___________________ What are you doing/going to be for Halloween?
Steph Wsays
7 rounds w/ 75lbs1.5xbw was too heavy (174) and dividing by 1.4 was too light.Did the first three rounds w/ what were supposed to be kipping pullups (they need a lot of work) then switched to 5 strict for rounds 4-7. Also had to switch from the blue band to green halfway through. Grr.
I love Halloween but unfortunately can’t go out and dress up bc of the marathon the next day. But I really wanted to be a polar bear. My other thought was to dress up for the Saturday WOD wearing black and a fake beard…and be pretty much every guy at SBK. But I figured the fake beard would get too itchy.
Also, I just got an email about the Winter Challenge… I had put my name on the waitlist. Looks like I’m in! Anyone else get in?!
Anne Ishiisays
Crossfit South Brooklyn what up!! I miss you so.I hate that Life took over Anne Ishii, but somehow I’ve been unable to get my ass to stop morphing. Chrysalis is almost over and want to come back in Thursday but what’s the WOD? At the rate I’ve been driving myself into the ground I will have true cardiac arrest if it’s a MetCon of any variety other than scuttling out of the rain.
Sameer – I think I’m going to show my superhero colors, maybe you should let your evil genius dominate for Halloween?
Is that kid really a body builder? He looks more like a gymnast.
except for the curls. the competition for those 5 year old girls is fierce, he’s gotta look good for ’em.
Laurel: I think that might be dangerous. . . but not a bad idea. What I really need is a death ray i can mount on top of my bldg. hmmmm…
I didn’t know that steel cut oats are generally gluten free. did anyone else know this?
in non crossfit news, I am playing with a swing band on friday night from 9:30-1 at swing 46 if anyone feels like dancing on a friday night.
Yesterday’s wod: 6 rounds +5 deadlifts and 5 pullups-almost 7 rounds. Deadlift weight 195. That’s 10 lbs. more than my last encounter with this workout. Pullups as usual kicked my ass, used blue band then green. I feel like a pullup invalid, oh Kip where are you?
Leo, I wanted to get that book you told me about regarding that runner. If you get to it, please post the name and the author.
Nick and I are going to DC this weekend to introduce Linus to his 96-year-old great-grandmother (who will be about as clued-in to what’s going on as he is). So we’ll miss Halloween. (I would have TOTALLY been down w/ dressing up as David, bummer!)
I realized yesterday that my crappy weights math extended to Linus–I’d been thinking about dressing him up as a kettlebell but he doesn’t weigh anything close to 1 pood; he’s about 14 lbs, not 14 kilos. Duh. He won’t be a pood until he’s 1 year old. At which point he might not be into having a handle on his head.
doing a lot of trick r treating with lucy and finn. and bracing for the hoards.charlotte, your idea of the kettle bell is genius. i’m gonna try it. finn has a skeleton outfit, so i’m going to attempt to add the handles to his perfectly shaped kettle bell head to make a real halloween KB.
I am going to friend’s house to watch scary movies and probably entertaining trick or treater’s on my block in the afternoon or whenever they do that these days. Maybe I’ll TP the neighborhood, soap up some car windows, toss a few rotten eggs and light some leaf piles on fire for kicks. 😉
Jack: Why Die? by Graem SimsDeb: sounds like fun.All: 1. Gabrus’s show on friday at 8, i am going, while they have extra blood.2. In honor of David, I proclaim Thursday to be Metal T-Shirt day at CFSBK… or just wear lots of black.
Damn. I just bought am Evil Dead T-shirt and Alvin Alley sweats.
Now what am I going to do with them?!
David – when we lived in Portland, someone decided to dress up as one of our tango teachers for halloween… and he was definitely embarassed. Does anyone want to walk into a room and find someone pretending to be them? I don’t!
Are we dressing up for the WOD on Saturday?!
I’m gonna get a few sticky socks
As I understand it, you’re actually going to be an alligator.
Make sure you have a relatively wide jaw and that the lower teeth don’t jut out too much or people may get confused.
Laurel: it’s worse when you show up and EVERYONE is pretending to be you.
I am still planning on going as David since I already sprung for a pair of short shorts and a zombie shirt from Hot Topics and that stuff isn’t cheap.
Sameer talk to Paul Steinman about death rays. Before he was Paulie T-Shirts he was known as Paulie Death Rays
We’re going to party in Wburg and possibly to see one of my favorite DJs at South Paw. But it sounds like I may ixnay all that stuff and hang out with Deb. She knows how to do it.
Charlotte, 14lbs is no problem. Linus can be a Go-Fit Kettlebell. Paint him bright red and it’s a done deal
Shane, the more the merrier. But it’s BYOTP.
I’m dressing as a dad, taking the girl child, dressed as a ghoul, trick-or-treating.
I love the idea of Linus as a pood.
Steph W – good one.
Deb – I’m down for mayhem
I will be in Phoenix, AZ playing in a baseball tournament with my dad.For those of you who remember stories of the Pirate party, this is why you haven’t been invited. Maybe next year.
7 rounds w/ 75lbs1.5xbw was too heavy (174) and dividing by 1.4 was too light.Did the first three rounds w/ what were supposed to be kipping pullups (they need a lot of work) then switched to 5 strict for rounds 4-7. Also had to switch from the blue band to green halfway through. Grr.
I love Halloween but unfortunately can’t go out and dress up bc of the marathon the next day. But I really wanted to be a polar bear. My other thought was to dress up for the Saturday WOD wearing black and a fake beard…and be pretty much every guy at SBK. But I figured the fake beard would get too itchy.
Steph: I was trying to get everyone to dress up as David on Saturday but people were not going along with my plan. =( very sad.
This event here is likely going to be on my agenda:
as is this
Other suggestions are welcome.
but I still need a costume.
heh i just noticed that 1.5x BW is the same as my 1RM/1.4
thanks for trying Sameer!
last plug – Halloween Costume Party
The Australian (20 W 38th Street)8pm – on
$20 donation at the door goes to helping the NYRC fundraise for new rugby fields on Randalls Island for youth and adult rugby.
Free beer at the beginning of the night, drink specials all night, all the non-paleo candy you can stomach, prizes for best costumes!
i’m going with a group of people all as where’s waldo.
PS. Just received confirmation that I’m in the Hoboken Winter Challenge!
Interesting video for a Rest Day:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROaMH6LYMEo
Also, I just got an email about the Winter Challenge… I had put my name on the waitlist. Looks like I’m in! Anyone else get in?!
Crossfit South Brooklyn what up!! I miss you so.I hate that Life took over Anne Ishii, but somehow I’ve been unable to get my ass to stop morphing. Chrysalis is almost over and want to come back in Thursday but what’s the WOD? At the rate I’ve been driving myself into the ground I will have true cardiac arrest if it’s a MetCon of any variety other than scuttling out of the rain.
Sameer – I think I’m going to show my superhero colors, maybe you should let your evil genius dominate for Halloween?
Is that kid really a body builder? He looks more like a gymnast.
except for the curls. the competition for those 5 year old girls is fierce, he’s gotta look good for ’em.
Laurel: I think that might be dangerous. . . but not a bad idea. What I really need is a death ray i can mount on top of my bldg. hmmmm…
I didn’t know that steel cut oats are generally gluten free. did anyone else know this?
in non crossfit news, I am playing with a swing band on friday night from 9:30-1 at swing 46 if anyone feels like dancing on a friday night.
Yesterday’s wod: 6 rounds +5 deadlifts and 5 pullups-almost 7 rounds. Deadlift weight 195. That’s 10 lbs. more than my last encounter with this workout. Pullups as usual kicked my ass, used blue band then green. I feel like a pullup invalid, oh Kip where are you?
Leo, I wanted to get that book you told me about regarding that runner. If you get to it, please post the name and the author.
Nick and I are going to DC this weekend to introduce Linus to his 96-year-old great-grandmother (who will be about as clued-in to what’s going on as he is). So we’ll miss Halloween. (I would have TOTALLY been down w/ dressing up as David, bummer!)
I realized yesterday that my crappy weights math extended to Linus–I’d been thinking about dressing him up as a kettlebell but he doesn’t weigh anything close to 1 pood; he’s about 14 lbs, not 14 kilos. Duh. He won’t be a pood until he’s 1 year old. At which point he might not be into having a handle on his head.
doing a lot of trick r treating with lucy and finn. and bracing for the hoards.charlotte, your idea of the kettle bell is genius. i’m gonna try it. finn has a skeleton outfit, so i’m going to attempt to add the handles to his perfectly shaped kettle bell head to make a real halloween KB.
I am going to friend’s house to watch scary movies and probably entertaining trick or treater’s on my block in the afternoon or whenever they do that these days. Maybe I’ll TP the neighborhood, soap up some car windows, toss a few rotten eggs and light some leaf piles on fire for kicks. 😉
Jack: Why Die? by Graem SimsDeb: sounds like fun.All: 1. Gabrus’s show on friday at 8, i am going, while they have extra blood.2. In honor of David, I proclaim Thursday to be Metal T-Shirt day at CFSBK… or just wear lots of black.
Im going to be a Crocodile for halloween. Festivities to follow!
I would have been very embarrassed by people dressing up like me. 🙂
Damn. I just bought am Evil Dead T-shirt and Alvin Alley sweats.
Now what am I going to do with them?!
David – when we lived in Portland, someone decided to dress up as one of our tango teachers for halloween… and he was definitely embarassed. Does anyone want to walk into a room and find someone pretending to be them? I don’t!
Are we dressing up for the WOD on Saturday?!
I’m gonna get a few sticky socks
As I understand it, you’re actually going to be an alligator.
Make sure you have a relatively wide jaw and that the lower teeth don’t jut out too much or people may get confused.
Laurel: it’s worse when you show up and EVERYONE is pretending to be you.
I am still planning on going as David since I already sprung for a pair of short shorts and a zombie shirt from Hot Topics and that stuff isn’t cheap.
Sameer talk to Paul Steinman about death rays. Before he was Paulie T-Shirts he was known as Paulie Death Rays
We’re going to party in Wburg and possibly to see one of my favorite DJs at South Paw. But it sounds like I may ixnay all that stuff and hang out with Deb. She knows how to do it.
Charlotte, 14lbs is no problem. Linus can be a Go-Fit Kettlebell. Paint him bright red and it’s a done deal
Shane, the more the merrier. But it’s BYOTP.
I’m dressing as a dad, taking the girl child, dressed as a ghoul, trick-or-treating.
I love the idea of Linus as a pood.
Steph W – good one.
Deb – I’m down for mayhem
I will be in Phoenix, AZ playing in a baseball tournament with my dad.For those of you who remember stories of the Pirate party, this is why you haven’t been invited. Maybe next year.
Sameer – are you quoting Dr. Horrible?That would be genius!you can get Fox, Jeremy and David to be the Bad Horse cowboy guys!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gNUj1mEaYI&feature=relatedGenius!
Well the joke is on all of you’s, cuz this is what David’s going as for Halloween:
Tamson, you just made me spit out my apple in a fit of laughter
Jack, don’t you dare steal my sticky sock idea!Love to all y’all from Virginia suburbia.
tam, i’m not even gonna ask where or how you got that picture. wrong on soooooooo many levels.
(tee hee)
Tam = wrong… I was just getting over the beef jerky thong ={
Hooray! I *had* forgotten about the beef jerky thong. Thanks for reminding me!
I kind of want to dress up like the girl from my favorite YouTube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtX8nswnUKU