(E4/4) L1 5×5 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
Post loads to comments.
compare to 1.2.10 and 12.26.09
4 Rounds NFT of:
5 Forward Rolls
10 Knees to Elbows
15 Dumbbell Swings
Primal Quest's first meeting is today at 1pm. To better health!
Crash B Rowers are meeting at 11am today.
We'll start the move tomorrow at 1pm after the last class. With enough help, it shouldn't take too long and we can all go out to eat afterward. Everyone will be assigned to small teams with specific tasks. More information to come on tomorrow's post. Don't worry if you've got to cut out early as all help is appreciated. If you've got some tools (wrenches) to help disassemble the pull-up bar, please post to comments.
What workout or kind of workout do you think will come out of the "hopper" tomorrow?
Tam says
Chris J. says
I have crescent wrenches and a ratchet set that I could bring.
Sarah says
Stupid question… tomorrow what is the likelihood we will be walking stuff between locations and thus need to dress warm? Or will we be more likely to be carrying items downstairs into a car/truck?
Laurel says
That is the most devastating picture to post at this time of year – just look at those strawberries. Now I have a hunger that can’t be assuaged for months!
Tomorrow’s WOD? Well my thinking goes like this: if David is strategic it won’t be something that takes a lot of orchestrating and leaves people quivering, fully depleted and catatonic for the rest of the day because then our move will be slower and harder to pull off. Additionally it can’t be too long because there are likely to be sooo many of us there to pay our last respects. So no Murph.
It has to be something special and epic though. When I think through the various named workouts, none of them seems special enough to say goodbye with. Perhaps a new named workout called “The Lyceum” that we can keep doing in the future to remember it by? What would a “The Lyceum” WOD be though?
Running is not Lyceumish (remember the stairs and busy streets to cross.) Rowing is only late period Lyceum I think (because we had to acquire enough rowers.) It seems to me that given David’s history of starting the gym in a park and slowly building up to the lyceum and then from the Lyceum to the new as-yet-un-named-location, it should be some kind of accumulative chipper, starting with calisthenic movements that don’t require equipment and building through kettlebell and dumbell movements to some barbell/olympic lifting stuff.
I think the sound track for the WOD should involve a mixture of Beethoven’s 9th, some crescendos from Wagner operas, and the most played songs from David’s workout music collection for the last two years (such as that one from slumdog millionaire.) Perhaps we could even take turns making nerve-tank sounds in the background or just screaming “Charlie Brown!” emphatically.
Can’t wait to see everyone today… am a bit jet lagged but happy to be back.
tam says
I just read that post without looking at the poster’s name to see if I could figure out who wrote it. I totally knew it was Laurel. Just wanted to congratulate myself there. And Laurel for having such a distinctive voice.
Brian says
I will bring my crescent wrench and truck.This will be like striking the greatest show on earth!
I think we owe it to the Lyceum to make as much noise as possible tomorrow.Anything where we are bailing heavy weights. Maybe power cleans coupled with double unders.
Joe says
Backsquat 5x5Warmup: 45×5 95×5 115x5Work across: 135x5x5
Thanks David for the pointers on my stance. Seemed to help.
katie says
2000m row in 7:28.
20+ sec PR so that was great. All that slow stroke rate technique work is really helping.
paul says
did cleans today because I squatted heavy yesterday. 135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 185, 185.
thanks to margie and shane for tips on technique/form.
Dan Rx'd says
Movement Prep (15 Minutes)
Warm Up: 4 rounds NFT of 5 forward rolls, 10 knees to elbows, 15 Dumbbell Swings @ 40lbs.
Workout:5×5 Mid-Hang Power CleansWarmup: 45×5, 95×5, 135x5Work: 155×5, 165×5, 175×5, 185×5, 195x5f (did successful scare crows), 190×5.
5×5 Low Bar Back SquatsWarmup: 45×5, 95×5, 135×5 Work: 225×5, 225×5, 225×5, 225×5, 225×5
5×5 Overhead SquatsWarmup: 45×5, 95x5Work: 115×5, 125×5, 130×5, 135×5, 140×5
Really wanted to dial in the technique on all of these and kept them light. Had a great time back and overhead squatting with Nick. OHS feel so good when done right!
Was great watching people go all out on the 2K row! Will be making that up later this week…
Bjorn says
Hooray for the Primal Quest! I’m very excited and terrified as I have not gone more than 2 days without drinking copious amounts of milk in my entire life.
2K rowing suckfest for the first time: 7:14. Ouch!
Snip says
Yeah! Laurel and her posts are back! (And Malcolm too!)
Just wanted to say thank you to Margie for the great kickoff. I am curious and excited about the next six weeks!
No CF for me today, ran the park and to and from the meeting instead. Did the Prospect Park loop in about 30:50.
gabrus says
back squat205x5x5
I think it should be a ridiculous chipper called the Lyceum
then we do it the second week of January forever!!!
Laurel says
Backsquats: (45×5, 95×5)145×3,155×1,155×3, 125×5, 125×5, 125×3
So that looks a bit wonky doesn’t it? I meant the 145 to be a warm-up set as I did 145x5x5 two weeks ago… but then my 155 set was so ugly people started giving me a lot of commentary mid set and I ended up failing. Apparently my vacation included forgetting how to squat. lovely. Dropped down to 125 and practiced my form.
Great lifting with you Jess! I wish I were making strength gains like that, very exciting! Thanks for helping me through my squat breakdown.
Awesome 2k time Katie – do you know that would have put you in the top times for the 2k at the North East Qualifier last year? damn! http://crossfitneq.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/womens-final-results.pdf
Fox says
Hmmm. I like Gabrus’ idea.
LBBSq (back off)warms, then: 245x5x5
my adductors and abs are FRIED from the db mhpsn-bj-sit up amrap!
Malcolm says
Great to be back at the gym with everyone before the move. I was really afraid we were going to come back to NY and never work out in the Lyceum again.
Back squatted today. Did 5×3.
Warmup was a fun one.
5 forward rolls,10 toes to bar15 kb swings (1.5 pood).
Four rounds. In actuality I only was through the toes to bar on the fourth round when we had to move on to the workout.
Warmed up with 45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 185×5.
Work was 225x3x5. I love back squatting.
Then warmed up my press 45×5, 75×5 then work at 105x5x3.
Bethany says
Really enjoyed the primal quest kickoff talk and am looking forward to feeling consistently great and eating delicious quality foods for the next 6 weeks! Starting tonight with some nitrate-free bacon and grass-fed strip steak, mmm…
Backsquat 5×1(45×5, 75×5, 105×3, 115×1)140, 150-failed on depth, 150-failed on depth AGAIN, 145×1, 115×3
Dox says
Also, thanks to Margie for guiding us into the Paleo Challenge! Great stuff.
Jess says
I doubt I’ll ever be a fan of a warmup that includes forward rolls. Ugg!
LBBS:(45×5, 95×5, 125×5, 145×3)Work: 155x5x5
I really had to work for all of the lifts. Great lifting with you too Laurel! Welcome Back!!!
I also thought that our final workout should be a new WOD named “Lyceum”. Great minds…
Laurel says
right people. Just so I don’t get harassed about this for the next three months, I registered to compete in the sectionals for the games.
who else is registered? eh? sissies. 😛
Tam says
Tomorrows workout, hmmm….perhaps something slightly…functional, say? Maybe something that involves moving many bumper plates down some stairs? I’unno.
accessory work:
I think I only got in 3 2/3’s rounds of 5 forward rolls, 10 k2e and 15 db swings (25/30 & 40#)
45×5, 95×3, 115×3
135×1, 125×3, 115x3x3
My eyes were bigger than my flanks.
David says
Warm-up:700m row
tomorrows WOD21:17
after the second movement things got tough.
.DMG says
WU2x15kb swings2x15 squats
WOD2k row7:00
that seriously hurt.thanks nick for shouting at me!
many thanks margie for the primal quest talk today. great stuff.
Joe says
So…we’re doing the final Chipper from the 2009 games?
Dan Rx'd says
@Tam: and my flanks are getting too large for my gym pants!
@David: it got tough after the burpees?
Jess says
Great, if the mystery wod took David 21 minutes, I guess I better make it to the 11am class to be able to finish by move time!
Fox says
Spoiler alert: 3×10 of Bi’s and Tri’s tomorrow
Joe says
10 11 & 12 tomorrow?
David says
yes sir. 10, 11 and 12
Joe says
Thanks David. I’m excited for tomorrow’s AMRAP of triceps extensions, dumbbell curls and protein shakes.
Margie says
A little late in the day, but…
I was stoked to have so many people in for Primal Quest! I look forward to hearing about your journeys and please don’t hesitate to ask questions, trade tips and post how you’re doing. Look for a new post on my blog either Sunday or Monday.
If you missed the meeting, but still want in on the Quest email me at Margie (at) crossfitsouthbrooklyn (dot) com for the details.
Sameer Parekh says
Hello everyone. I’m sorry to be missing the final wod tomorrow. I am laid up with an injured ankle so I can’t even ski tomorrow most likely! I should be recovered soon though.
Here I am again harping on the bullying violence thing with a relevant link: