21-15-9 reps for time of
Deadlift, 225/185
Ring Dips, strict
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Skill Work
10 minutes of either Rowing Technique or Jump Rope Practice
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1970's Polish Weightlifting Training Footage, Pt 2 of 10
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This one’s for you, Chris Fox
Dude, that is some heavy scaling. Usually the chick weight is 65-70% of the dude weight. This is way heavier. Grumble.(Why I care I dunno, since I sure as hell can’t do strict ring dips, so there’s no way I’m doing this as Rx’d anyway…)
dude this wod will take me all hour, what is up with the a/w ?
there is no time for 10 min!
Blerg. This is gonna hurt.
It’s going to be FUN! RINGS!! DL’s!! One-two-three-four, get those deadlifts off the floor! Five-six-seven-eight push-up, lock out, elbows straight!
woah laurel! that was fancy!
14:40 Still healing my lower back so had to sub pulls on erg instead of DL’s. Ring dips felt weak today. Wouldve liked to do this WOD as Rx’d. Hoping to be healed in about two weeks.
subbed bar dips for ring dips
did this on tuesday morning.
I liked this WOD
I feel as if you guys are rubbing it in my face. I wish i could do this WOD
Did this Tuesday AM… 13:23 with 185# DLs and a few bar dips, but mostly negative ring dips. Negatives aren’t too satisfying, but I sure felt it today.
Today did 12 rounds of cindy, first 8 rounds of pull-ups kneeling in the blue band, last four in the green.
Then tried more double unders and realized what I had hoped was success was in fact just goofy looking singles. Back to square one.
subbed the bar dips
185lbs deadlift. i did the first round ring dips but then i switched to bar dips for the last two rounds.
glad i came out today cause i felt like crap all day but crossfit always makes me feel better. unfortunately my attempt to turn Sameer into a “left leaning, commie loving, hippie liberal” over dinner failed but it was fun nonetheless.
BTW Sameer here’s the article on the Argentina collapse. very informative.
Went with the 135lb DL, as my back has been feeling a bit wonky recently and I didn’t want to push things. Did 11/10, 7/8, 5/4. Wanted to do bar dips but there weren’t enough stations, ended up on rings that were being held steady for me – Thank you Tal! Still, found myself reduced to singles quickly, so scaled the dip rep scheme to 15-9-6. Time: 16:17… blech.
I expected the dips to be painful, but thought I’d be able to string them together. I recently did several sets of 5 consecutive ring dips, so I thought my dips would get me through… clearly not. I need to add them to my accessory work – I am thinking about a rotating schedule of assisted handstand push-ups, dips and pull-ups. Maybe push-ups too?
Accessory work: HUGS!
Great to have Jess back!
Nice Laurel! Let’s see those cheers every day.
185# dead liftsbar dips
Could have done more on the dead lifts.
Bar dips f’ing suck.
But yeah, let’s hear it for accessory work of handstand push ups, ring dips, and pull ups. Anything gymnasty, really.
2:54 as RX’d.
That was fun
9:40 as rx’d
Deadlifts were unbroken and felt great. The ring dips totally sucked and account for most of that time.
Still, a great workout, lots of fun.
10:20 w/225 DLAll three rounds of DL were unbroken. That was cool. 21 bar dips then I switched to pushups with my feet on a 20 inch box for the last 2 rounds. Time to work on the dips.
Jeremy, amaaaaazzzziiinng!
Did the workout with 185lbs on the bar and a 15, 9, 6 rep scheme for the ring dips. All dips were done strict.
Jeremy, wow.
12:00Did this at 223 on the DL’s (damn kilograms, I wasn’t fast enough to the 45’s). First round and five of the second round ring dips, the rest bar dips.
rowed a 2k working on technique not time.
/mind blown by Jeremy’s time
uh, 9:45
155# DLs and elevated push-ups. I was disappointed there wasn’t room for me on bar dips, but the push-ups ended up being plenty challenging. Probably could have gone with a little more weight (or intensity) on the deadlifts, but overall, an enjoyable WOD.
Afterwards, I strung together a new PR for double-unders: 27. Still got a ways to go to get to my goal of 50 by the New Year.
RX’d – 6:05
Very fun…not too bad, but still more than 2x what it took Jeremy, who obliged me in giving it a go. Ring dips got harder quicker than I thought they would.
Thanks Jer!
I agree with Laurel, great to heve Jess back =)
95# DLs and pushups.
DLs felt good throughout, pushups were quickly reduced to doing singles and then from my knees to get through the workout.
Rage Against the Ring Dips! That’s my new band. Sorry I kicked your med ball David. I’m better now.Subbed 15-9-6 on ring dips with white band. And did DL at 105#. 8:10.
did this wod this (thursday) morning
DLRing Dip21-15-9
started with 145# for the deadlifts but after the first 13 went down to 135#
bar dips using one strap of the white band for most, both straps together for the last 5 of the 15 and the last 6 of the nine
i neeeeeeeeeeed to get more strentgh and better at dips!
Foundations Class 1 – tabata58 total, 6 lowest. feel way out of shape but good 🙂
95# DL, pushups subbed for ring dips9:58
I did strict pushups for as long as I could, which I think was around 15. Then I did strict on the way down and modified on the way up.
Post-WOD I did 5 minutes on the erg and then about 10 minutes practicing DUs with the new cable-jumprope-of-death that Paul(ie) got me. I hit a new PR of 7 DUS, up from 4. Maybe the fear of slicing my arm off is the key to getting better at the DUs.
Also…1) WOW, Jeremy!2) I third the motion for more handstand, ring dip, etc. aks work.
11:32 with 135# DL & bar dips/pushups. should have done 155# on DL I think…dips SUCKED. We were given the scaling options of ring dips/bar dips/elevated pushups–no dips w/ bands offered. How come? I really wanted to see how far I could get on dips as those are challenging for me while the elevated pushups are not. First set of dips was something like 5-2-2 then all singles. Second set I got to 12 dips and then switched to pushups on the 20″ box.
Accessory work: double-unders. New PR of 6!
For some reason, I really like DLs, probably something in the CFSB water. Did it at 95#, definitely could have gone heavier.
Pushups were another matter. First set was no big deal, knocked them out. Then did my second set of DLs and couldn’t for the life of me get off the floor when it came time for more pushups.
And big thanks to everyone for being supportive and awesome. This is the first time I’ve ever really gotten serious about any kind of training. I’m definitely making progress overall, and it feels awesome. Couldn’t do it without the high-fives and people shouting at me to LOCK IT OUT. You guys are great.
DL 75 lbs. Maybe I should/could have done more weight, but I was focused on executing the lifts properly and finishing in a decent amount of time. Also subbed pushups. A few were on my toes, but majority were strict down, modified up.
7:25 as Rx’dI did all of the deadlifts unbroken but had a much harder time with ring dips. I was happy to do a WOD that incorporated one of my weaknesses.