5 Rounds for time of:
12 Split Jumps
12 Vertical Jumps 12" above standing reach
Post time to comments.
3 Rounds NFT:
5 Anterior Reaches, each leg
1:00 Lateral Plank, each side
:30 Jumping Jacks
Thanks to Darren at Taylor Fitness for our new couch!
All SBKers are invited to CrossFit Virtuosity tonight at 7pm for a WOD followed by some BBQ at Fette Sau. Drop in rate is $20. Post to comments if you plan on coming!
CrossFit South Brooklyn's new Group Class schedule is now up! We've posted it starting from Feb 1 onwards in the Events Calendar. Here are the details:
All Level Group Classes
Mondays: 6am, 7am, 12pm, 5pm, 6pm, 7pm
Tuesday: 6am, 7am, 5pm, 6pm, 7pm
Wednesday: 12pm, 5pm, 6pm, 7pm
Thursday: 6am, 7am, 5pm, 6pm, 7pm
Friday: 6am, 7am, 12pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm
Saturday: 8am, 9am, 10am, 11am, 12pm
Sunday: 9am, 10am, 11am, 12pm
Free Teaser Classes
Monday 12pm
Saturday 11am
Mondays and Wednesdays at 8pm Register Here!
Still to come… SBkids!, Mobility and Recovery Intensive, Rowing Club and Strength Intensive.
Get Stoked!
Put a piece of tape 1 foot above standing reach on a wall and jump to touch it each rep.
Today’s Mainsite WOD is also equipment free.. I kind of want to try it. It looks awful.
Okay, enough procrastinating.. time to bike home…
Oh man, I was thinking about going to Virtuosity at some point, too bad I didn’t l know about this sooner. Anyone want to go next week?
@Snip: possibly, but only if we’re still don’t have the CofO. I want to tear it up in our new home!
@David: main site wod reminds me of Gillian’s dizzy diane, but without the deadlifting. Let me know how it goes!
Of course if it’s open next week I’d rather go to SBK!! But with the new schedule effective Feb 1, I just assumed…
Very excited about the new sched, by the way. And nice pic, Coach! Just don’t let Shane put his up. Might scare away potential clients.
(I am so dead when we get back.)
Oh, burn! Good one, Snip.
I’m also loving the new, more flexible schedule. It just means that I’ll be spending an increased amount of time at CFSBK. Cult-tastic!
The hubby and I will be heading out to Virtuosity tonight…and hopefully to Fette Sau afterwards!
Anyone else going?
I’m in for sure! pork belly!
Mmmm…jiggly piggy belly.
I may be there tonight — trying to convince Keith to let me do Grace as the workout instead.
Hey guys… looking forward to seeing you tonight.
Since you guys are temporarily homeless, we are gonna give you the $5 special for drop-ins until you get up and running.
Sweet Keith! Thank You! That means $15 more dollars towards yummy pork belly!
So sorry to miss virtuosity! i have to care for my spawn.
cant go tonight because of theatre obligations. But…Keith appreciate the offer, will take you up on some of the 1230 classes.
thanks, very cool of you
also so stoked about day time classes at CFSBK…any day without a shoot or an audish at that time, and I’ll be there.
Also strength intensive sounds fun
foooook! missing pork and cf virtuosity, damn it!
I’m going to Virtuosity, Malcolm too if they let him out of work in time.
Very, very stoked about the new schedule. Thanks!
new schedule looks great. hopefully there’s some later stuff though i get out at 7pm. I’m really itching to get back in the gym. i suck at working out at home
Thanks Keith! One-handed snatches are crazy fun and one-handed clean and jerks strangely appealing. Crossfit Virtuosity is a wonderful space and just felt lovely.
Annie: 7:02. Definitely a PR. I didn’t think that was going to go so well after the 150 sit-ups yesterday. Great having Fox right next to me, I was chasing him the whole time – kept me pushing.
Fette Sau was delicious as always. All in all a pretty fabulous evening.
Working out at Virtuosity was a lot of fun. Great space and really enjoyable playing with the one handed versions of the olympic lifts.
Thank you Keith for hosting us.
Annie: 11:11. Just checked the last time I did Annie in 15:51 counting attempts. First what is with me and Annie and palindromes.
I am slowly but surely getting better at double unders. Actually got my first 40 unbroken which was a PR by 13.
Then Fette Sau was delicious and good company.
Thanks for coming everyone! What a treat to have you all in our gym. Hope to see more of you guys/gals. You guys tore up that workout pretty hard. Awesome!
Great fun at Virtuosity tonight. Thanks, Keith. I’m not quite Sandow, but the 1 arm OH BB lifts were sure fun.
Annie – 6:55. PR by over a minute, easy (M&L – when did we do this last?)
David – Are you anywhere near Union street yet, or are you a lost blinking light somewhere along the Brooklyn/Queens border?
Also took part in the CF Virtuosity training and the afterparty.
Did the 6PM class, had fun with one arm snatches. Mixed feeling on the one arms C&J’s, but it could grow on me.
Annie in 5:08
then did Grace while the 7PM peeps rocked Annie.Grace as rx’d in 3:44
Resetting all my PR’s for the new year — trying to not compete with my uninjured self from last year and just be happy with what I do.
Earlier in the day knocked out some pushups too, a little over 150 just for practice/strength building.
David has an iPhone — hopefully he uses the GPS at some point…
I did the at home workout:
I only had 4 cups for the anterior reaches, so I did two rounds per side.
1 min. per side planks
30 sec. of jj’s
5 rounds of 12 split jumps/12 verticle jumps
real sloppy
Thoroughly enjoyed Virtuosity tonight. Thanks for having us Keith!
Annie: 9:56 PR
Yes, good times at Virtuosity! Really dug the one-arm snatch and clean work. Clearly my left arm has strength and coordination issues.
“Annie” = 8:38
This is a PR by 5:29 since my first go with Annie in October! I think that if I hadn’t done the 150 situps 2 days ago, I could have been a little faster. Keith, those jump ropes are awesome!
PS. was strange to workout somewhere that had heat…