L1 5×3 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
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compare to 12.7.09
3 Rounds NFT:
20 Kettlebell or Dumbbell Swings
:15 Elevated Samson Stretch, each leg
10 Toes to Bars or Knees to Elbows
Have a Fantastic Birthday, Coach Fox
Hoboken athletes, please keep us updated with your progress!
Today and tomorrow's classes are at 8am, 9am and 10am
Shane says
Happy Birthday Mr. Fox!
Bundle up for class tomorrow folks.
Andy says
Go Team! – Happy birthday, Chris!
Jess says
Love that picture! Happy birthday babe.
Sad I’m missing deadlifts and wishing they were a part of today’s competition. Nervous…
Jess says
And as a reminder, this is where we’ll be tonight to celebrate Chris’ birthday:
9:00pmThe Bell House149 7th StreetBrooklyn, NY 11215http://www.thebellhouseny.com/info.php
call/text me at 3-four-7-six-two-3-cinco-cinco-4-9 if you need to reach us later!
Now off to get some Milk thistle for today:-)
Deb says
Happy Birthday Chris! Good Luck in Hoboken today everyone!!!!
Laurel says
Happy Birthday Chris!! Goooo Team CFSBK!
Sad to miss Deadlifts too – needed sleep and am still wildly sore (as in don’t touch my quads or I’ll kick you reflexively.) Hope to make-up the dl tomorrow!
Joe says
Bundle up, Shane?
Please tell me the WOD is an AMRAP odd-object walk to Degraw Street!
katie says
Happy birthday Fox!
I decided to chase my old 250×3 DL PRso… (95×3, 135×3, 185×3, 225×3, 235×1)255×3 (PR!), 265×3 (PR!), 270×3 (PR!)then backed down to 225×3
Felt pretty strong. Nice to see big gains.
Peter says
95×5, 145x5195x3x5245x1
Nice work Katie! & McGrath!
cloyde says
115×5, 135×5, 205×5, 255, 255, 265, 285, 285fpulled the last 285 up but dropped it on the way down. no real improvement in numbers but an improvement in form. which is just as good.still freezing from earlier. i am just not built for this type of weather.
.DMG says
bon anniversaire monsieur fox.
lovely and crisp at the lyceum this morning.
WU900m row3 Rounds NFT:20 KB Swings 1.5pd:15 Elevated Samson Stretch, each leg. these felt good!10 Toes to Bars. lowering the legs slowly from the top is tough!
DL 1 1 1 1 1(135×5, 225×4, 275×4)315, 375, 405, 420PR
felt good. thanks shane for the form tips.
CDfoam roll.
Steph W says
Happy Birthday Coach Fox!
So…where is the live stream of the Winter Challenge? Can I get it on ESPN2? Hope you are all having fun; can’t wait to hear about it.
I did the Holiday 4 Mile in the park today with my Achilles friend Dale. He has been in hibernation the past few weeks (he is from Guyana and not used to this cold weather) so this was his first run in a long time. We finished in 43 minutes, which was pretty good considering we got off to a really slow start; there were a lot of walkers and kids so we were stuck and had to do a lot of weaving. Making the finish even better was Travis giving us each a chocolate milk at the end!
Was totally intending to do CF after, either 11 or 12, but the Lyceum crushed my dreams as usual. Boo.
Vincent Dugan says
45-65-65-85-95-105 all by 5
Back felt very stiff today.
Good luck to everyone in the Winter Challenge!
Shree Mulay says
Happy Birthday, FOX MAN!
Ash says
All the best Mr Fox on your B’day..and to the Winter Challenge crew.
DL(135×5) (175×3) (225×3)275305335365PR385PR
Tks Leo for the pointers, great working with you again….
Fox says
Greetings from the New Jersey!
Things are going swimmingly here at the Winter Challenge. SBK is representing well. More details to follow.
Thanks for all the Bday wishes. Hope to see many of you tonight at the Bell House. I don’t feel nearly as old as I am, it’s miraculous, CrossFit keeps you young!
Joe says
Just home from Hoboken, still trying to assess the damage.
It was a fun event with a good-sized turnout. The Hoboken staff were friendly, but also made me appreciate the awesomeness of the CFSBK coaches and people even more.
WOD #17 Rounds for time5 Clean & Jerks 115 lbs(Rx: 135)7 burpees.Scaled this to 115 and finished in 13:30. This was the only WOD I scaled, and was mainly happy to finish under the 20 minute cap.
WOD #210:00 AMRAP10 ring dips20 squatsPart of my brain wants to say I did three rounds and 2 dips, but I wrote down two rounds and 2 dips, so I guess that’s what it was. Dips are hard, and I can’t handle more than a few at a time.
WOD #31500m Row5:31.2This was actually a second or two faster than the practice row I did earlier in the week. Happy with the result, considering I had very little left in the tank at that point. Thanks to Asta, Steph, Jess, Tam, et al for the cheering section – it certainly helped.
All in all, not a horrendous effort. I was definitely in over my head with the first two WODs, and just tried to focus on doing what I could without worrying what was going on on either side of me. Was happy to only scale one workout. If nothing else, it was probably a good baseline for a CrossFit competition.
Matt U. says
Happy birthday Mr. Fox, and great work everyone in Hoboken!
All sets of three:185, 195, 205, 215, 230(PR)
My progress since September and my comfort level with this movement have improved dramatically — I definitely could have gone heavier with the last set. Guess I’ll just have to look forward to next time.
Dan Rx'd says
Just thought I’d throw out the idea that we organize our own little competition at SBK once we’re all moved in. Like a grand re-opening celebration 😉
Stayed as long as I could at Hoboken, had to hightail it back to BK for a graduation celebration for the students where I work. They all hate me for being late…
Will post photos a little later.
Paulie T-Shirts says
Today is a very CrossFitty day! Started out at CFSBK for the 9am class.
DL 5×1 Max Effort
Work Set365x1405x1450x1475x1 (PR)500×1 (PR)
All of my lifts felt good. 500 feels good.
Then, on to CF Hoboken to support our peeps. CFSBK was definitely in the house! We roll deep and we go hard!! It was great to see all of our athletes working their asses off. Respekt.
Resting now and getting ready to do shots for time to help celebrate Mr. Fox’s Birthday. It is gonna take a while because he is really old now.
Fox says
Awesome showing by all the SBKers who participated today. And big thanks to Dan, Asta, Pauly, Becca, and my fam for cheering us on! Can’t wait to see Dan’s shots.
WOD 1 – 11:34?WOD 2 – 9 + 8 RDs?WOD 3 – 5:30 point something?
Craig at Hoboken said the times should go up tonight or tomorrow. The day has been a blur so I’m not positive of my times. Shower now, and head to the bar, the evening may get blurry too…
Joe says
Fox,I think it was 5:30.9. I was about .3 behind you.Then again, I’m not exactly sure what either of my first two times/scores were, so maybe I shouldn’t be providing tenths of a second measurements.
Scott says
Exhausted after the Hoboken challenge. We had an amazing crew there.
WOD 1:7 RFT5 Reps Clean & Jerk 135lb7 Burpees
7:48 (I think my judge (the guy that came in 1st overall) made me do 8 rounds (he was later seen texting while judging me))
WOD 2:AMRAP 10 minutes10 Ring Dips20 Air Squats
9 Rounds + 6 Dips (I wanted to hit 10 rounds, but happy enough with the effort)
WOD 3:1500 meter row for time: 5:06.3 (I believe I came in 5th in the row and I’m not sure I could’ve done better than anticipated without Fox and Asta cheering me on and Nick’s coaching)
Nick Peterson says
I wish I could have been in Hoboken! I was so bummed to miss it. Congrats to the competitors!
Dan, I was thinking the same thing today about a grand opening challenge at the new space – great minds. Let’s include a rowing segment so we can rig up the race display thingy!
Nick Peterson says
HAPPY BIRTHDAY HERR FOX!!! Sorry to miss out. Paulie, please add a shot on my behalf.
Andy says
Great job, team SBK!
David Mak says
Team SBK!! Sorry I couldn’t be there to cheer you on (or to participate). Very proud to be a part of this crew!
Coach “Sly as a…” A very merry birthday to you sir, a shot on me is in the debit column.