This Thursday (T-Gives) we're putting on a TurkeyFit 5K run in Prospect Park. If you'd like to participate, please send Christian(at) an email so we know to expect you. We plan on meeting at the Grand Army Plaza entrance at 9am sharp.
The Mobility and Recovery Intensive is SOLD OUT. If you'd like to preregister for next month's cycle, please email Christian(at) Feel free to include what days and times would work best for you.
What is your favorite Gymnastics/Calisthenic movement?
The Black Box Summit Or How I Got Fired from the CrossFit Nutrition Certification Robb
Yikes. That Robb Wolf article is quite a read.
I like forward rolls a lot, especially over barriers. They make me feel very ninja like. Also, I might like them best because I associate muscle ups, handstand push-ups, squats and everything else with metcon discomfort. I guess I really like kipping pull-ups too since they’re such a familiar movement to me. I hate anything on the parallettes.
Shame about what happened at the Black Box Summit. Robb and Nicki as well as Aimee and Greg are friends of the program.
also, Im very excited that we sold out the mobility and recovery intensive so quickly. It’s overdue.
Woah. The Robb Wolf article is disturbing and perplexing… ๐ . Thanks for posting that David.
just to make sure you guys know, I am pretty sure that the annual turkey trot is going on that day in the park as organized race, lots of runners
i’ve been enjoying the handstand work and i love lunges.
dislike: forward rolls!
this am:4.7 mile run to work w/ 10# backpack on: 45:45
wasn’t as miserable as i thought it would be. still wanting to make up sunday’s wod – i seemed to have missed it last time too. phooey!
heading home tomorrow right from work – doing my own 10K turkey trot with a friend @ home! should be challenging (lots of hills) – have fun in prospect park.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
What Joe said. Makes me very grateful for the excellent leadership & coaching we have at SBK.
Big class this morning, so a little more atmosphere which was great.
Did tomorrows WOD (?)
15 cleans 95kg sets of 515 Wall ball 20kg sets of 55 rounds for time….
Finished in 15:06 which i think suggests i needed to push myself a little more on the clean weight (115 might have been fair).
Was also a little to conservative on the thruster weight during the ROW/KBS/PU/THRUSTER/BURPEE WOD (75Kg).Attendance has been a little sporadic this past 2 weeks and finding that confidence with weight has fallen off more than anything else..
Sounds like roid rage is happening at HQ. WTF?
Anyone into Brooklyn Boulders tonight?
My favorite movement: Forward rolls and kipping pull ups. i need to work more on the rings and I am sure skin the cats would be up there too.
Ash,If your numbers are correct, you did 44 lb wall ball shots and 209lb mid hang power cleans. that doesnt seem like your confidence with weights has fallen off at all.
Yes, large class this morning, didn’t really expect it. Not everyone will be doing the barbell version of this tomorrow, you need to have your cleans dialed in before exposing them to a metcon. details on the blog tomorrow.
thanks for the kind words, Char
I thought my Med ball looked bigger than everyone else’s!
Those would be lb not Kg…Tks David..
This is what happens when you are reading the Robb Wolf article, typing in WOD notes and trying to book train tickets last minute before Thanksgiving, all at once.
As for the article, it really is a shame, however as Charlotte points out it serves to remind us what a gem we have in CFSB.
Favorite movement right now is forward rolls. Probably because I never could do these in the past and I was jealous of those who could.
No matter what silliness happens down the road I will be going to “Dave’s South Brooklyn Gym”.
Favorite movements: Handstands, cartwheels, pullups, rings someday…all need work, but I love gymnastics anything!
It was great to have a crowd for a morning class, even if I was doing my own thing.
I made up the Sunday WOD. 10:31. Everything as RX’ed except the yellow band for the pull-ups. I did the KBs unbroken, but it meant that my grip was shot for the pull-ups. Lame. I too vow that 2010 will be the year of the pull-up.
And then with Nick’s encouragment, I rowed to 10 min pieces with a really slow stroke rate. I like to row.
It was great to have a crowd for a morning class, even if I was doing my own thing.
I made up the Sunday WOD. 10:31. Everything as RX’ed except the yellow band for the pull-ups. I did the KBs unbroken, but it meant that my grip was shot for the pull-ups. Lame. I too vow that 2010 will be the year of the pull-up.
And then with Nick’s encouragment, I rowed to 10 min pieces with a really slow stroke rate. I like to row.
And I like push-ups and lunges. Growing to like the handstands.
really glad we are drama-free at cfsbk. we’re heading down to NC this evening, will probably hit up crossfit raleigh and possibly crossfit charlotte in our travels. have a great thanksgiving everyone!
would love to bkb tonight but i have a stupid exam. no more skipping class for me.
crazy shit with robb. drama sucks. too much ego over there at hq. isn’t crossfit supposed to be about leaving your ego at the door? I guess not for some people. lame.
hm what is my fav gymnastics movement… i think i like the assisted iron cross, particularly if you add some photoshop to the assist. =)
sad to read that piece. no matter what though, the good people will prevail.
what charlotte said.
i’m beginning to like any gymnastic movement we do at CFSBK. i feared any gymnastic movement for so long, i felt there was no way i could do any of them and that just continued to fester. that is until the gymnastic cert.
Hmmm…So, possibly changing the details on the TurkeyFit this week. Maybe a diferent meet-up place and maybe some sprints instead.
…Wow. Just read the Robb Wolf blog before posting. Very disturbing.
Did a dumbbell version of Grace:each arm 15 reps (70 lbs)–NFT
My fav gymnastic movement has changed over the years:# cartwheels (when I was young & cheerful)# anything that involves parallel bars (when I was strong & beautiful)# watching others doing gymnastics (nowadays…)
So sad I overslept this morning. Tuesdays are my favorite!
The Robb Wolf thing is alarming, and I don’t doubt that he has a valid concern, but he’s also a bit of a hot-head himself. I stopped reading his blog after seeing him get in a protracted flame war with some commentors on his site. I know that people can be antagonistic, but I feel if you are hosting the site, you should do your best to stay above the fray. It seems like he could have done so in this case as well. Even by his own account. And finally, in Glassman’s defense, this is not the kind of situation–legally or interpersonally–you want to handle over email, so his perfunctory email makes sense. It seems like Robb’s ego got a bit bruised.
Oh! I forgot the good part: I like handstands even though I haven’t quite “gotten” them yet. I like inversions on the rings (hey, being upside down’s fun!). I also like cartwheels. Do headstands count? ‘Cuz I can do a mean headstand.
I’m not sure if it counts, but pull-up is my favorite, because even though I can’t do an unassisted/ band-less one, I’m determined to get there… someday (Katie — we can conquer 2010 together!), and it’s good to have a goal.
Oh yeah: this morning’s 2K row = 10:34. Thanks for the go-go-go yelling, Matt and Nick!
i enjoy anything ring related myself. i pretty much like all the gymnastic related stuff even if i suck at most of them.
as for the robb wolf article it’s sad but not unexpected. humans will be humans. i dont really give a crap about what goes on at hq as long as the team of osorio and williams stays together i’m good. don’t go all Beatles on us fellas.
i’ll tenth or eleventh the sentiment that our box is pretty amazing. i’ve had a chance to visit a few and it makes me appreciate the coaching we get here so much more. you guys are the rising cream… oooh, you guys are the milk thistle fat plug!
was happy to have my morning class back. this week on week off crap is not fun and death by burpee in a hotel room without someone to cheer me on smacks of unfun. but at least i got the hostile to work out when i’m on the road.
Does that make Chris Fox Ringo?
It sounds like Glassman & Co. have some issues with consistency. The whole “cream will rise to the top” market-driven theory of affiliates only works when you set appropriate boundaries then sit back and let people do their thing within those boundaries. And the onus is on HQ to be clear about defining those boundaries. If there’s misunderstanding about them, it’s HQ’s fault. I think having sacred cows of any sort in any organization is a bad idea.
Fave gymnastics thing: handstands are okay. I hate forward rolls. I used to like pullups okay until they started messing me up.
Hey David Mak, if you read this please give me a call. Thanks
Regarding the Robb Wolf brouhaha. I too was really unimpressed with his handling of a certain debate on his blog but by no means think that he is a hothead. I’ll just say it’s a bad situation but Rob, Nicki and the Black Box crew will be fine.
We’ve got a tremendous team at SBK in the form of Fox, Margie & Jeremy and a hell of community so no matter what we’ll be better than fine regardless of the dramatics and theatrics elsewhere
what did anyone ever do (besides be passive aggressive or just good old-fashioned confrontational) before they had the internet upon which to vent away?
i once worked in a ridiculous job before where part of my daily responsibilities were to monitor e-freakouts. eventually the chatter just dies down as people unshit their pants.
in other words:
“people unshit their pants”
I think everyone mentioned in Robb Wolf’s article is very passionate about their beliefs. When you dedicate your life to something and you feel it is under constant criticism it is inevitable that there may be times where you will lose your cool. We all need to be able to take criticism and also know the proper way to critique others. Any message can be sold if packaged properly. I keep a neutral opinion on the whole matter and hope it can be worked out. Having people so passionate about what they do in our crossfit community is something we do not want to lose. I rely heavily on Robb Wolfs nutrition articles, Dave Castro offers a lot of useful information in the crossfit journal, all the other names mentioned in this article have helped me to achieve a level of overall health and fitness that I never had before. Of course most influential were David and Shane. Hope everyone can see the big picture and work out their differences.
Love doing handstands and forward rolls, even though the rolls make me a bit dizzy. My dream of joining the circus is becoming closer to reality.
This morning dragged my suitcase from Brooklyn to Newark for time. Miss you guys already; hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!
My post was lost….You’re probably right, Shane. Like I said, I pretty much stopped reading after that little bit of nastiness. I don’t really know the guy well enough to say. Thank heavens for CSBK is all I can say.
Good to see everyone again. I always enjoy coming back to CSBK.
Last night – 305, 325, 345, 365(1), 305. Could probably have gotten 3 at 365 but didn’t want to push it too much
This morning’s WOD was pretty brutal on the grip. By the end I was practically rolling the bar down my chest and catching it with my hips. 18:55 Rx’d – wish I brought my weightlifting shoes.
See you all in a couple weeks
I am the Dark Horse.
Today’s power-clean trouble shooting was key. Thanks David. I’m feeling more confident than before.
Did the 2k row in 8:03. Would like to work these into my out-of-class running. Say yes to rowing! I’ve noticed, though, that after hard rowing workouts, I feel like complete shit about 30 minutes post row (after feeling pretty great 2 min post row). The mysterious erg!
Katie and AM WOD crew: NICE JOB! Tough!
Still need to read the Robb Wolf article, but wanted to chime in on my fav’s. I really enjoy pullups and handstands (albeit assisted). I absolutely hate, hate, hate forward rolls. The movement itself is fine, even fun, but I can’t get passed the nauseous feeling!
Great Post Vince, I Agree.
I havent been in the gym much lately but I miss all you guys.
I can’t remember what my favorite gymnastic movement would be–I havent had a lot of time to do them–though Id love to get muscle ups one day. That aint gonna happen til I can get back in the gym more often.
Due to the large 5m going on in Prospect tomorrow, we’ll be meeting at Red Hook Track at 9am.;jsessionid=A55FC214681EAC3D17F415ABE4E73BF8
The track is the brown thing.
It’s less than 2 miles from CFSBK. The closest train would be the G or F to Smith and 9th.
Good opportunity for those interested in trying a small dose of barefoot running in a “safe” environment.
If folks who are gonna drive and can haul a few are into it, maybe we can have a central meet up at 8:40. Jess and I can take 3 peeps.
Awesome find Samir!!!
Is there class tonight?
Yes class tonight!! I just have not been able to get to Post. I went to tea lounge last night to post but couldn’t connect. So instead I went home with a plan to go to bed early and post in the am. 12.5 hours of sleep later…
Off to prime meats to eat and post! Doosey of a workout today, you’ll be thankful when you’re done
Great. That sounds promising.
Congratulations on 12.5 hours. I’m sure you earned it.