Handstand Push-Ups
Sets Across
If you've got handstand push-ups, use some thick text books to elevate your hands thus increasing your range of motion. Find a challenging height and perform 5 sets of 5 repetitions.
If you struggle with Handstand Push-ups, use some thick text books and a towel to elevate the floor between your hands thus decreasing your range of motion. Perform 5 sets of 5 repetitions. If you can't press out, simply focus on a controlled descent and kick down to the floor at the bottom of each rep. Don't lose the tension in your arms.
If handstand push-ups seem worlds away and you struggle with regular push-ups, work on these today. Instead of modifying by going to your knees, elevate your hands with text books, a table (make sure it's sturdy) or even a wall. Choose a height that makes these challenging and perform a 5×5 with strict form. If this seems too easy, you can also elevate your feet making the standard push-up more challenging. Beforehand, work some handstand holds against a wall. 5 sets of :20 holds.
Perform a light jog. Throw in some backwards running, lateral shuffles and bear crawls.
You can also do yesterday's warm-up if you didn't do it already.
New shirt designs for our new online store launching in February
February Foundations is SOLD OUT!
Chinese Weightlifters Photo Set
I heart skulls.
Awesome photo set. There’s a great shot on the 3rd page of an athlete in the bottom of a snatch (or oh squat) that really brings the term active shoulder into new visual light. I also like the weighted plank variant off of the boxes.
I am late to commment on the new schedule–it looks *AWESOME*. Very excited for more morning classes, and the noons will be great until The Nature Conservancy figures out it doesn’t want me working from home anymore.Didn’t work out yesterday. Felt awful. Not sure if I’m fighting something, underslept, need thyroid meds, or dealing w/ carb withdrawal. Or all four. Plan to train capoeira tonight.
february!??! but i want one NOOOOWWWWWW!
sad i couldn’t join the kiddies at cfV last night, took a 7-3 loss in my indoor soccer game but it was fun to be running around.
visiting crossfit orange upstate at home tomorrow morning and will report back.
Who’s down for Virtuosity Saturday at 11am?
I’d like to go to virtuosity. And I like the new schedule, too. And the t-shirts.
CYCLEanyone up for 2 hour cycle, give or take, on sunday morning?
it will be on 9W which is over the GW bridge. we’ve got 2 cars, myself, alec and deb, we can take 2 more riders plus bikes.we’ll meet in brooklyn at 8.30 and driving to NJ.
let me know if you’re interested.
DMG- sounds great, but my current wheels are def not 9W worthy. Peirmont lunch?
Fox, if there’s time, definitely a snack at peirmont. pity you can’t make it
I’d like to ride on Sunday!
cool tam. email me at davidmcgrath(at)mac(dot)com for details.
Yeah Tam! it will be nice to not be the only female for a change.
Did 2 sets of 5 strict push ups this morning, then took off for a run around the park, about 30 min. When I got back I was running late for work, so I didn’t finish the remaining sets. Whoops.
Don’t think I can make it to CFV Saturday. Anyone want to go Monday?? I don’t have work and could go any time.
I’m in for Monday.
Ok, I’m in for Virtuosity on Saturday and Monday. How about the 12:30 on Monday since I’m off too?
9W is way too challenging for my crappy bike.
What does 9W mean?
thee fun meetings today. More office supplies and white boards on their way as well as DIY cleaners. Our community area will have self serve espresso, coffee, and lounge space..
Meeting with the owner in a couple hours and then lululemon and then an artist about an installation later tonight.
9W is a road in Jersey/Rockland county that is very popular with hardcore cyclists. Lots of hills and winding roads plus beautiful scenery.
Exciting stuff David!
i might be interested in the saturday and monday virtuosity trip. sounds like a good time.
Do you guys think me and the KHS could hang with the 9W? Hills arent an issue but I can’t go that fast because it’s a single speed. Also, is this the kind of things you don’t show up to with jeans and a hoodie to?
My abs are feeling the 300 sit-ups today.
i would be up for riding if i were here this weekend – need to spend more QT on my bike.
def going to cfV on monday for the 12:30 class! whoop!
I’ll be on 9W tomorrow! Finally nice weather!
David, as long as you wear a helmet and have brakes (some big hillz!), I think you can swing the jeans/hoodie…you’d get some looks from the hardcore geeks in full spandex, but I wouldn’t worry about it. One time, I rode by a guy with a motor on his bike…
In for the 1230pm CFV class on Monday!
man, all you people going to workout and do healthy stuff and stuff, come dance and drink, http://crush3r.com/page/vemvglexjv , prepare for the unexpected!
David, I recommend the spandex route, don’t wanna chaffe.
Yeah! Excited to see you all Monday!
D.O. – will you need mugs for the new VIP lounge? Or are Becca and Short-Shorts already making skull ones?
I’m going to CFV Sat, Sun (open gym!) and Monday.
Charlotte – I’ve seen how terrible thyroid imbalances can be, I hope you get the meds sorted soon. Feel better!
just got back from CFV. went with the magnificent gabrus.
big thanks to keith and CFV for hosting us CFSBK’ers.
WU-droms-inch worms forwards/backwards with push up at plank pos-walking crab forwards/backwards-weighted sit ups 2×25
WOD50 squats3x 30 box jumps 24″ alt step ups with jumps.3×30 K2Ealt box jumps and K2E’s50 squats
CDpaleo lunch
D.O. let me know if you want to go sunday.
David, I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND a pair of shorts at the least.
Hi Deb, I’m curious what gear you recommend for winter riding. It’s kinda hard to wade through the gazillion options. Any recommendations? /rebecca
Press 5×3 115 lbsWarmed rowing 5 minutes.Pullups 5 rounds of 5, strict12,15,9, box jumps pushups. Time= 3:45Food ok so far.
Hi Rebecca, I tend to overdress, but for really cold temps I suggest…1. booties if you ride in cycling shoes. Unbelievable how warm they keep your feet and help cut the wind.2. A good pair of gloves. Same reason as above.3.Wind tights that go over shorts. I have a pair made by Craft that have a gortex “windstopper” front and regular spandex at the back. Instead of tights leg warmers and arm warmers are a big help and can be easily stripped of while riding.4. Other than those few necessities, just layer layer layer.5. Oh and a skullcap that fits under the helmet and keeps your ears protected.6. a good windbreaker with a good back pocket is an essential no matter what the weather.
As far as brands go I am big on Sugoi. Not a fan of Pearl Izumi. Swobo makes some great wool jerseys and I like the Craft stuff. Any other cyclists out there have brands they like?
Did the push up/sit up work out from the other day. Strict sit ups, no anchor. Finished each round at about 28 seconds. Last four rounds I scaled up to 10 push ups, finishing each round in 33 seconds (ment to scale the last five rounds but miscounted).
Then did 20 squats, 10 pull ups, 5 knees to elbows X5. No idea what the time was.
Yesterday and today I ran 5K. Running 5Ks each day, instead of kettlebellboxlungeroperowing, is not as fun. Maybe tomorrow I will air squat in the mirror.
Hope to see everybody soon!
Warm up: Jumped rope in my living room with two yoga mats under me. It was tricky. Then I went and ran around the block a couple of times just so I could go backwards. Also bear-crawled. And drom.
HSPU: I used one of Milo’s old step stools for this. It’s about 6 inches tall and worked beautifully. I went down to two books for a couple of reps in the second set, but I couldn’t really press out, and pressing out is way more satisfying. On the third and fourth set I couldn’t press out for the final rep, but I did all five in the last. Yay.
Press: (45×5, 55×5, 65×3)73x5x5
Deadlift: (65×5, 115×3, 165×1)185, 105, 115 (PR by 10 lbs!!) 125F 125F
The 125 came about an inch off the ground but then I put it down. I’m not sure what the problem is, but I just don’t know how to fight for my deadlifts. Anyway it was a great lifting day, but now I am beat!
I don’t think I’m going to make it to CFV tomorrow because this was my third day in a row and I can really feel it. Maybe I’ll hit Sunday though.
Press 112x5x3.
Deadlift 5×1. 269, 319, 334, 340PR. Mix of metric and normal but still managed to pull a 10 pound PR. Dropping the weight down and then working to fix technique has really paid off in my deadlifts. I think I have 350 in there pretty soon.
Laurel, I think your numbers are wrong. Going from 185 to 115 as your PR???
I did some pressing today too.22×5, 45×5, 55×5, 65x3work: 68x5x5
I really had to fight for each rep.
Then LBBS:(45×5, 95×5, 125×5, 145×3)Work: 160×5, 155×5
Intended to do sets across at 160 but I just wasn’t feeling it. Dropped weight thinking it would get easier. It didn’t and I realized I was pretty fatigued so called it quits.
Oh almost forgot, began and ended with double unders and hit 52! New PR by 9!
HA! Thanks Jess. I’m apparently a bit out of it.
DL: 185, 205, 215(PR by 10lbs) 225F 225F
are we still going to virtuosity today?
Yes Cloyde! We’re still going to the 11am class. Hope to see you there. Get ready to Fight!
this really isnt the workout i would have liked to come back to after about a month off from the gym. geez louise. ill kae sure to have my inhaler ready.
i am down to go on monday, do we know if the G train will be running that day? Or are any of you grown ups driving?
also, David is the picture on the CFV homepage today, sporting our new shirts.
Sorry about the lack of a post, I came home last night to a dead modem, new one being shipped Tuesday. New jersey bound for my sisters birthday, won’t be able to make it to cfv or 9w.
Did some power snatches yesterday, focusing on technique. Worked up to 125 .
150 single-unders50 situps120 sus40 situps90 sus30 situps60 sus20 situps30 sus10 situpsAll situps in batches of 10.14:47
Forgot to post my CFV adventures from the last few days.
1 arm BB Snatches and Clean & Jerks are fun.Annie – 6:55
Forward roll are fun.Fight Gone Bad…not so much – 280
Great showing from the SBK crew today, and great brunch after. As I told David this evening, it always great to hang with our peeps “outside the box”.
Anyone interested in ice skating at Prospect Park next Saturday? Jess and I are going with Dharma.
OK, I finally got it together, signed up for vimeo and posted my first video. It’s of our last day at the Lyceum! Enjoy. But be warned, my camera work is very shaky.
Steph, Great video!! it made me nostalgic for that last day. Three cheers for you!