Handstand Push-Ups
Sets Across
Use the template provided on 1.15.10 and see if you can increase the difficulty somewhat.
Post work to comments.
Practice Jump Rope for 15 minutes and/or Stretch for 15 minutes. Focus on the straddle stretch
Keith intros one arm Clean and Jerks at CrossFit Virtuosity
CF South Brooklyn sends all our best to Katie M who is currently in Haiti organizing relief efforts.
This weekend CrossFit Metropolis will be hosting the "Epic #1". This is a Free two day event consisting of 4-6 scalable events. Check out their post for more details on the event.
Who's interested in going??
Metabolic Medicine Catalyst Gym
Epic 1 sounds delightful but, honestly, I don’t think I’ll be able to do it. Too much time away from the family, I think.
David – thanks for posting up about the Epic. Anybody who is interested, please come along. Join for as many or as few WODs as you like, just come cheer. Whatever; it will be low key, informal, fun, yet very challenging of course.
Suggestion box:What if we painted one section of the wall in the new space with chalkboard paint? Then we could write WODs, scores, etc with chalk and erase as needed…
Just a thought. Virtuosity was fun!
Great turnout by SBK at CFV today. Interesting wod.
2 Deadlift 155#4 Slegdehammer tire slams6 Pull ups8 DB Thrusters 45#10 KB Swings 1 1/2 pood12 Double unders
1:40 something?
Fun with muscle up practice after. Watched Emily Buckley get her first, and I got 7 linked (pr)!
Great turnout today. Lots of fun!
Thanks, Fox, for writing that down so I don’t have to.
Virtuosity workout: 4: – something
I spent a lot of time on the double unders, but I did them! Used 15# dbells for the thrusters (should have done more) and blue band pullups. Did 95# deads, which was the Rx’ed weight for the ladies.
Also, I’m interested in Epic if…
a) the new SBK isn’t openb) I can get a friend to go with me 🙂
Thanks Fox for writing it down. Took me just over three minutes. 3:06? Everything was going great until the double unders. Ugh. I think double unders aren’t paleo. 🙂
Grrr, I had to work so I missed the field trip to Virtuosity.
I’m desperate for the new box to open already.
Squat 325x2x6Good Mornings 165x10x5Walking Lunges 30x20x5Side Bends 22x10x3
Squat depth was weird took awhile to find today, hamstrings felt tight. Went a little light with the accessory movements, trying to feel out appropriate weights.
Backsquats 5×3 225lbs.Rowed 5,000 meters time=24:27, built up a nice sweat.Did day 1 of 20 pullups.2,1,1,2,+1 negative,rested 1:30 between sets. Felt really easy, but I think it’s gonna get much harder if I stick with the 6 week program. The goal is 20 unbroken strict pullups. I miss you guys.
CFV Starting Strength Class, Day 1:
Backsquat: (45×5, 45×5, 85×5, 110×5)125x5x3
Press: (45×5, 55×5)70x5x3
3 rounds Max Chin-ups: 13(pr),10,10
Post-WOD Fette Sau with Nicole and Gerrit. GRIN. Now I get to drink MILK THISTLE!! I like bulking cycles. What a great day.
P.s. Nice work Fox!
Day 1 Starting Strength at CFV.
After warming up.
Squat 205x5x3.
Press 90x5x3.
Chinups (strict), 13, 8, 10.
Milk gut full. Now to bed.
MHPClean: work to heavy single, 90%x3x3Worked to 97#87#x3x3
DL 80%x4x5172#x4x5
Band curls3x10
hello everybody. last day in anguilla. sun finally came out yesterday so i got some sailing in. today i did a little run/burpee wod on the beach, but didn’t time it =(
5 rounds50m sprint/run/jog/crawl5 burpees
that took way more out of me than i had thought it would. i am seriously out of condition. must do more metcon.
see y’all when i get home.
No workout yesterday–too much else going on. Makes 2 days in a row. Been a while since I took that much time off. Yuck. Miss my gym!
I am officially a big fan of small jumps in weight on warm up sets. did work sets of 245×3 today and it felt great after a lot of small jump warmups (no more than 30lbs) up from 135.
Did a 5K row here in Sydney at 21:56. Couldn’t go hard as I would have liked. This weird dude next to me was distracting me with his horrible form – I started to imagine David or Nick yelling at him and kept losing focus.
Ran a loop around Prospect Park today with Chris and the dog. This is my first time running in months and it was Tucker’s first run ever! I think he did better than we did. It was actually nice to not time the run, and just run for leisure!
I did the handstand workout from yesterday today.
warm-up: single unders and assorted tricks
du’s: my max continues to be 18. boo.
handstand push-ups 5×5:
I used two books between my hands for the first set. They added up to about 5″ or an inch less than the last time we did this. I could do two reps and then had to do the “controlled descent” for the last three. For my second set, I added another book that made the stack about a 1/2″ higher. I think I pressed out on one of those and completed the set with controlled descent. The rest of the sets I returned to the 6″ step stool that I used last time. I pressed out on two for sets 3&4 and 4 for the finale.
The most exciting part, though, is that when I kicked up into my handstand, I was a bit too far from the wall at first, and I held it for a solid couple of seconds. Then I got so excited that I fell. I was able to repeat it a couple of times, though. Very exciting! I like handstands.
did push jerks at CFv, haven’t done em in a while5x1185195205 (PR)215 (PR)225 (PR)
I think I could have gone heavier. But we ran out of time. I have been feeling great lately. Might be the diet, might be the creatine. Lord knows.
tabata pullups5 in every round (by far the most I have ever done)tabata power snatch 65 lbs (5 in every round as well)
quick little burner yesterday with nicole.
21×3, 15×3, 9x3KB swings(1.5pd), burpees, deadlift 50% 1RM (205lbs, should have been 217.5)
fingers crossed for the CofO today.
Yesterday, I hit the gym for a fun-filled 2M run, 2k row, 70 weighted sit ups.
Good luck today!