L1 5×3 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
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Compare to 11.23.09
Alternating Rep Rounds for time of
42-30-18 Double Unders
21-15-9 Pull-Ups
Post time to comments.
compare to 7.23.09
A big Congratulations to Brian and Lorraine S on the news of expecting their first child. This will be their first little Crossfitter. CFSBK sends its love and support!
The Hoboken Winter Challenge is just around the corner and South Brooklyn will be sending a team of 10 athletes to the event. We've organized the following times as last minute skill work for everyone participating. Please RSVP the the slot(s) you'd like to attend via comments.
Competition Practice Times
Monday 7pm
Tuesday 6am
Thursday 5pm
I can also do Tuesday at 7pm if anyone wants.
Team South Brooklyn
Coach Chris F
Coach Nick P
Joe W
Anne W
Stephanie P
Tamson W
Jess F
Paul S
Sarah S
Charlotte K
The Ideal Performance State: OPT and Higher Orders of Thinking SICFIT
OPT's Sub 7:00 "Helen" CrossFit
Fox says
To squat, or not to squat?…Well that really isn’t a reasonable question, but – http://www.tmuscle.com/free_online_article/sports_body_training_performance/the_squat_good_exercise_gone_bad
*Some sidebar pics may be a bit PG-13
stephaniep says
RSVPing for tonight at 7pm and tomorrow bright and early at 6am!
Sarah says
I’ll be at the 6pm class and the 7pm extra session tonight. (By the way, I’m actually Sarah H, but I don’t mind going by Sarah S.)
Joe says
post didn’t seem to go through:
I’m in for Hoboken practice tonight, and hopefully tomorrow morning.
paul says
I’m in for tonight for sure, possibly tomorrow morning.
Jack says
Double unders=goat Pullups=goatGonna be a fun night
AW says
RSVP’ing for tonight at 7pm!
Charlotte says
Congrats Brian!!!
I’ll be there tonight & Thursday. Nick will hopefully be there tomorrow am.
Today is Linus’s first day of day care…sniff…
tam says
Good luck, Linus! I’m sure he’ll be fine. It’s good to start him at this age, because it’s just before the whole separation anxiety thing, right (at least on his part)?
Jess says
I’m coming tonight for 6pm class and 7pm bonus class!
tam says
I’m coming at 7 tonight and 6 am tomorrow.
Sameer Parekh says
tam: linus will be fine. can’t be so sure about nick and charlotte though
tam says
Did we talk about this yet:
http://www.marksdailyapple.com/in-vitro-meat/#more-9426 ?
Steph "Snip" W says
Does anyone else’s back really hurt today? I’m feeling it especially in my lower back, not sure if it was the windmills, rowing, or both.
Fox – the one thing I took away from that article is that my legs are too long to be doing squats. Ha!
Congrats to Brian and family!
Bethany says
Snip – YES, my lower back and obliques are embarrassingly sore today. Pretty sure it’s from windmills, I went heavy (for me). 🙂
Laurel says
Steph my back has been killing me today. Only on one side. I think it was doing the windmills after rowing. May have slipped up and done something bad.
Going to feel out tonight’s workout really carefully.
Malcolm says
That one was actually me posting ’cause L had signed in on my computer.
Sameer Parekh says
no joy on the deadlifts today. tried for the 320 but nope. =(
happy day for double unders, managed 16 unbroken on the last round. i think the longer rope helped. was going much slower, but kept me much more in control
David Mak says
So I can’t make it tonight because National Grid scheduled my furnace maintenance for today and they couldn’t give me a shorter window than 1200 to 6pm! It is now 7pm and they say they are on their way. What a F’ed up system, I am so pissed!
Paulie T-Shirts says
Nice to be back after a 2-week hiatus (traveling, family weddings, etc.) Great to see everyone again.
DL 5×1
Warm Up135x10185x5225x3275x2
Work Set315x1365x1405x1440x1 (PR)470×1 (PR)
I am happy about this since my last PR was 435.
21-15-9 Burpees/Pull Ups: 7:21I subbed burpees for double-unders. Pull ups were done kipping with a green band.
.DMG says
DL(135×5 185×5 225×3 275×3)325 375 405 415PR 425F
felt good. 425 might have been a bit too big a jump.
DU/PU6:52 rx’dpull ups are still a goat! gah!
CD1200m easy rowfoam roll
charlotte, katie, really nice kipping pull ups sans band. you both looked strong!
Dan Rx'd says
Deadlifting with Dan L
Warm up: 135×5, 225×5, 285×3, 315x3Max Effort: 365, 385, 400, 415, 385
Felt like I was rounding at 415, but it went up. That matches a prior PR. Didn’t want to chance going any higher though.
Double Under/Pullup Metcon3:24 as Rx’dAll Pullups Unbroken.Jump rope malfunction cost me time as I re-calibrated the length during the WOD. Unbroken after the recalibration. Ended up doing 20 DU’s as opposed to 18 because I was getting in the groove…
Sub 3 next time!
Snip, Snap, Malcolm, et alMy back doesn’t hurt from this weekend, but my hip flexors are unhappy as hell — must be from all the jerking.
Joe says
Practiced Clean & Jerks at 119lbs (dammed kilos!). 115 is probably a realistic weight for Hoboken, but we’ll see if I can get it more dialed in as the week goes on.
Rowed 1500m in 5:33. Have no idea if that’s mediocre or terrible.
21/15/9 burpees & pull-ups11:30Felt rested when I started, but that didn’t last long.
Hope to see some other Hobokeners tomorrow morning.
Fox says
Warm up:Row 1000m at 2:00Windmills: 3×5 ea side with 40#
Deadlift 5×1
Warm: 135×5, 225×5, 295×2
Work: 365, 405, 415(PR), 420(PR), 365×2
405 was previous PR, which I failed at last 2 attempts. Veeeery happy to have 405 back, plus some. It’s been a while since I had a 15lb PR. I scaled my warm up volume way back, which I think helped a lot.
stephaniep says
did 5×3 across @ 165 for the DLs. its been a long time and damn 165 felt heavy
DU/PU wod8:19 RXed
the pull ups were actually not a problem at all, the DUs were a lot of single-single-double or single-double-single…. i still have a really hard time being consistant with them
clean and jerk practice for the weekend challenge. i think i want a shirt that says “i heart jerks”
Fox says
How do we all feel about taking public transit to the event? The gym is about 3/4 of a mile from the PATH train in Hoboken. No worry about traffic, car pooling, waiting, etc…We will plan on arriving at 12:00 noon, 1 hr before the event is scheduled to start. This will give us plenty of time to get comfortable in the space, and attempt to frighten the other competitors.
Post feedback to comments.
Also, competitors should be thinking about their post WOD nutritional strategy. We’ve got 3 events with an average of 90 min rest between. You’ll need 2 small meals, something quick to eat and easy to digest. Small protein and carb based (minimal fat) snacks will probably be best. It’s not the time to try any new, exotic foods.
Joe says
What, we’re not running to Hoboken?
Transit is fine by me.
Jess says
Keeping it simple tonight.
Deadlifts:(95×5, 125×5, 155×3, 175×3)Work: 190x3x5
This felt really good and really want to go for my 1 rep max next time.
DU/PU wod = 8:30 as rx’d.pullups are my time suck. could only do 2 in a row, mixed with several singles.
Bonus Hoboken work (THANKS DAVID!)Clean&Jerk @ 40lbs, 60lbs, 80lbs, 75lbs. Decided that 75lbs will be competition weight.
And to cool down: 1500m rowTime = 6:48.9Intended to take it completely easy, but switched to Nick’s 2k advice at 1000m. Maybe I can get 6:00 for the comp?
Charlotte says
Joe–that’s not half-bad for a 1500m time. Looks like 1:51 splits, ish? I bet in competition you could hit 1:48. Although who the hell knows how our legs will feel by then…mine are jello *now*. Gaah.
Great fun deadlifting with Katie. Tried to do 225# for sets across but that was ill-advised. Ended up at 210. It looked like this:(95×4, 135×3, 185×3)225×3, 225×1, 210×3, 210×3, 210×3
Then Katie encouraged me to try unassisted kipping pullups for the accessory WOD for the first time and I did ’em ALL!! that was a thrill. Total time: 11:35. DU’s still suck ass. Wasn’t really focused on stringing them together–this was all about the pullups for me.
thanks David for the C&J coaching. I feel much less terrified of that movement. I’ll go w/ 75# work weight on Saturday, too.
I’m totally fine going to Hoboken on public transit. But are we sure the event starts at 1, not 12? Snacks for me: fruit, hard-boiled eggs, Lara bars.
Vincent Dugan says
DL: 65-75-85-95-105 all by 5
Accessory WOD: 3:04 as Rx’d
No pain in back w DLs. Quite encouraging. Went easy on accessory too. Easily capable of 2:45.
Laurel says
DL: (65×5,95×5,125×3,155×3)
165x3x5 – wasn’t sure how my back was going to like doing these. Had some dull pain, but thankfully not increasing or sharpening through the sets. Hurray! I’ve been so jealous of you all getting to deadlift in the last few weeks.
WOD: 6:13. This is 2 minutes off of the last time we did it. Currently terrified of the pull-up bar, had to keep coming off and nerving myself up again. grrr.
Welcome New Foundations class!!
Peter says
185x3x5 DLs across
Lost all double unders. Went from getting 4 regularly to zero, none, nada, bupkiss, jack. Had to count attempts or I’d still be there now.12:01 on the 21-15-9 DU/Pullups. bleah.
paul says
public transit works for us. dl yesterday:315, 355, 370(pr), 375(f), 355
accessory wod was 6:09, all pullups were unbroken but DU were terrible.
Becca says
DL 3-3-3-3-3
(45×5, 65×5, 85,×5)100×3, 110×3, 120×3, 130×3 (PR), 140×3 (PR)
This felt good, even though it’s been awhile since I’ve done the deadlift! I can feel a major difference when my form is correct. Sarah was a great lifting partner.
DU/Pull-up WOD21-15-9 for the DU’s so that I wouldn’t be there all night.8:13
This was an unexpected nightmare!
First set of DU’s went well. Then my first set of pullups, using the blueband, was painful. I wasn’t kipping and really struggled. I got some assistance from Jess F. The next 2 sets were greenband + Shane. (Thanks, guys.) This all made my next 2 sets of DU’s go to pot, too.
What happened to me?! A few weeks ago I was moving towards the white band but here I felt like I had never done pullups before. Now, instead of practicing kipping to make things easier, Coach Shane has me working on my strict pullup until I get stronger at the top of the movement. I hope to see a rapid improvement.
It was nice to be back and to see so many of you again!
Malcolm says
I hate these.
I would be willing to bet that wearing these make people walk less.
stephaniep says
Workout 1 @ Hoboken:
5 Clean and jerks (135/83)7 burpees
7 rounds
Time limit cap 20 minutes
Now only if he’d email and say “you know, we’re going to sub ring dips with pull ups”
Anne W. says
Steph – you beat me to it!
83? They must have a lot of fractionals…
They also mentioned that the competition starts at 1pm, but the doors open at 12pm for registration.
Gabriel says
5×1205/225/240/250/260(PR)Felt good on the dead lifts, still working on technique. I think I could go up on weight soon….
Double Under/Pullup Metcon6:05 Rx’dSuffered through this, a bit under the weather I think, pullups where harder than usual too. Can’t wait to do this again.
Erik K. says
Deadlifts365410 pr420 even better pr425f405fWas spent and didn’t feel like fighting with the last one
double unders/ pull-upsgoing to pretend that never happenedarms were useless after first round
after class… bench press135x10165x7185x4195x2205x1
paul says
I’m glad to see the change in the first hoboken wod, 135x5x7 is a lot more doable.
jack says
Deadliftx1 275/295/315/325/275. Good partnering with Sameer.Pullups/DU-did 21,15,9, green band Time 11:10. The way I get thru the doubles is to get 1 or 2 in after 3 singles, so it takes time and I get gassed. Also, the pullups felt really hard this time, at least the last 2 rounds.
Feldstorm says
Scored a 7 on squat tabatas.