The training floor is coming together.
Our pull-up bar components are being constructed off-site and will change some of this arrangement when they get installed.
Margie's Local wants to know What Your Measurements Are
Happy Birthday Kira D!
Best Wishes to Grant P as he makes his way to Haiti to assist with the relief effort.
Does anyone have an old chalk board they're willing to donate? Maybe you know someone who works in a school that might have a lead on one? I was thinking it would be a good idea to cut up a chalk board into little slates so that we could use them to track reps/rounds in workouts. This would be a more sustainable alternative to using paper and pens.
Affiliate Cup Team Registration
opens on Feb 1 for the CrossFit Regionals in May. CrossFit South
Brooklyn will reserve a team and commence tryouts in late Feb/early
March. Each team can consist of 6 individuals with at least 2 men and 2 women. Are you interested in trying out?
Laurie Galassi does the recent mainsite Handstand walk/hold/push-up WOD CrossFit
I have chalk board paint. Is that helpful?
I’m so excited!
I’d like to train with the affiliate team, but there’s no way I should be on it…
Very excited for the new space. It’s looking great!
I would like to train with/try out for the affiliate team.
I guess it might be a problem though, since I know I will not be able to make the games. If nothing else, I’d like to train with the team…
on being skinny-fat:
the problem I have with this article is that they decided to coin this stupid “normal weight obesity” term. Why don’t they just use the time-honored “skinny-fat”?
i’d like to try out as well. Don’t know how that will pan out.
I am getting very excited for the open!
I know I won’t make the team cuts, but I DO have mascot experience, if you need someone to step up in that department.
Anyone have tips for stringing together double unders? Thanks!
I’m down for the team tryouts.
I’m not down with the non-righteous handstand pushups.
How about iPads for everyone to write their information instead? Or take some unframed dry erase board and cut it up to make some dry erase mini-boards.
I’ll try out. My conditioning is going to be abysmal though after ~5 weeks of starting strength. oh well!
I support the ipads plan. They look very entertaining. I had one monitor refreshing every minute to show me ipad updates and the other one streaming the AIG hearings in congress. What a day! 😉
I’m trying out, too.
@Snip – Try doing your double unders with no shoes on. Pain is a great motivator and teacher! (I have to give credit where it’s due; This tip was given to me by Dan the DU master and it worked but it’s actual benefit is in the tactile feedback you get re where the rope is in relation to your feet).
@Laurel – what a great info-day!
anyone ever train at a crossfit in the DC area, I am doing a touring gig this weekend in Arlington, and have saturday free…Wanted to maybe hit up a WOD
My WOD for Sunday was battling waves at Austinmer Beach on Sydney’s South Coast. It was very invigorating, and I worked up a great appetite.
The South Coast beaches are a surfer’s paradise, and to top it off, golden-sanded crescent-shaped beaches are not just dime-a-dozen, they aren’t crowded either.
Overall though, this trip has resulted in a severe loss of both conditioning and strength. I will start back at square one when the new space opens. Looking forward to it.
I’d like to try out for the Affiliate Cup if I’m healthy by then. I found out from my MRI that I have some muscle tears in my lower back. I’ve taken 3 weeks off without lifting weights and tweaked my back today running around with my dog faster than I should have. I’m dying for any sort of WOD but have to take it easy for a bit longer.
Scott – this is terrible. I’m so sorry. I hope you recover quickly and that we see you soon!
Day 5 of starting strength:
Backsquat: 145x5x3Press: 75x5x3 (accidentally did 6 in 2nd set.)DeadLift: 165x5x3
Accessory: 6×5 Toes to bar.
Definitely feeling this in my posterior chain, going to be sore tomorrow!
Drank 3/4 of a gallon of milk today and the new scale at Degraw street says I’m 138.5 lbs… I started out this experiment (albeit on a different scale) at 133. I wonder where I’ll end up?
Starting Strength Day 5.
Squat 235x5x3
Press 100x5x3
Deadlift 245x5x1.
Accessory work. 5 toes to bar with 4 pounds strapped to my feet and 5 toes to bar with 10 pounds strapped to my feet. Need to find a better way to do this that doesn’t involve the velcro on my lifting shoes.
D Mak – Thanks! I’ll try it. My feet are stinging already.
Made it to 7 rounds of push ups + 5 today! That’s not a lot for most, but a huge improvement for someone who could barely do a push up 6 months ago.
Also did some handstand work, including 7 handstand push ups with 5 books under my head.
3 and 2 min planks.
Scott- recover well.
Snip- nice!
I never find myself saying this, but I can’t wait for Monday!
Yesterday, I worked on cleans with the hubby.45×5, 55×5, 65×3, 75×3, 85×3
Several sets at each weight to try to reaquaint myself with the movement. I still need alot of work with these!
Then did some handstand practice and 5×5 blue band strict pullups.
I’m still up for training/trying out for the Affiliate team. If it’s a deadlift/double-under wod, I’m totally you’re girl! 😉
Cool article about barefoot running.
Need to get my hands on the actual study. Any one have access to the journal Nature?
Gabrus – I’ve never been to any gyms down there but have some friends (rugby players!) who train at Fairfax. Not sure how far outside of DC that is or if you’d be able to get there – but they have some great coaching and programming.
Note: Warm up on your own before class. I’ve heard that the classes are only 30 minutes and start on the hour/half hour so be prepared!
Planning on heading to Virtuosity tonight for Ladies Night. Anyone else going?
I would love to go, Jess. I have to see if Evan will be home in time.
Jess was just planning to write the same thing! I’m hoping to make the 6pm class. Which one are you going to?
I’d like to try for the 6pm, but 7pm might be more realistic (Tam also wanted 7pm, I think).
Ugg, I just realized I used the “you’re” instead of “your” in a previous post. Sorry everyone…especially you Tam.
OK, well staying at work a bit longer is probably the best thing anyway. I’ll come at 7. I’ll just have to dart out afterwards.
I’ll be at virtuosity at six…
This is a pretty long, but intriguing, look at coffee consumption and it’s effects.
Jess & Steph: Please don’t alter plans on my account. My husband might not be home in time for me to get there even for 7.:( I’m in dire need of a sound ass-kicking.
gabrus: I have a buddy Jeff who goes to Fairfax. Dan L goes to Arlington. I have another friend who goes to CF Done Right up in Rockville. All seem fairly recommended.
sad to miss cfv.
Resorted to the CBWWOL once again:
600ish meter run25 pull-ups (blue-like band, knee then foot in toward the end)25 push-ups (17 unbroken, 8 very broken, all strict)25 sit-ups (no abmat or anchor, of course)25 squats
Fun at CFV tonight.
Front Squats:45×5, 65×5, 85×5, 95×5, 105x5115x1, 125×1
“Helen”13:42 rx’d.
Running was a jog. Should push myself harder next time. All kettlebell swings were unbroken. Pullups were very broken…only two at most linked.
front squats45x5, 65×5, 85×5, 95×5, 105x5135x1
Helen13:08, first time RXed
kb swings were better than i thought they would be, i think it went like this – 11,10 – 10,6,5 – 7,7,7. pull ups were a mix of sets of anywhere from 1-4.