(E2/4) L1 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
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compare to 12.20.09
For 10 Min:
10 Box Jumps
20 Double Unders
:30 plank
Snatch Technique, L1/L2 split
Regan F makes some CFSBK cookies for the Holidays
Last week we asked what some of your long term goals were. This week we'd like to know what your 3 month, 6 month and 1 year goals are.
The Known Universe AMNH
3 months back to 100% health.
6 months start up a nutrition and fitness blog.
6 months start to see some big improvements in strength.
12 months speak a new language.
I was recently given the Rosetta Stone Software. The learning is underway.
I see a lot of goals that everyone posts which I find quite appealing. I would love to know HOW people are planning to reach their goals. Whats the process?
I guess I will have to ask these questions to the individual.
i’m going to start with 3 day, 6 day and 1 month…
3 days: cold completely gone, back as SBK wednesday night, ring in the new year healthy!
6 days: be back to regular training
1 month: be training hard and ready for CRASH-Bs, be training with the affiliate team crew_________
3 months: strength back, work on o-lifts, better quality and quantity in push ups and pull ups, dips. feel better and more comfortable in the pool, get my running fitness back up
6 months: still be healthy! run 10+ miles without hesitation, work on finding new job/career path, sub 6 minute fran
1 year: look back at 2010 and be happy with my accomplishments and hopefully be able to say i’ve met all my goals
Here, watch this video. Now that you are reminded of how small and insignificant you are in relation to the cosmos, why don’t you set some goals for the coming months.
um, lets see:
3 months: to be able to do 10 strict pull-ups and maybe 15 kipping (this may be entirely too ambitious) Also 20 du’s unbroken
6 mos: 3 ring-dips? a hand stand push-up?
1 year: to become immortal
Oh did I mention rock-hard abs? Maybe that comes with immortality?
a 450 lb deadliftdon’t much care if it takes 3,6 or 12 months (or longer)
a muscle-up in the next month
finish a sculpture
undo all the damage I’ve done to my body this past week (I miss my paleo disposition)
3 month is muscle up6 month is some interval sprint work up and running on my own1yr have a fully paleo household.
well said http://whole9life.com/2009/12/beware-the-lure-of-the-sexy-met-con/
no injuries in 2010.
300lb squat, 400lb deadlift. I’m not sure if I like making max effort goals time-bound, I think it’s motivation enough to have them as goals.
get back into boxing, figure out a strategy for boxing and crossfit to co-exist. I’d be interested to hear people’s opinions on this that do other sports + crossfit.
Thanks for the article, Fox. That Melissa Urban is a real smartypants.
GOALS,what would be mine?I’ll just take one day at a timesince Iam a short timer,I’ll open every day as if it was apreciousgift and live for the moment.But I know one thing for sure that WOD would be done no matter what.
Three month goals: Get my deadlift sufficiently cleaned up that I can actually test for a 1 RM. Don’t care what the weight is, just want my legs to be the limit and my form to not break down.
Squat 300 lbs for 1.
Six month goals: 10 second hand stand. 50 consecutive doubleunders.
Twelve month goals: Deadlift 400 lbs, which will automatically get me the goal of a 800 lbs CFT.
I like the short timeframe…3 months: figure out a consistent CrossFit/capoeira training schedule. (Paul–I am hoping for 2-3x/week on each but that could be a total fantasy, especially with Mr L in the picture…) early morning classes at the new space will really help with that I hope.6 months: get a freestanding handstand. Get comfortable with cleans. Get 10 strict pullups. Get a couple ring dips. Get a macacu (back handspring move in capoeira).1 year: HSPU. Muscle-up. New capoeira cord.
Paul – when i’m playing rugby and trying to come to crossfit it becomes tough to juggle sometimes. with rugby, we practice tues/thurs and have games on either saturdays or sundays (or both). also, its a commitment where i can’t say “its tuesday but i think i need a rest day” – so planning is key along with listening to your body.
i’m going to try to do 2 days during the week at crossfit and depending on game schedule, a sunday workout as well. that may change if a practice was super intense or more strategy driven, but those are my tentative plans.
i will also probably lean more towards lifting for strength as rugby practice gives me plenty of metcon training.
and as always, there’s life or injury that may get in the way. but i’m hopeful to stay on track (and stay healthy!)
A Few Goals…3 months: at least one strict pullup, 50 double unders, 15 pushups, start running again (more sprint work), improve grip strength, plan and prep meals ahead of time (including pre/post wod nutrition)
6 months: 15 kipping pullups, 25 pushups, 3 strict pullups, 12 rounds of Cindy, 70 double unders, new job
1 year: 3 dips (sure I’d love for them to be on rings but I’ll take what I can get), 10 strict pullups, 250lb deadlift, finish NYC marathon without dying, come closer to a muscle-up, crossfit cert?
Row WOD2 sets 20 Min each w 5 min rest btwn each set @ 16 spm
8×3 Sumo Dead Lift45-95-115-153-185-205-225-245No back pain 🙂
I’m too distracted to manage planning for the future just now. I’m not even managing to do my normal body care at the moment – I realized last night that I hadn’t brushed my teeth in two days! Having a newborn and a 1.5 year old around is exhausting, add in a nearly universal cold plus trying to see all the people I haven’t seen in four years and what you have is MADNESS… I may come home blibbering.
Will post goals soon. Miss everyone! We’re going to deadlift tomorrow and then make use of the lovely sauna at the gym here… sauna in the new space David? Twould be lovely.
great being back and seeing everyone, really enjoyed the snatch skill work this evening.
DL 5×3:295, 315, 325, 335, 345
post WOD: 3 eggs + swiss chard walnut soup for time: 2:45.
Warm-uplight rowing
making up missed lifts:
BSQ: (45x5x2, 95×5, 135×5, 165×3)190x5x5
press: (45x5x2, 65×5)90x5x5
190x5x5 was my 3/4 exposure on bsq last cycle. It feels much lighter this time around.90x5x5 feels real easy, pacience.
Lovely little warm up, I thought the plank was going to be a nice rest but it was the hardest part. Tough on the core when you’re gasping for breath.Deadlift: 45×5, 95×5, 135x5205x3, 225×3, 245×3, 265×3. I was going to do sets straight across but it’s been awhile and I wanted to dial in a weight were my form started to break down. Back started to round at 265 so I know have my mark.
Finished with a 4x500m row, decreasing my split by 10 sec each set: 2:00, 1:50, 1:40, 1:30. Stuck to my split until the last round – half way through I couldn’t hold it and ended up with a 1:33.7.
Deadlift: 82×3, 82×3, 83×3, 83×3, 83×3
Why/how did that extra pound get on there? I don’t know. I spent 13 hours in a car yesterday and I’m delirious.
3 month goals:learn to kipget some mf’ing double undersfind out where they sell those mini milk cartons (like they had in elementary school) and drink one after each WOD and pretend I’m a badass
6 month goals:at least 1 strict pull upfreestanding handstand
1 year:squat BWdo at least one workout Rx’ed
warm up: Foam roll (anyone else’s quads kill after Jackie?) Row 1000m at 1:40 and 24sr
Deadlifties:(135×5, 225×4, 275×3, 315×1, all prone grip)
Then drank 1qt of bush league milk. I have no idea how these guys are getting in a gallon of the stuff a day.
Warmup was fun. First time practicing jumping off of the box. Only came close to losing skin once. I think I can incorporate this into wod’s now and not be completely terrified. My double unders were unbroken except for the first round. Agree with dmak that the plank was the hardest part.
Who doesn’t love deadlifts??? (except Sarah and Steph W.)Warmup: 45×5, 95×5, 145×5, 185x3Work: 210x3x5
I felt pretty good on nearly all of the lifts. Although I will definitely take the coaching cues from Fox and Jeremy into the next exposure. Thanks gentlemen. Great to see many folks back from their holiday travels.
Loved the snatch technique work with David. So much to work on but I’m loving it.
Finished with 5×4 strict blue band pullups. I just can’t get 5 in a row. Boo!
Great warmup, my double-unders are slowly coming back.
Deadlift 5×3: (75×5, 95×5, 125×5, 145×3) 155, 145, 155, 155, 145Didn’t go for max because my back was rounding slightly, boo. Want to nip that bad habit right in the bud.
My hips flexors are on fire today, not sure what from though – snatch + box jumps maybe?
Goals for 2010… gonna have to think about specific fitness goals, but overall I want 2010 to be stress- and injury-free with a focus on good form and strength.
Warm up 135-5 185-5 223-3Work 275-3 275-1-f 245-3-3
This was discouraging, as I did 265-3-5 just a week ago.
The only short term goal I’ve had in mind number-wise is a 300 pound deadlift, which until last night I was sure I could manage in this cycle or the next.
The main goal in the short term is to benchmark myself against workouts from 6 months ago, as I’ve been super frustrated recently with a perceived lack of progress/results. Hopefully proving that I’m better than I was in the summer can get my head back on straight. (And, of course, hopefully I am better than I was six months ago!)
‘Effin yum…Sub ground nuts for the Panko for a grain/gluten free version. Do NOT skip the browning of the apples part. Superb post WOD carby goodness.
10 minutes of movement prepPNF of Hamstrings(Next time need to add adductor activation drills.)Technique work (@10 reps each):pullups (strict)knees to elbows24″ box jumpsdouble unders @30repship extensions (nice and slow)push presskettle bell swingswall ballDidn’t have time to do: burpees, walking lunges, pistols, or OHS.
Fun Warm-Up with 24″ Box Jumps, double unders, planks6 complete rounds, +all boxjumps +all doublesfinding it a little hard to cycle the taller box jumps, but towards the end was getting better at it.
Enjoyed the snatch practice, feels better with some weight on the bar.
Deadliftingwent with sets across, had thought that I could do 365x5x3, but the weight felt really heavy that day. Scaled back to dial in technique.
Warmup: 135×5, 225×5, 275×5, 315×3, 365x1Work Weight: 335×3, 335×3, 335×3, 335×3, 335x3More practice reps at 225, stole Jack’s bar that was slightly elevated and man did that slight elevation make a huge difference.
Noticed that my back is clearly rounding at the start of the lift — that I just don’t have the length in my hammies to get the last 2 inches to the bar without losing my back. However, I’ve noticed that when setting up for my snatch deadlift I have no issue maintaining the curvature, likely due to the “knees out” position that gives me a little more room. Going to try a wider stance with the toes out more (not quite sumo) next time I DL.
Willie and I then got into trouble when we decided to hell with deadlifting, let’s play with some snatch.
Dramatic bail at 115 (ahem, good practice for safety sake).
Continues to play, ended up with: 95×1, 95×1, 115(f), 95×3
Some of these felt so smooth in the transfer from the ground to overhead that I think I’m in love (or at least lust).
Later did a consecutive pushup ladder on the 30 second mark (similar to the one Ryan and I did with jerks and cleans) to force a narrow work time domain with very brief recovery.
Completed 11 rounds, 10 pushups (all unbroken). Definitely hit a wallAround round 9 when the pushups slow from 1 a second to 1 every 3 seconds.I can see a time when 20 – 25 rounds will eventually become doable. It’s just several months away.
Will likely repeat this with elevated feet to see the discrepency between the muscle groups.
Goals? In another post!
Goals? Set more of them I guess, but allow for leniency. It’s obviously good to have goals, but there needs to be some room for leniency and revisiting/ revision of those goals. Better technique, DUs strung together, be more patient. How’s that for vague?
3/6/12 month goal: better
goals: stave off death (and work on scholar’s hump)
WU 10 pushups, 25 situps, 25 squats–3 rounds NFT
Deadlifts across115x3185x3205x3x5