L1 5×5 Sets Across, L2 Max Effort
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compare to 11.28.09
Skill Work
Kettlebell Snatch refresher
Check out these Handstand Progressions from our friends at Norcal Strength and Conditioning
Established 2007
Sorry about the uber late post. It seems as though the planets have conspired to keep me offline no matter where I go.
Warm-Up100m Row x3Forward Rolls over bench into Handstands x a bunch
FSQ Sets Across (SA)(45x5x2, 95×5, 135×3)155x5x5
Handstand Push-ups on the Paralletts4x3
Felt strong on these. Went down so that my ears just cleared the parallettes.
Hi guys. We used a blog to communicate with friends and family day by day about the search for my Dad. The newspaper articles are included. The address is http://findrobert.blogspot.com
Christine Guerra
Fun time lifting today! Ran late thanks to the crap weather, but had a great time lifting with Ryan on the Front Squats — he also rocked this workout and convinced me to go for a 3RM and not bother with sets across.
Shortly after front squatting a number of us (Ryan, Sameer, Malcolm, Laurel, and I) all decided to shoulder press.
I did some thrusters for good measure…
A very good time — although I’m a little disappointed that I wasn’t able to join in for the brunch action. Was running late to a friends Piano Recital.
Front Squats 5×3(95×8, 135×5, 185×5, 215×5)235×3, 245×3, 255×3, 265×3(pr), 275×1(pr)
Press(45×8, 75×8, 95×8)115×4, 105×5, 105×5, 105×5, 105×2
Thrusters95x10, 105×10
Christine, I spoke with Carlos earlier — is your father still unconscious? I hope he and the rest of your family are doing well.
Very happy for you and your family, Christine. That’s awesome, Thanksgiving indeed.
Acc Work: KB Snatch 101
Front Squat:
Warm up: 45×5, 95×5, 135x3Work: 185, 205, 215(pr), 185, 185
I like 3 a whole lot better than 5
Practiced C&J at the Winter Challenge Rx’d weight of 145. 49 of those is gonna be a bear.
Then after getting some instruction on kipping ring dips (Thanks Jeremy!) I pressure tested em, 3 rounds for time of 10 ring dips and 20 squats – 2:15. I hope to get 6-7 rounds of these in the 10:00 AMRAP.
Warmup KB snatch practice.
Front squat.
Warmup 45, 95, 135 all by 5.Work. 185×3, 195×3, 205×3, 215×3(PR)Stopped after four sets because I was getting some knee wobble.
Afterwards played with ring dips.
Did 6, 7 (PR) and 5.
Later after a bit of rest I pressed. Was just doing sets across because I am really weak at pressing.
Warmed up then 105×3 for 5.
Great day at the gym today!
Christine thank you for sharing what ended up being a truly moving event.
warm- up: KB snatch @12kg, felt sloppy today. I was distracted by worry about my back and trying to think about my posture.
FSQ – warm-up:(45×5,65×5,85×5,105×5)work: 115x5x5
Kept things light today, my back is feeling better and I’ve been assured it isn’t serious, but I didn’t want to take any risks and I definitely didn’t want get in trouble with Dan. 😉
Press: 45×5,55×5,65×5,75×4,55×8,55×7,55×6
Didn’t go fast – each rep had a pause at the bottom because I want to build strength in that initial push range… so I didn’t get to my old PR. I did get some good form feedback, keep my elbows forward forward forward – thanks David!
WU1200m row incr spd by 10sec every 300m.
KB snatch 1pd. this refresher was very good.
FSQ45x5 135×4 155×3 175×3 185×3 195×3
felt pretty good. favoring my gammy leg still which leads to all sorts of weirdness with foot position etchad to bolt out early. looking forward to the next set of fsq.
FSQ 5×3205, 240, 270 (PR), 225, 225
I started to cave in a little bit on the 3rd set so I backed it off after setting a PR. Thanks to Nick for continuing to give me rowing tips and Jeremy for the instruction on kipping dips.
Warmup: KB SnatchDefinitely need a lot of practice with this.
Front Squats:(45×5, 75×5, 95×3, 110×1)120×3, 125×3, 135×3, 145×2, 145×3
Overall, I felt pretty good. Really focused on keeping my elbows up. My last rep at 145 didn’t look pretty…
After practiced some cleans and a few jerks for Hoboken. Thanks Margie for the coaching! Worked my way up to cleaning 95lbs but know that I won’t be able to do that for 49 reps.
Nice working with Vincent on this one. Feeling some progress here. Though, wasn’t feeling it at 115, so scaled back.
FSQ 5×5(45), (65), (95), 115, 105, 105, 105, 105
Kettlebell snatch at 20lbs
Front Squat 5×5 acrossWarm up: 45×5 75×5 95x5Work: 125x5x5
Worked on Clean and Jerks after to get ready for Hoboken on Saturday45x7 65×7 85×7 105x7x2
Great working with Katie & Tam. Front Squat 5 across:
WU: 45×5, 75×5, 95x5WO: 115×5 x 5
Last week I did 105 so this was a nice step-up.