Thank you to everyone who helped with the move yesterday. With all your help and hard work, a potentially very daunting task ended up only taking a couple hours and being a lot of fun. The strength and comradery of the community never ceases to amaze us.
Until the Degraw St. is up and running, we'll be posting at home workouts that require minimal equipment and keep you guys all updated on the move.
Today's Workout
+ DROM shoulders
+ Perform 15 Handstand kick-ups leading with each leg. Focus on consistency and grace.
+ Afterward, dedicate 15 minutes to handstand practice. If you've got a roommate or better half, teach them how to spot a free standing handstand and use them instead of the wall.
Down at Margie's Local, there's a kick-off post to the Primal Quest Challenge. Check it out!
New Age Cavemen and the City NY Times
So I have to admit, the original version of “The Brooklyn Lyceum” that i tested out was a little different than the version you guys did. it was:
50 Burpees25 Thrusters 95lbs50 Box Jumps, 24″25 Pull-Ups50 Double Unders25 Kettlebell Swings, 2 pood50 Burpees
I took out the KB swings for logistic reasons and shifted some of the movements around a bit. This only means Ill have to do the official version soon.
After the box jumps I started to get gassed but chipped away at everything pretty quickly. The burpees at the end were much harder than expected, especially since the first 50 were unbroken and barely got my heart rate up. Yikes. I was going a little loopy and may have done up to 10 additional burpees at the end.
Thanks to everyone for an amazing last two years in general and for yesterday specifically. From the workout to the move to the festivities after it was one hell of a day.I look forward to working with you all in the new space. We’ve got some very exciting things in store. See you all very soon
Fun times yesterday!
For those of us who aren’t members of another gym, but still need to get our fix, this week happens to be BeFitNYC week where you can use the city’s recreational centers for free.
What was your time coach?
I read the article in yesterday’s times when I got home last night. I am pretty disappointed with the message that it puts out about paleo. To have what we are trying to accomplish paired with these caveman types is upsetting.I would like to see them write an article about what Margie is doing and how our program is based in science and not trying to emulate the lifestyle of a caveman. There is a strong story here which carries a message of how our food system as a whole is failing us. Oh how many modern diseases are nutrition related and being caused by the “low fat” trends of the past 20 years.
Here is a question for everyone: If the world changed tomorrow and everyone started eating paleo, would there be enough food produced to support the current population?I wonder if it would be possible?
Brian – I also was annoyed at the article which seems to suggest that there are about 10 people eating paleo in NY and they are all part of some silly club of people who call a chest freezer a meat locker and generally are silly by eating raw ground meat (he better well be grinding it himself, cause otherwise that is one scary/stupid habit).
On the question of quantity of food produced. I think this is a biology question that has been hidden for a long time. Population will expand to use the resources available unless some other check is put in place. This is as true with bacteria, cockroaches, or deer as it is with humans. For the last few hundred years we have experienced a number of major food revolutions. From the advent of refrigeration and train shipping to the two green revolutions (the first being from plant breeding for larger yields and the second from petroleum based fertilizers). We are now in the midst of a third green revolution with GM crops greatly increasing yield.
These revolutions have happened rapidly enough that hunger has been at an all time low on a global scale for four or five generations. We have the unprecedented reality that starvation is largely a problem of politics and distribution and not of absolute food availability.
We will either need to continue to have new revolutions in food producing methods (and the past few haven’t been particularly kind to our bodies, or the condition of our farm land) that exceed the rate of growth of the population or we will return to hunger as being a real threat.
Not to sound like a gloomy Malthusian but it doesn’t really matter if we have a starving population with 10 billion people on the globe or 5 billion. I would like a status quo that does not use food availability to limit population growth. To that end I support methods of population control that have a less cruel edge than food quantity.
In summation I do not think the total amount of food produced has any bearing on global hunger or starvation except in the very short run.
Ok breakfast was leftover whole organic chicken and a salad with home italian dressing. I am ready to bring it. Last thing non-paleo that I had was some goat cheese in a salad. Pretty paleo already. Let’s do this!
they have rooms available…
here’s the info…
Holiday Inn Brookline1200 Beacon StreetBrookline, MA 02446Reservations: 617-277-1200
Located just minutes from the heart of Boston and Agganis Arena,
To make your reservations call 617-277-1200 and ask for the BU rate.
I’m, frankly, a little baffled by the ire that article raised. It’s a human interest piece and by no means meant to be a comprehensive depiction of paleo life. The part about the crack-pot-raw-meat eater comes at the end, with the caveat that all the other paleo-eaters disagree with the choice. Add to this that the article is the New York Times–a paper that is perpetually late to the party–and it’s hard to take the whole thing all that seriously.I was just amused by it. The tone is so obtuse–“Look at these curious people and their odd food choices.” And it’s pretty funny to imagine the overall reaction some guy on the upper east side with a meat locker in his living room. Ah, New York. It’s a hell of a town.
Tam – I thought it was pretty funny, though I am not an easily offended caveman, I guess.
I am against all forms of population control. I think more people == good. The challenge is to make sure that the more people on the planet can live lives that are better than the lives of their ancestors. Therefore I think that the various green revolutions were a good thing. The challenge now is to find a way to continue to increase our ability to feed people while returning nutrition to pre-agricultural levels on a per calorie basis.
I enjoyed the article. 🙂
Today for dinner I had 1 lb of grass fed beef, 2 parsnips, a half onion and two glasses of milk.
Has anyone ever eaten Coconut bliss ice cream before?? It’s pretty much amazing. anyway, here are the ingredients. So good or no good?
Ingredients: Organic Coconut Milk (Organic Coconut, Water, Guar Gum), Organic Agave Syrup, Organic Fair Trade Vanilla Extract, Organic Fair Trade Vanilla Beans
Also, we did some Push jerks in the new space today. (shhhh) after assembling the new squat racks.
(P/PP 45x3e, PJ 95×3, 135×3)155×1, 175×1, 179×1, 189×1, 205F, 195F
Hooray bailing!!
Once I finish this im going to do the handstand practice. huzzah
David –
The coconut ice cream sounds pretty tasty, but definitely not paleo. Agave syrup is just another name for refined sugar.
Table sugar is no better for us if we call it “Organic Hawaiian Sparkling Cane Crystals”.
Re: article…if I went to some guy’s apartment and he had a meat locker in his living room, I’d assume his ex girlfriend was in there and RUN away as fast as possible.
I feel like absolute crap today, upper-respiratory stuff. Paleo eating is going well though.
Saving handstands for tomorrow when I feel better. I heart handstands.
Ooh, where can I get Sparkly Hawaiian Crystals? Are they Fair Trade?
Sameer: Completely agree. And if I may be a completely naive, anti-Malthusian optimist: I wouldn’t be surprised if farming practices begin to shift toward pasturing, crop rotation, etc. in the next 50 years as innovation makes sustainable methods more productive. At least in the developed world.
Robb Wolf and Melissa Urban eat coconut ice cream:Author’s Note: I’d like to add that, while Dallas’ coconut dessert choice isn’t technically “Paleo”… we also don’t care. Sure, it’s processed and includes some emulsifiers… but as a dessert choice, and as a dairy-free, gluten-free substitute for “real” ice cream, Turtle Mountain’s “Purely Decadent” line is a winner all around. I recommend the Mint Chip, which gives Breyer’s a serious run for its money. The ingredients are below – Grok may not have eaten it, but WE sure as heck will.”
15 Hand stand kick-ups leading with the right legrest15 hand stand kick-ups leading with the left legrest
HS practicestarted with my hands on the floor and my back rounded and supported on the wall, tried (TRIED) to extend slowly into a handstand using strength alone. This was very hard. gave it a good 8-10 attempts with rest between each one. This was a clumsy, awkward affair.
Then I did some HS holds with my stomach facing the wall, I always hyperextend my inversions so I was trying to get a better sense of not.
First day of the challenge and we’re talking about ice cream? That’s not promising…
I went for Purely Decadent before the challenge. Yum. There simply is not a better ice cream alternative. Even my husband said it was good, and he’s not into any kind of sublimation with regards to something that could potentially bring pleasure (see earlier post regarding clean & jerks).
PSI love that the picture for the NYT piece was taken in the AMNH.