor? Cholesterol?
I too am turning into a piece of bacon. A nitrate-free, uncured piece of bacon.
Margie says
Ah cholesterol. There’s a good topic for the blog. I’ve much to say about that.
The long and short of it:If your HDL is high and Triglycerides are low, you are money. High LDL in that scenario is most likely not a bad thing.
A year ago, my cholesterol was:HDL: 86LDL: 105Tri: 41
Pretty ideal in my mind.
I must confirm with Mr. Osorio, but I’d like to host the final Paleo meeting Saturday, Feb 20 at noon.
In general, I am both thrilled and unsurprised to hear of everyone’s reactions. I look forward to talking with you again as a group and diving into the post-challenge phase!
David Osorio says
where can I get a pair of ass-kicker boots? like SS boots? Riding my bike to the afternoon class was a nightmare and im totally soaking wet. My shoes are sponges. Holding up in bierkraft for the time being..
David Osorio says
Nice to have all the teachers in house this afternoon. Get home safe!
also, fractals!!! trippy vizzys.
I recently watched a 4 part series on fractals on nova. good stuff.
.DMG says
Shree Mulay says
@ Fox: Was your blood work after a 12 hour fast? Or did ya’ have something to eat before that?
Low carb (high fatprotein) diets get you the best blood work in the least amount of time. The paleolithic comes under the same class of diets (please correct me if I’m wrong).
I have a question about going Paleo? Is everything raw? Or does fried eggs come under the same premise? Sorry, don’t see myself eating raw eggs anytime soon. Also, I got a low carb (2-3 gserving) protein(whey) shake from Optimum Nutrition that I gulp 2-3 times a day and post workout instead of regular meals. Does this qualify as outta’ the paleo system?
Other than that, I don’t eat much until after my sweet tooth attacks and I go crazy and eat all the stupid shit in the world………….
I’m an Atkins guy, ya’ see. Fairly congruent in biological principles to the paleolithic (I just don’t have access to the food resources readily in India, eh…)… And, I’m not a big fan of milk, either.
Perhaps, I should’ve sat in on the whole Primal Challenge sessions………..
Sameer says
hey all i have a chess question:
is clear==white, smoky==black
or the other way around?
what rules did we settle on?
Sameer says
sorels are good boots, but they are not shit-kickers.
oh wait, david was asking about ass kickers, not shit kickers. i don’t know about that.
Fox says
12 hr fasted blood work:
Total Cholesterol – 270HDL – 94LDL – 176Ratio – better than 2:1
TRIs – 41
Bilirubin – slightly elevated, don’t remember the count
All other markers within “normal” ranges.
Dr’s office has called me no less than 3 times to tell me to go on a low fat, low cholesterol diet. Am I being naive?
David Osorio says
I’m interested to see what the shit-kicker market has to offer as well. Paul told me to go to Daves Army store on 16th and 6th in the city.
Anne Ishii says
Shree, I don’t think there’s any tenet about eating raw in Paleo unless you just want to.
Paleo’s finally being good to me. Biggest challenge is probably just finding the nerve to talk about it without getting self-righteous.
Man… this weather… Am I going to lace my Sperry galosh-boots (inre: boot suggestions) and trek down 4th ave?
David Mak says
I have some army boots for you if you want depending on your foot size (regular, jump boots, jungle boots, desert boots, Russian tanker boots). Let me know tonight.
Bjorn says
Uh-oh, David’s going all Nazi on us…
Re: paleo challenge: dropped 13 pounds so far with no hunger, been feeling good since week 3. Not thinking about sugar’s been very liberating and I think I’ll keep going after the challenge is over.
As far as performance goes, we’ll see at the crash-bs on Sunday. Goal is sub-7 minutes.
Dan Rx'd says
@Fox: what were your numbers like before the Paleo challenge?
lapenguina says
what, you want to look like some punk kid? i hear the lumberjack look is all the rage these days. really. just ask nymag.;)
expensive, yummy boots: http://www.yuketen.com/maine_guide.htmlsimilar, expensive, yummy boots: http://www.quoddy.com/styles.htmla cheaper take on said yummy boots: http://www.eastlandshoe.com/M37/getstyle/M/20/10/7251
oh! and you can buy organic waterproofer from quoddy. it’s made from bear fat and wild beeswax. seriously.
ShawnS says
Check out this lecture on African Fractals on TED if you havent already.
Bethany Benzur says
@Fox, personally I wouldn’t be freaking out about those levels even if your doctors office is. I think sometimes they get too hung up on target ranges for lab work and miss the overall bigger health picture. My LDLs aren’t as high as yours but the rest seems pretty in-line.
February 2007 – HDL: 105 LDL 95 Tri 38 Total 207Nov 2007 – HDL 109 LDL 79 total 205April 2009 – HDL 105 LDL 81 total 195
Joe says
Tall SnatchPVCx5 32#x5 45#x6 45#x5x2
Power Snatch22#x5 45#x5x2
WODDips 5×55 5 5 5 4 (got stuck at the bottom on the 5th rep)
Accessory Work7 Rounds25 double unders / 5 ring knees to elbows21:43
Sorry for all the swearing.
Vincent Dugan says
Dips 5×8
Snip says
Bar dips5x6 w/white band
WOD7 rounds of:25 double under *attempts*5 wonky/swinging k2es17:12
Chris J. says
Dips 3-3-3-4-4-3. Big improvement, next time 5×4
WOD 18:09 counted legitimate attempts, ugly DUs, K2Es not much more attractive…
Thanks ‘Beca for pointing out that ZuZu Ramen is right there. Perfect post-wod.
tried to go 5X5 bar dips.more like 4.75X5Really want to get on the rings but am too stubborn to go there before I can get a solid 5X5 on the bars
WOD: 5:50Sorry Fox, tried for the sub 4 and let you down.4 of 7 double under rounds unbroken.
Matt U. says
I had this in yesterday’s thread, but I’m re-posting here for future reference:
Aimed for 5×4 bar dips but ended up doing two sets of 1 rep and 3 sets of 8 with the white band. Muscle fatigue from yoga on my off days has apparently set in, and today my right shoulder is extremely sore — I think I’ve strained something. May have to take it easy for a little while.
Accessory WOD: 8:39. Pretty fun. I may be doing a lot more DUs if my shoulder keeps giving me problems.
Chris A. says
Bar dips: 5×6.WOD: a very sloppy 12:47. whatev.
Dan Rx'd says
Righteous Ring Dips: 5×6
Accessory WOD: 3:54*
*kept the double unders light as to avoid triggering a worse headache than what I already had. Have a good feeling that going sub 3 is definitely doable. Will look forward to a rematch.
Until then, g’night.
David Mak says
5×5 on the ring dips; felt good.
4×500/2 min rest:1:38.3; 1:38.9; 1:41.1; 1:46.4Came out the gate a little to hard and had nothing left for that last one. Legs were shot.
Accessory WOD: 9:42. Cramped in my calf and didn’t get any round unbroken on the DU’s
Energizing day!ZuZu Ramen is great.
Laurel says
Starting Strength Day 11:
Backsquat: (45×5, 95×5, 135×5) 175×5 … ouch. hip expressed itself quite clearly, NO MORE. I stopped. sigh. It went up so nicely too. Oh well.
Press: (22×5, 45×5, 55×5) 83x5x3
Deadlift: (65×5, 95×5, 135×5, 165×1) 195x5x2 (did extra deadlifts to make up for the squats)
Accessory Work: Weighted Chin-ups 20lbx5x3.
David Osorio says
Warm-up500m Row, some light foam rolling
Ring Dips5x7Rested about 2:00
WOD5:50 as rx’d.
Thanks for all the tips on boots. I bought a cheap pair in Park Slope because my sneaks were soaking wet and I didn’t want to be wet all day.
They’re not shit kickers or punk at all.. ill have to do some more shopping for those.
Malcolm says
Starting Strength Day 11:
Backsquat was reset lower to 245X5x3.
Press was really hard at 110X5x3.
Deadlift was still very doable at 275×5.
Accessory work. Heavy walk outs. Stood for three sets of 30 seconds with 325 on my back.
As for whether paleo is raw or not… there are people who do raw paleo only. That way goes to a scary place. Lets just say there are people who eat exclusively raw beef and beef fat.
stephaniep says
i can’t start to tell everyone how amazing i’ve been feeling eating paleo (plus milk and some other trace amounts of dairy). sleep better, workouts better, recovery better, looking better… i haven’t been sick (KNOCKING ON WOOD RIGHT NOW) in over 4 weeks which for me is HUGE and i’m finding it easier and easier to not even crave the foods i’ve cut out.
long story short – this shit actually works!
moving on…
bar dips – goal was 5×4. did 4×4 and on the 1st dip of set 4 i did something not nice to my left shoulder, delt, rotator cuff, something but so stopped after 4 sets. thanks fox and david for the form critique with the dips. and thanks dan for the DIY ice pack (metal water bottle in lost and found box + snow = really good/cold ice pack!)
stuck around for CRASH B work. one word…. HARD! this killed me tonight. after 3 500s thought i was going to vomit, head was pounding, it really affected me.4×500 @ max effort1:45.5, 1:52.0 and in my state of exhaustion forgot to write down my last 2 times – but they were in the realm of 1:50 to 1:55ish
off to providence for work the boston…. here goes nothing!
stephaniep says
also, HUGE thanks to Nick for helping with the rowing. the tips are definitely going to help going forward, and thanks for clarifying on the warm down 🙂
Peter says
Bardips Lowered then used band 5×6
Counted attempts on DUs 17:35 but actually strung together a new PR of 6 in a row. Looks like my DU mojo is back.
ShawnS says
5×3 Ring dips.
I wanted to go for 4, but was still pretty sore from snatching and pull ups on Tuesday.
Accessory WOD 20:32 FAILDouble Unders are gone and leaving me so frustrated., I think its more of a mental block than anything. I’m going to try and find a way to get through it. Right now Im wasting so much energy with a donkey kick and my timing is way off.
Joe, I know you were frustrated too. Last night I got home and was looking for all kinds of articles about doubles. Here are a few things I found that I’m going to try and incorporate
http://www.againfaster.com/the-micd-instructor/?currentPage=5(scroll down a bit)
article on Greg Amundson’s failure to qualify for CF Games 09 because he didnt have DUs and how he improved them/how they improved him as an athlete.
Laurel says
Shawn & Joe – I’m not sure this is the best advice because it is clearly superior to be able to do doubles on all kinds of ropes, BUT, I’ve noticed that my DU skill is dramatically affected by the rope I’m using. We bought new ropes with the move, and I don’t think they are quite the same as the old ropes – in particular, I used to use the black strand green handled rope, but now need black with black handles or white with green handles or I can’t string DU’s together to save my life. When you practice, make sure you have the right rope length – we have a lot of different types to experiment with.
Erik K. says
I miss deadlifting
Sameer says
From Scott back in phx:
CrossFit HQ posted a video of Laura DeMarco doing a 370lb deadlift. First let me say she is very strong and congrats on the lift, even though she missed it. Hmmm missed you say? She pulled it up all the way, true. But that is only 1/2 of the lift, she dropped the deadlift from the top…missed lift. Why is it in crossfit that every one wants to drop, slam, and ditch weights whenever they feel like it? Whats the attraction to dumping? Does it make you feel more intense, more extreme. more fit? Or do you just feel badass doing it, Primal if you will. Really it shows that you are out of control, sloppy, and likely a hazard to your fellow gym mates. I have no problem when people dump weights when we are O-lifting. This is possibly the only time it is acceptable, and actually encouraged, but still a controlled dump. Remember if you truly want to be an elite athlete, then act like a professional, elite athlete, not an out of control knucklehead, who can’t control him/herself.
Dan Rx'd says
Complete 2010 C.R.A.S.H.-B. entry list with Affiliate, heat, and erg assignments now posted at: http://www.crash-b.org/web/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/entries/06-afstlnfn.html
We’re in good company with other CrossFits, including folks from CF Boston, Virtuosity, and some CF Games competitors.
James N. says
WU:light row ~1000m
Bar dips:5×3
DU/Knees 2 Elbow couplet:12:11longest string of DUs, around 8
Peter says
Vasque Boots rock.
Jess says
Bar dips–5×6 white band
DU/k2e couplet= 8:10