overhand grip
Post loads to comments.
compare to 9.28.09
Accessory Work
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:
DB or KB Swing
Adrian Y at the summit of Aconcagua, the highest point in the Western Hemisphere
Adrian's is training at CFSBK for his next big climb, Denali
Foundations at CFSBK
CrossFit South Brooklyn is proud to announce a brand new Foundations Cycle for November and early December. Please check out the following information regarding the cycle and read the course overview for FAQ's and more info. Space is limited to 8 participants so register soon!
Course Overview with syllabus, FAQ's and homework assignments. CLICK HERE
Tuesdays at 8pm and Sundays at 12pm. Each class is 1 hour and 15 minutes long.
11/10, 11/15, 11/22, 11/24, 11/29, 12/1, 12/6, 12/8
Note: Tuesday 11/17 is intentionally skipped as the space is booked for a separate event.
Why We Kiss Telegraph
No Fair! I get sick (stupid flu shot) and the WOD is weighted pull-ups!!!
I’m coming back tonight! Not so excited about weighted pull ups – but AM excited about the Yankee Game!
Anyone going to watch after class?
I’m down for the World Series, if I survive the the pullups:)
Planning on being in class, and definitely planning to watch the game later. Fox and I have a little wager going on…
FOX (and the YANKEES) better win!!!
Didn’t get a chance to post yesterday, but I’d be interested in 6am classes on Tues, Wed, Thurs.I hate the idea of getting up that early, and I want to confirm that it is, indeed, the worst thing ever.
PS-Broke down and bought a notebook due to David’s words of wisdom. It’s small enough to be portable, but large enough that I can easily write when my hands are trembling post-WOD.
Reshef…I’m your Huckleberry.
Yanks win tonight! Where y’all going to watch?
Did this at Slope this AM. Definitely got some stares while I was doing the accessory WOD from the guy doing tricep pull-downs.
Unassisted pullups3-3-3-2-1
Definitely the most unassisted strict pullups I’ve done at one sitting. Would have loved to do it at the Lyceum with a real bar instead of the wonky thingy at Slope, where there’s just handles, no bar. I focused on getting waaay up, maybe not C2B but collarbone/larynx to bar anyway. Could not do more than 2 in the 4th set, 1 in the 5th…maybe didn’t allow for enough rest but was in kind of a hurry.
Accessory WOD: 11:04 with 45# dumbbell. I hates burpees.
I’ll have to do the pull-ups another day. Did the burpees and swings with Fox – 5:33. Used a 2-pood kettlebell.
Nice time Nick. I guess what you’re REALLY saying is that 5:33 is the time to beat…
5×3 PUs- 12kg,16kg,20kg,45lbs, 45.75(1)
Accessory-6:59 Had to go light on KB due to back injury. Didnt push too hard on burpees either. Happy I broke a sweat. Can’t wait to be 100% again.
Thx Ryan for the help on the wieghted PU’s
Excellent job coaching the class Mr Fox
I would like to offer these words of wisdom: Do not over eat extra spicy Indian food for lunch when the evenings WOD contains burpees. Now, you would think this is common sense but apparently I’m not in the common group.
PU’s – WU body weight x3, 15×3, 25x3WOD 35×3, 45×2, 45×2, 40×2, 35×2 (Just couldn’t get that third going)Accessory – 10:14 with 2 pood.Nick and Ryan and SGT Mike – Awesome job!
25*3, 30*3, 30*3, 35*3, 35*3, 30*3
did an extra set at both 30 and 35 because my last rep was crappy on each. numbers were lower than last time but with way better form so i guess it evens out.
did the accessory with a 20kg kb and also subbed 2x situps (20,18,etc) for burpees. 20kg was too light and not having to do burpees makes it way easier. 6:58need to make this up with a 1.5pood and burpees when my knee is better.
to make up for the light kb i did ring dips 5*3 and press 95*3*5.
I had a dream last night that the workout was going to be…
row 500m21 bw deadlifts50 double undersrow 500m15 bw deadlifts50 double undersrow 500m9 bw deadlifts50 double unders
My subconscious was wrong
Went to the y
Deadlifts365x2x5365x1 (bar hit the rack on the descent, messing up my attempt to get a second)
Seemed really hard and my form was probably pretty crappy by the 3rd round
30 round sit-up tabata @ 11 per round
extremely difficult when one if feeling a little gassy, just saying. also they don’t have abmats and a rolled up towel just isn’t the same.
Tomorrow’s my coop shift and there are no classes this weekend. This is an unnaturally long time since I’ve made it to cfsbk.
Still on the bands, green, moving to blue. Thanks to David for making it fun.
Started with 1.5 pood but Shane switched me out to a 1 pood after the first couple rounds. Tried tobe pretty strict w/ the burpees only a couple of them sucked. Unbroken 10, 9, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. 6, 7, & 8 required lots of rest.9:11
40, 50, 50, 50×2, 50×1.
accessory WOD: 7:45. wasn’t really feeling the fire today.
Warmed up with the green band, then did the workout with blue. Needed assist by rounds 4 & 5. They got tiring fast!
Accessory: 10:40 w/ 12 kg kbellThe burpees felt completely awful today.
Over warmed up. Did 5 unweighted, then 5 at 10 and 5 at 20 lbs. By the time I opened at 35 I was a bit fatigued. Was fine for the 35, but the 53 I tried next only went up twice. I think I should have done my warmups basically unweighted, or with only 3’s. PR last time was 60 so this was kind of frustrating.
Accessory wod was fun if burpees can ever be called fun. 1.5 pood in 8:42.
Hero workout today at Practice Crossfit: “D.T.”5 rounds for time of:12 deadlifts9 hang power cleans6 push jerks
This was hard. Rx’d would have been 95lbs and I thought about doing that for the dl’s and dropping down to 75 for the rest. But, the fact that I would have to strip/add the weight each time changed my mind. Thank god for that.
I chose 75lbs for all and could only do that for the first round and a half. Then dropped down to 65. Still felt heavy and all reps (besides my first 12 dl’s) were broken. I feel like my cleans were pretty good, but my wrists killed after awhile which made it hard to hold up the bar during the jerks. Still fun though.
All good stuff today…
Warm up – DROMS, hip openers, jump rope, Ring L pull-ups, skin the cats
BB Squat 5×3: WU 45, 165, 205, all x 5255, 285, 290(2), 290
Pull-Up 5×3: WU BWx3(x2)12kg, 16kg, 20kg, 24kg, 65#
KB Swing/Burpee couplet: 4:38
1 1/2 pood made sense…back was a bit fried from Christine yesterday and worked hard in LBBSq today. I would totally rather burpee than box jump.
And…Yankees #27 !!! Good fun with Steph P and Jeremy watching it all go down. (although I miss the wife)
Dan R…What size tee are you?
Burpee wod: 9:28–fun little burner.
Weighted Pullups 15, 25, 25×2, 30(f), 25×1, 15, BW
warmed up on the yellow band, did the work sets kneeling in the yellow band cause that seemed a little less helpful. i dunno. i need to do lots more pull-ups.
burpees/1.5 p KB–8:39
felt very good to be back in the gym!
did the 5×3 BSQ from the other day(45×5, 75×5, 95×3)125,130,135,140,142
considering i’ve been out of it for a few weeks this felt good.
burpee/kb wod20kg kb of death11:02
that kb is HEAVY! surprisingly enough the burpees were the easy part
then went to watch the Yankees clinch #27 w/ Jeremy & Fox. WOOOOO!!!!
5×3 Weighted Pullups
35, 55, 65, 72, 75(2)
I think I’ve gotten a bit weaker at the weighted pullups as of late.
KB(2 Pood)/Burpee WOD: 5:31. My burpees need to get prettier.
1st off all, yay Yanks!2nd, all you sub 7 minute WOD animals, I hate you. Did the WOD in 9:15 with 1 pood, I abhor burpees.Pullups were cool, did 5 sets of 3 no band, body weight only. They actually felt easier as the rounds progressed. I needed just a touch from a spotter the last round, def big progress for me. Dave Mak, Ruvin had been to an all you can eat sushi place for lunch, looked like there was gonna be sticky rice all over the floor for a minute there. But great news, he passed the bar exam, so now he can join the ranks of real unemployed lawyers-congrats, Ruvin.
WOD:25*3, 30*3, 35*3, 45*3, 45*3, 55*2, 55*2
Accessory: 9:45. I thought I was fairly well recovered after the marathon but after the first set fatigue set in and I was happy to be done.