As many rounds in 10 minutes as possible of:
3 Push Jerks 135/85
8 Burpees
Post load and rounds to comments.
Accessory Work
Foam Roll
Push Jerk Review
3 x 2000m / 3–5 min. @ 2000m pace + 20 sec.
If you are shooting for 8:00 (2:00 / 500m pace) on race day, do this workout at 2:20 pace, for a total time of 9:20 on each piece.
If you're going to make up your 5×5 Squats or Dips, we recommend doing them before today's workout to minimize interference.
Keeping Strength in the Strength Program Bill Starr
Photography of Pollution in China China Hush
NYWineGuy says
Paleo Snax!If they weren’t out of stock I would say we should get a bunch for CFSBK. Put a big bowl in the community area for snacking fun!
Peter says
5 rounds plus 3 jerks (70lbs) and one burpee.Bleah. Moving up to 3x/week… need more power!
Oh yeah, Chris J’s 50th B-day is March 14… Filthy Fifty anyone?
Joe says
Wod (115#)7 rounds exactly. There was a lot of push pressing during the middle sets, so I’ll have to work on that.
Made up Back Squats after.Warm Up: 45×5 75×5 95x5Work: 125x5x5. I believe that’s a 5RM (across) PR. Looking forward to this back squat cycle as I try to get that lift up to speed.
Sameer says
95 pounds, 7 rounds.
“we’re sorry we can not accept this data” ?
Ash says
WOD8 rounds 3pp and 2 burpees (95lb)Push press needs work…
Shane mentioned to me a post last week on Crossfit Virtuosity talking about calf stretching? looked through the site and cannot find it. if anyone read it can you send me the link? tks.
Anne Ishii says
7 rounds 55Lb.s
Samir Chopra says
4 burpees short of 8 rounds with 75 lbs (yeah, I know, weak).
Then, CRASH-B WOD from Friday (12X250 – 90 sec rest). Stayed at around 57s for most rounds, the first one was a minute flat, the last was 55s. So some variance there. I’ll catch up on the rest during the week hopefully.
paul says
8 rounds + 1 jerk as rx’d. felt mostly good about my form throughout, very little “pressing it out at the end” on the push jerks in the later rounds.
David says
Amrap 135 jerk/burpee7 rounds + 1 jerk
missed my last two jerk attempts. Saved by the bell I suppose.
Sameer, what are you referencing?
Sameer says
nothing is for sale at paleobrands! they say the paleosnax will be available jan 2010. my calendar says it is feb already. hm. =( kind of disappointing. while i am sure paleobrands could be awesome, it is kind of amateurish to launch like that without actually being able to deliver product. hopefully they will get their shit sorted out and be successful.
david: i tried to post a comment earlier and my browser told me that. then i went back to the main page, clicked comments, and then posted the comment again, and it worked
.DMG says
WUdroms. good stuff.
WOD11 rnds + jerks and 4 situpsrx’d weight, subbed burpees for 16 situps
Bethany says
6 rounds + 3 push jerks at 62 pounds. My lack of burpee endurance was definitely the limiting factor but it was a fun one!
Vincent Dugan says
7 rounds + 2 jerksrd 1-2 @ 135#rd 3-4 @ 125#rd 5-7 @ 115#
As weight gets heavy my mind won’t let my body jerk the weight. Huge psychological issue there. Guess it will get better with practice.
Snip says
PJs/Burpees WOD:7 rounds + 3 PJs + 4 burpees37#s … wah wah
I need to work on doing more burpees strict, but during metcons I get too tired out too quickly, and drop to the knees.
Fox, those warmups killed, but I know they’re good for me!
Tam says
75#: 7 rounds +1 pj
made up hbbsq:
125(f)115x3x5 (‘zat right? Can’t remember)
I quit after the third set because there was something wierd going on with the top of my quad/hip. I’ve felt it before. I might not have been warmed up sufficiently.
One burpee short of 8 rounds. That hurts.105#Push Jerks got wonky at the end under fatigue.This crushed me, but am feeling it in all the right places which makes be believe that my form was good.
Tam says
I love that we’re doing nice long warm-ups now. They feel great.
Fox says
Bill Starr makes me happy.China Hush makes me seriously sad.
Chris J – 50, really?
Sameer – there is a conspiracy at play there.
Steph W – From the mouth of Dharma…”That girl in the blue shirt. How come she had the small weights on there? She looked like they were easy for her.”
Great efforts by ALL today. I love my job.
Carlos says
8 rounds exactly at 95#
i love the new hours
made it in 5x this week
if this keeps up i am going unlimited and quitting Crunch
Matt U. says
I did 6 rounds even at 95#. I lacked the necessary intensity during the first three minutes or so, which included me laughing after I dropped my barbell on my water bottle, causing it to rocket past Jack’s head. Definitely a fun WOD, though.