(E3/4) L1 5×5 Sets Across/ L2 Max Effort
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compare to 12.23.09 / 11.09.09
Assistance Work
With a small team, perform 4 rounds of the following triplet in sequence.
5 1-2-1-2 Pull-ups
10 3-2-1 Push-ups
30 PVC Sit-ups
New Years Eve classes are on tomorrow at 7am, 5pm and 6pm.
We've made some additions to our war chest as of late. Here are some of the new totals for anyone interested:
We now have a total of 18 Barbells
We have 17 Plyometric Boxes
2,124 lbs of Bumper Plates
Shipping Jan 30th: 14 more Medicine Balls
Coming soon: More Squat Racks
No back pain.
Ryan: Thx for the help and good job on the press. Looked strong today!
45×7, 65×5, 85×4, then work sets of 95/95/90/90/90×3. Went a little too aggressive and had to scale it back in my first WOD in 9 days.
Three rounds of the assistance work was plenty tough.
Press 5x3Warmup: 45×5 65x5x2 85×5 95x5Work (across): 105x3x5
3 Rounds accessory work.
Almost thawed out after the walk home.
Started with a 20 min row with Nick. It’s so much easier to keep the 16 spm with him setting the pace–thanks!
Then did 3 sets of 5 back squats at 165.
Then pressed (3): (45, 55, 75)95, 90×4 — I wanted hit the 95 to make sure I could still tie an old PR and then worked across. Seemed like a good idea.
Accessory work–yellow band pull-ups, 3-2-1 push-ups, regular sit-ups. Sit-ups were surprisingly hard.
So nice to be back.
Press 5×5 Sets Across
Work Set140x5145x5145x5145x5150x5
Press 3-3-3-3-3 set across
(25×5, 35×5, 45×5)50x3x5
Survey says – I should have gone heavier. Exposure 4 will be a good opportunity for that.
Warmup: 5 minutes on the erg. Under 20s/m dropping :10 every minute. Had to stop briefly to get my gloves:(
Press:(22×5, 45×5, 55×3)Work (sets across): 65x3x5
Always nice to have Charlotte and Becca as partners. Shane and Fox each gave us some great coaching cues and once I put them together, my presses felt so much stronger!
4 rounds of the Assistance Work was so much harder than expected. Used the blue band for pullups, all pushups unbroken/unmodified, could only do about 15 Jesus situps then switched to regular. Still tough stuff.
Today was by far the coldest day ever at the Lyceum. So glad we won’t be there much longer!!!
Press: warm up sets – 45×10; 65×5; 85x5WOD: 95x3x5. Kept it at a lower weight so as to not tweak my shoulder again and really focus on form. Feels better dialed in.
3rnds of accessory work as rxed
2x2000m rows with a three minute rest between. Kept it conservative with a 7:30 on the first and 7:46 on the second. Really kind of slagged off on the second one.
Shane (and Regan), great to have you back.
Happy New Year everyone!
Made up Deadlifts, finally starting to get this lift.335 5×3
Press145 5x5Felt strong
Warm up: (this seems to be a very relative term at the Lyceum this week…)
1000m row at 18srSnatch Balance series4 or 5 sets of 20 Double Unders
Press 5×3:(45×5, 75×5, 105×3)130, 140, 155(pr), 155, 130
Did a ‘lil ladder after,
10, 9, 8…3, 2, 1 of:KB Swing 1 1/2 poodPush up
Go Team 007!
Movement PrepAdductor workStrict pullups x 10Hip Extensions x 10Tempo Squats x 10Tempo Pushups x 10
5×5 Righteous Presses (full stop at the bottom)Warm Up: 45×8, 95×5, 115x5Work Sets: 125×5, 126×5, 127×5, 128×5, 130×5
Worked with Gabrus who warmed up with my 1rm and made me feel good about myself…
No pain in the shoulders, lifts felt strong. Shoulder imbalance did not reveal itself until I hit 128lbs where the left arm followed the right. Will be working on some dumbbell presses to continue to train this out.
Spoke with Fox, who thought that some tricep work would help with the final extension in the press. Recommendation was to do the pushups in a closer hand position to recruit more tricep.
Did the 3 rounds of the accessory work — Jesus situps are suckage.
Hope to continue doing 5×5 press with small increases with the fractional plates. Next week willstart at 130 and slowly work the weight up over time to 150×5. Even if that’s by increasing in 1 gram increments…Goal is to reach bodyweight press.
yay team 007 🙂
well i met my 3 day goal that i set the other day – to be back at sbk!
i hate pressing probably as much as i hate burpees…
(45×5, 55×5)
65×3, 65×2, 60x3x3
60 didn’t feel so bad, could have prob worked with 62/63 but oh well
did 3 rounds of the accessory workpull ups w/ white band321 push ups, many on my kneesa mix of pvc and regular sit ups
then rowed a 2k in 8:53 going with an 18-19 stroke rating and a power 10 every 500m
overall: it just felt really good to be working out again and i’m excited to stay healthy (knocking on wood right now) in 2010
(22×5, 32×5, 37×5)45x3x5
It was a really tough night for some reason. My right shoulder felt wonky, and the cold really got to me. My teeth were literally chattering by the end of the night. The acc work also felt more difficult than it should have. I usually don’t struggle with situps, but by the second round I was bringing the PVC overhead for half the reps. Tamster, thanks for sticking with me. I’ll bring my snowsuit next time. Brr.
Oh yeah! my other CFQ half,Paul, got to make an apperance with me..Nice.
Pressing with my girls Asta and Jules…gotta love it
WU row 250m, do a little dance then WU presses 45, 65Sets across 80X5X3 (tried for 85 intitially but gave up really easy after I failed on second rep :O)
Mini-WOD with Paul 10 min AMRAP12 squats/ 12 24″ Boxjumps6 rds + 12 squats. Paul smoked me 8 rds plus. I am blaming this on height differential 🙂
No thanks necessary, Steph! I’m sorry your shoulder was bugging you. I’m glad you’ve found your own personal nickname for me.
I had already pressed this week and was up to date on squats and deadlifts, so I decided to try overhead squat.
22×5, 32×5, 37×5
This was a sufficient start for me. Thanks for the guidance Fox & Dan. I feel pretty good about this movement. It’s tough, but within reach.