7 Rounds for time of:
35 Double Unders
7 Deadlifts 275/185
Post time and weight to comments.
Accessory Work
Mat-based Mobility
Foam Roll
4 x 5 min. / 3 min. as hard as you can go consistently across all pieces
Happy Birthday, Mike V!
Programming Note
Please come ready to do the posted workouts. For clarity, we'll be posting what WOD will be run on Rest Days too. It can be very challenging for the coaching staff to run several different workouts based on what people have missed or want to do. If you'd like to complete a missed workout, please arrive early or stay late to make it up on your own. As always, running classes have space and equipment priority.
Starting Strength day 8: (yesterday – took a hot bath and went to bed after so didn’t post.)
Backsquat: (45×5, 95×5, 125×5) 160x5x3 (PR)
BenchPress: (45×5, 65×5, 80×5) 105x5x3
Power Clean: (53×5, 83×5) 123x3x5
Strict toes to Bars 7×3 (so 7 reps three times)
Current body weight: ~140lbs, different scales at different moments say different things… but this is about it. Started at ~133. Some of this is just water weight though.
Stuff felt heavy but doable. Hip is hurting – it is so frustrating to me that I keep getting these funky not-quite-injuries but not-somethings-to-ignore issues. I suppose it was having chronic fatigue for all those years and being therefor exceptionally sedentary, but damn is it frustrating. I hope this clears up before I have to stop and give it time to do so. I want Deb and Alec back NOW!
Happy Birthday Sgt. Mike!
I was all set to come to the morning class, but 245 double unders is no way to start my day. See y’all at six.
1. I’m so excited for this wod!
2. Happy birthday to the many folks celebrating this week!
3. Thanks David for clarifying the sets x rep question. Makes perfect sense.
4. Tucker wants to try out for the affiliate team too. He hopes there’s a tug-of-war event. Or an amrap of steal gloves and puppy farts. Just crown him winner now.
Just got back the results of my MRI:
Partial tear of the rotator cuffCalcium deposits at the rotator cuffSLAP tear (labral tear)
Not good. He gave me a cortisone shot and recommended physical therapy for the next month before looking at surgery as an option.
This is really depressing, but I’m glad to finally know what the problem is.
Tough news, Erik. Be diligent with PT…Heal well.
Working late again, won’t make it in for this fun little burner…
@Erik: keep us in the know man, shoulder injury is no joke. Take good care of yourself.
19:48 (185#)
Sorry for running out; the co-op is a cruel mistress. At least I cleaned up my weights.
14:15 rx’d
That was fun but oh so challenging! 185lbs is heavy for 7 reps let alone 49. Nearly all in sets of 2 until the last three when I had to resort to singles. Double unders were good although no rounds were unbroken.
7 x35 DU/7 DL @ 2759:06This is right in my wheel house.
On the CRASH-B WOD again: 4x5min/3min rest1:50, 22s/m, 1363m1:50.8, 25s/m, 1353m1:52, 25s/m, 1339m1:52.8, 25s/m, 1329m
Total average: 1:51.4, 24s/m, 5385m(total meters)That last 5 minutes sucked.
Happy B-day to all the celebrants!Erik, good luck and heal well.
have i ever said how much i hate double unders?
225 pounds, 25:15
sorry to hear the news Erik. =(
Erik,Very sorry to hear it but glad that the situation has finally found some clarity. please keep me updated.
DU/DL WOD @ 275not sure about my time, 19 something? 20 something?
This WOD really crushed me, I’ve really been feeling the acclimated lack of sleep and stress (good stress) in my workouts. Anyway, felt like I was running on empty.
Erik! I wish you speedy recovery.
WOD with box-jumps on 16in. box, 105Lb. DL:14:32 or 14:23. guh.
I totally sucked on the box-jumps, meanwhile convinced I’d slow down and screw up on the DLs.
My endurance has been totally obliterated by bad habits (though not necessarily cheating on the Primal Challenge).
acclimated.. accumulated?
Damn this one seems tough.
I need to break out my jumprope again.
Ill be away at a work retreat this weekend. See you guys on monday.