(E2/4) L1 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
Post loads to comments.
compare to 12.16.09
5 Rounds for Time of:
Row 250m
10 Wall Ball Shots 20/14
Post time and weight to comments.
Steph P at the bottom of some Dumbbell Thrusters
If you're training for health, fitness and longevity, Quality of Movement should be your highest priority. The deleterious effects of regular poor movement far outweigh the benefits of attempting maximal work output or moving as large a load as possible. When defining why you train, consider a lifelong perspective and remember that the human body is a beautiful, complicated machine which either adapts or reacts to all the stresses imposed upon it. Train hard, Train smart.
What are you long term training goals? What would you like to be doing in 10 years, in 20?
In 10 or 20 years, I just want to be doing exactly what I am doing now, with more consistency.. Paleo diet, maybe better portion control. I’d still like to do 0-lifts. Maybe I’ll be better at metcon. I don’t want to have problems with my knees. Other than that, I look forward to being a crotchety old man that grumbles and reads the obituaries.
10 years I want the option of retiring. Also plan on being at an elite level of fitness for my age ( or any age.)
No more back problems!
Dear fellow CFSBK’ers: I was hoping to come in for a workout before I left for my travels but it doesn’t look its going to happen. So, let me wish you all a great holiday season; I’m privileged to have so many great friends here amongst you all. I won’t miss the Lyceum in January but I will definitely miss all of you. I will be back in February – hopefully at the new place, and look forward to burning through many, many WODs together. Thanks to all the coaches for all their help; I’ve learned a lot from you guys.
As for my long-term goals, I’d like to stay injury-free and become consistent with what I’m doing now. I’d like to become a proficient O-lifter. And, I’d like to get my diet right and stick with it. I think CFSBK is going to help me with all of these. I’m pretty sure of it.
Phase I: collect crossfit skillsPhase II: ???Phase III: profit
Joe the barefoot sage speaks truth.
In ten years I would like to be stronger, fitter and faster than I am now. I think that will not be at all difficult if I continue doing what I am doing. For twenty years I would have in the past said my goal was just sustaining. Now that I know Jacinto my goal for twenty years is being stronger, fitter and faster because at 48 I will be a young whipper snapper and have another 3-5 decades of training ahead of me. I would like to believe I will also have picked up a lot of neat skills by then. So I will throw it out now, my goal for 2029 is to be able to do free standing clapping hand stand pushups. Ambitious … yes. Possible … yes. Likely … no.
Did 4x500m on the erg at the Petersons’ this morning:1:48.01:55.91:58.51:59.9
Ugh, major drop-off. Can’t quite figure out how to pace these. Or, maybe I just need more cardio fitness. And leg strength. Sad to miss deadlifting and press.
Since I turned 30 my goal each year has been to be fitter and stronger than the year before, and so far I think I’ve been able to do that (although pregnancy kind of was a pause button). My physical goals for 2010:-get muscleups-get handstand pushups-train capoeira regularly and feel calm and comfortable in the roda
In 2020 (age 47) I’d like to still have all of the above movements. Working to sustain flexibility will be my biggest challenge, I think.
In 2030 (age 57) I’d like to feel like I have no physical limitations stopping me from whatever I want to do that year.
ten years…well i would still hope to be fit and healthy, maintain strength and gain some flexibility. With a 7 month old baby the real goal is to be as active and as inquisitive as ever so we can hangout and have as much fun as possible. I have and continue to believe that Crossfit will help me do this.
With regard to yesterdays blog and the schedule….the new times make life so much easier, really excited about the new space and being able to make a few more classes.
Just to clarify, Malcom actually meant one-handed free-standing clapping handstand push-ups.
Much more zen that way.
In 10 years I plan on being able to coach my son/daughter and be fitter than the rest of the parents.
In 20 Years I plan on still playing baseball – with my kids!
Ultimately I want to become my father! Out there still winning rings at 67 years old and having knee surgery because I refuse to quit.
Today’s post is why I crossfit. It is why I only did 1/2 cindy on Monday. It is why I believe in form before intensity and why I listen to Charmel when he tells me “it’s your number.”
see you all tonight!
i hear that your 30s are better than your 20s – so i’m excited for 10 years from now and hope to be fitter than i am today. i would still like to be crossfitting, competing in triathlons and maybe even still playing in a rugby game here or there.
20 years from now – wow – thats hard to think about! if kids are in the picture i hope to be chasing after them and like brian said, fitter than the rest of the parents! i hope my back and joints will cooperate with me, so “training smart” is very important.
2010 (early, short term):*get healthy and stay that way*get my muscles back
2010 (later in the year):*ring dips :)*muscle ups*PR in my 2 olympic triathlons and then KICK ASS on the rugby pitch
getting stronger and faster. doing wods with lucy and finn.
love the proposed times with my totally free schedule, right now noon classes are awesome. and when i am working again, 8pm will be most welcome. 6am is great too. yes!!!
missing you guys. will have pints for you. see you in the new year.
This morning I paid a visit to Motor City CrossFit. Everyone was really nice so I was (slightly) less nervous. We did Cindy (my first) and I got 9 rounds plus 5 pull ups and 6 pushups.
Before we started, Vinny (one of the coaches) asked to see my kip, and I was like, “Uhhh…” and he tried to show me. I didn’t do so hot, I guess, because he told me to just stick with the blue band, strict. But doing strict pull ups got tough, so by the end I was cheating and giving myself a little hop at the bottom. But I made sure to fight and get my chin over the bar every time.
So I guess that segues into some of my goals for the near future: learn to kip and get a strict pull up. (More to come)
10 years from now (age 35): I’d like to be doing workouts Rx’ed and have completed a sub 4-hour marathon.
20 years from now (age 45): This is really tough to think about! I hope to still be setting fitness goals for myself, and staying healthy and injury-free. I am a pretty slow runner, but I always think that if I keep at it consistently and intelligently, that by my 50s and 60s I can be winning my age group and qualifying for Boston, and passing up my peers who burned out too young. Sort of the tortoise-and-the-hare mentality.
Now, I know none of us ever overdoes it with the booze, but just in case one of your FRIENDS needs to know this for the holidays:
…I never knew that about asparagus!
Great to read the wide reaching goals coming from folks. Truly representative of our physical culture.
Training goals:- maintain mobility- 3x bodyweight deadlift- 2.5x bodyweight back squat- 1.5x bodyweight clean- run a sub 6:45 mile- row a sub 7:00 2k- :15 front lever- 10 consecutive muscle ups- :30 free hand stand
2010, Short term:- get back to the Sunday ritual… prepping foods so preparing 90% of our meals at home is not so daunting.- get my finances in order!- re-commit to a daily yoga and meditation practice- jerk 200+ lb- dedicate practice time to developing more proficiency overall in the O lifts
10 year plan:- send my kids to college- CrossFit Fox/Foxy Box Barbell Club ;)- renew my wedding vows
20 year plan:- ???
@Steph – You can have the 30’s. I heard the 40’s are the new 30’s! I’m looking forward to them.
@Brian – Ain’t it great being one of the fitter dad’s?
Addendum to my goals:- Continue to work toward redefining what real fitness is and making the unfit the minority.
Over the next 10 years…Go semi-pro with photographyRead at least 2 books a weekSolve more puzzlesInvest more in myselfFind more disposable time to pursuit knowledge and enjoy what life offers.Continue a quality life filled with quality exercise, good food, and good people.Practice target shootingListen to more musicChallenge myself artistically/creatively.Meet my future ex-wife.Have kids.Get a pet.Stay intense.
20 YearsSurvive the impending Zombie wars.Put all of the training to practical use staying alive in a post-apocalyptic earth.Get to experience space flight.Be fascinated at technology, and how far we’ve come.Go back to dating women in their 20’s.
Press (went light, slowly coming back)135x5x5
Double Burner (went long, stupid)5 rounds of500m Row20 Wallballs (20lb, 10 ft)20:53!Ouch
in 10 years I wanna be a kick ass dad/husbandin 20 I wanna be still making people laugh including wife/kids
Ill post fitness goals at a later point…and personal goals are very relationship and career centric, and are probably better left quiet.
Happy holidays you firebreathers.
Press: (45×5,55×5,65×3)73x5x5
felt a bit weak post stomach bug… But I was so glad to be there! We’re going to miss everyone!
Hoodie!! Happy.
Bench Press 8×5 65-85-105-135-145-150-155(2)-145
Went double on the accessory WOD (500M Row 20 WB 20# 10ft)18:00
First time pushing myself that hard in a while. Felt good to be working at a higher intensity.
Press 5×5 sets across
Work Set135x5x5 all sets taken from floor except for last set.
press 45, 65, 65, 75, 75, 85, 85, 90
couplet 9:45went down to 14# ball and did way better with target and cycle. moderate speed all unbroken. felt good to be in control the whole time.
my 10 & 20 yr fitness goals are the same: to be strong enough to do my job at world class level.It is very demanding and I have to work extra hard because of of my size. And there are a lot of little lives counting on it.
I am into the 5×5 straight across concept and the quality of movement concept because injury prevention is super important for me as well. My shoulder injury was humbling but thankfully did not effect work much.
Christine is very excited about possible mid-day classes as surely other moms will be when their kids enter school.
I need 5am early in the week and 10pm later in the week. But more classes means more chances to make class.
Warmed up with 45×8, 65×5, 95×5.
Work: 105, 110, 117x3F, 100, 100.
Didn’t manage 117 today, but I felt solid with the movement.
Accessory wod was a pair of goats for me. Did it as rx’d, but it took me 12:04.
Later during the foundations class I did pullups. With plenty of rest did 5, 10 ,15, 20, 15, 10, 5. All unbroken.
Press warm up: 45×8; 65×7; 85x5100x5x3; Tweaked something in my shoulder on the third set and stopped. I really want to stay injury free so hopefully this is just a minor tweak that will go away by tomorrow.
Accessory WOD: 8:32 20lb/10ft target
This is very strange but other than the future ex-wife thing, my list is exactly the same as Dan’s!! Weird, huh?
Happy Holidays everyone!
Some Physical goals for 10/20 years:
Do a flag.Do a free-standing handstand push-up.Be in the 300 club for DL.Get sick less often.Stay injury free.Be a good deal more flexible than I am now.Have good posture and broader monkey-feet.Receive more hugs!Have 2 kids.
(22×5, 32×5, 45×5, 55×3)60x5x5
12:14 for the WOD. most rows were in the 1:12 range, walls balls were very broken. Hard to hold a weighted ball when you can’t feel your hands. Plus my conditioning is down right now.
Laurel if jacinto could do a flagso can you.Next I come in I’ll do it for you.
Press(22×5, 32×5, 42×5)Sets across: 48x5x5
This is the same workset weight as I did for the first exposure. Much improved form!
Row/Wallball WOD: 10:15I was d-r-e-a-d-i-n-g this because of the rows but I am so glad I did it.
I was really impressed (and confounded) by all of you who double-downed on the WOD!
Movement prep (15 minutes)Warm-up dirty dozen (10 reps of quality movement)–went with strict pullups, and used the new tall box for my box jumps, 20lbs wall ball. All warm ups were unbroken and rx’d save for pistols which remain assisted. Will likely add a second round starting in January. Will likely start to scale up a few exercises. Weighted walking lunges will likely gain some additional weight and may be done using a bar, while Kettle bell swings, OHS and Push Presses may also go up in weight (2 pood, 65lbs, and 65lbs respectively). Am considering adding another exercise and merging the burpees and box jumps into a single exercise (burpee box jumps). Will likely try it next week and see…
3 minutes on the rower.
Pressing with Leo — forgot it was 5×5 and started x3’s for some odd reason.(45×8, 95×5, 115×3, 125×3)120×5, 120×5, 122×5, 122×5, 125×5
Still seeing this odd problem where the left arm follows the right arm. It begins around 120/125 so decided to work at that weight which would cause the problem to be prevelent an force me to correct it. Thanks to Fox as David for continuing to help me train this one out.
Doubled up on the rowing wallball wod:17:56 (I don’t remember the exact time, but it was 17 something).
Rowed 2 minute splits consistently.Wall ball was unkind to me — but managed to do the last round unbroken as a bit of a f-you to wallball.
Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!
Press:5 across @ 95/95/95/95/95The press is a “goat” for me, might even dial it back a touch next time and focus on technique as these were real scrappy at the end.
WOD8:13 as Rx’d
Off to England for 10 days so happy holidays to all and best for the NY.
10 yrs- I wanna do what I’m doing now (including next year’s goals)20 yrs.-I wanna be not in da ground(still doing crossfit wods)For the coming year:Kipping pullups,Deadlift 400Overhead squat 100String at least 30 DU’s
WOD- 10:06 using 10 # ball-too light. Rowing felt pretty together.Press 95# 5×5 acrossOverhead squats- bar only. This lift challenges mePracticed kipping pullups with Leo’s help. I’m on my way. Thanks, Leo, you are a great teacherI wanna wish all of you beasts a happy and healthy holiday.
P.S. Forgot to mention…I used a light medball for the WOD – 8#!
Presses this morning:(22×5, 42×5, 52×5)57×5, 62×5, 60x5x 60×5, 60×5
Wasn’t really feeling presses today because my shoulder is feeling a little off.
Metcon:20 KB swings (1pood)20 Walking Lunges (sandbag=?lbs)Time: 6:00+ Don’t remember actual time.
Double-unders: 45 PR!
Some of my goals:*Clean up diet=>less sickness, more enery=>ability to train consistently at high intensity=>lower body weight=>not dreading bodyweight WODs*Increase Upper body strength (strict pullups, ring dips…eventually muscle-ups!)*Increase flexibility*More olympic lifting.*Get a new job that I truly enjoy doing (anyone hiring???)*Play an organized sport again (i.e. softball, soccer)*Run often with my dog.*Run my first marathon (NYC 2010 here I come!)*Participate in a Sprint Triathlon…to start.*Get a real bike.*Find and participate in fun athletic events, like Warrior Dash.*No longer consider myself a “participant”, and become a “competitor”.*Work on logo for Crossfit Foxy Boxy 😉
AM workout:Movement prep3 minutes on the erg
Took Nick’s advice and did some erg training3 rounds of 2K with 5 minutes of rest. Aiming for 20 seconds slower than the PR. Have no idea hat my PR was, so I just tried to row this at a pace I could maintain and create a base line.
1st round – 8:25Rest 5 min2nd round – 8:15Rest 5 min3rd round – 8:14
Next time will shoot for 8:13 each round, and If I get that, I’ll shoot for 8:10 the time after that.
Looking forward to rowing a little bit everyday!
Back Squat 315×11
Getting fat has some upside
Great having so many folks show for 7am today! Xfit Xmas.
Deadlifts 5×3
Planned on 345#…Was NOT feeling like I could hold on to the freezing cold bar. Grip was limiting factor.
Warm: 135×3, 225x3Work: 315x3x5
Cool: 2k row at 22 sm – 8:08
MERRY HOLIDAY! Hug someone.
12/24 Squat 5-5-5-3-3-3-3-365-85-105-135-145-155-165-135
10 Minute Cindy9 Rounds + 7 Squats short of 10 Rounds
Intentionally went slow on Cindy squats.
No back pain.
Merry Christmas everyone
Big ups to Vincent for suggesting a bump in the back squat load. Worked out just fine.
5×5 (45), (65), (95), 120, 1205×3 125, 130, 130
5 x 250M row + 10 wall balls | 9:51
Happy holidays. Hollar days!
Train hard, Train smart, Train S-Mart.
Yes, Evil Dead 3, Army of Darkness.
Since I waited to not type this all out on my iPhone, here is my super late post to the goals/10yr/20yr.
I had a laundry list of CF goals that keeps getting updated with every “victory”. So here are a few..
– chain together unassisted kipping pullups. I can get 1 kipping pullup every blue moon and would like there to be consistency! This also feeds into doing WODs rx’d and not having to scale.- Deadlift 250#- BSQ 175#- DB Bear complex with 25# DBs- 16 rounds of Cindy- Row 500m in 1:45- run better & run more. Basically.. run a 5k.
In 10 years..- be happy.- get a dog.- have fulfilled extensive crossfit goals and maintained a consistently high level of fitness.- have completed a sprint tri or a long-dist road race.. something of the like.- found fulfillment in my job/career.- spend more time working on art (drawing, painting, photography)- continue reading as much as I am now.- invest in a home/condo/co-op/brownstone :)- embarked on that whole “start a family” journey.- driven cross-country.- filled up my passport.- skydived.
Basically.. no regrets.
20 yrs- continuation of all of the above- still be happy!
Hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season whether you are celebrating today, celebrated prior or are celebrating later on.
I got a pull-up bar for a gift. YES.
Rest Day Rowing:
Movement Prep (15 minutes)3 Minute Row Warmup
2 x [(4 x 500m/2 min.) / 5 min]
Set 11:451:481:49.11:50.7
Set 21:521:521:51.21:52.9
Will try to shoot for 1:51.0 across all sets next time.
Managed to rip off some flesh from my right heel after yesterday’s 2x2K, so had to modify my movements slightly to avoid aggravating the exposed skin.
All in all, feeling pretty good after doing this rowing workout.
Hope everyone else is having a great holiday/long weekend!