Five rounds for time of:
40 pound Dumbbells split clean, 15 reps
21 Pull-ups
Army Master Corporal Erin Doyle, 32, was killed in a firefight August
11th, 2008 in the Panjwaii District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan. He
is survived by his wife Nicole and his daughter Zarine.
Post time and weight to comments.
Compare to 5.25.09
Accessory Work
Post WOD Foam Roll
Dumbbell Split Lifts CrossFit
Dumbbell Split Clean (WMV) CrossFit
Phys Ed: Is Barefoot Running Better for You? NY Times
Oooo – who’s that sexy beast on our homepage today? So strong!
good article, it’s stuff like the excerpt below that has made me fairly interested yet skeptical of POSE running:
“Does that matter? “Not really,” Nigg says. Although many people believe that striking the ground closer to the front of the foot makes you faster, the evidence doesn’t support that idea. In one of the few studies to capture foot strike positions among elite runners in action, researchers at the 2004 Sapporo International Half Marathon in Japan photographed 283 runners about midway through the race. Seventy-five percent of the racers were landing on their heels. Another 24 percent landed at about mid-foot, meaning near the arch of their shoe. Only four of the 283 runners landed on their forefeet, and they weren’t the four fastest.”
I’d be curious to talk to anyone who has had success with barefoot/minimalist running. I’d like to try it out, but have yet to find anything much more helpful than ‘land on your forefoot’.
I’m really looking forward to this WOD. Even though it will take me several hours to get through this.
Paul, I believe it depends a lot on the distance you want to run. Many coaches in Germany and East Europe teach the following:
Sprints (5k): heels and mid-feet
Uh, that didn’t work.
Paul, they teach this:
Sprints: forefeetMiddle distance: mid-footLong and ultra distance: mid-foot and heels
Why can’t I view the Dumbell links? I get a green screen with sound on one, and nothing on the other.
Yes, I know very little about this keyboard thing I’m typing on.
Paul the trouble I have with the article in the times comes exactly with that same paragraph but for different reasons. The research Nigg is using that study to make a comment on barefoot running. I.e. those running on the front of your foot are not faster. But the study was looking at people running a marathon in Japan and found only 4 people out of 283 ran on the front of their foot. My guess is that if we looked deeper these four people were likely wearing traditional shoes. Thus this study would support the statement “Most people at the Sapporo International Marathon ran with a heel strike”, and even a statement that a sizable minority ran with a mid-foot strike. But there is absolutely nothing to suggest any conclusion about barefoot running either positive or negative.
David, do you have any extra Rage wraps? Sounds like I’m gonna need them tonight!
I cant view the dumbell links either. I am so excited about todays WOD this kind of thing is right up my alley. To be hoenest though i am not really sure how to “split” and i really want to do this RX’d is a split that much different of a movement to accomplish comppared to just a regular clean?
Mike – “Split” refers to the receiving/landing position…you land in a split instead of a power position (1/4 squat). Stomp one foot forward and one foot back, kind of a mid lunge stance.
I’m sure ther’ll be instruction tonight.
Anyone know if that’s Adrian in the vid?
here’s the thing though. if heel striking is slower or otherwise inferior, then why are 75% of the runners running that way?
the only conclusion I’ve been able to draw from everything I’ve read on the subject is that running is based a lot on the individual and it is very hard to generalize optimal running technique, which is why I’m skeptical of POSE.
I am, however, planning on getting some vibrams shortly.
I’ve actually been working on that transition to barefoot (vibram) running for the better part of the last 6 months. after one too many injuries that were likely related to heel striking and way more PT than I ever want to do again, i wanted to see how it went.
the thing i am learning most of all right now is to strengthen my transverse arch which forms the arch under the base of your toes. i had gotten to a point of comfortably running about 5 miles in my vibrams with no knee or hip pain (which was in and of itself miraculous), when i started to experience what felt like a pebble stuck to the bottom middle part of that transverse arch. marisa and i talked about it and its pretty clear its something called Morton’s Neuroma, which winds up being common in that transition to barefoot running– basically there is a nerve there that gets inflamed if the arch of your foot isnt strengthened enough to handle all the load.
i have some stuff i am doing now to strengthen that arch to support it all better, so that’s been the biggest surprise for me. i’ve backed off the miles for now, but its temporary.
as for running faster or slower, i am actually a little faster barefoot because it really is more of a fall forward than it is a pull… so its less exhausting and less work. it feels more efficient. i can run longer without being tired too… the obvious challenge being the acclimating of my feet– my body is wanting to go further than my feet are ready to go.
its also made me realize how self-perpetuating running shoes are– when i don’t engage my transverse arch and pull up my medial arch I literally rotate in a little more… like slightly knock-kneed, which sets up ankle up weird. so i’d do that gait analysis thing and they’d see that and put me into motion control shoes. which just made my transverse and medial arches work even less and added a little more rigidity to my ankles because they were basically propped in place at that slightly knock-kneed angle.
anyway, its all very interesting and more than i expected when i started out, but i’d say the same for crossfit too.
bummed to be missing Erin– i got my backcare yoga tonight. i cant wait to one day not be the poster child for 30 years on the couch with cheetos. 🙂
that is adrian in the vid
Paul – I don’t doubt that there are people arguing about which method of running is fastest, but from what I’ve read, I don’t think that is the main thrust of the barefoot running movement.
One of the general arguments of bare foot running enthusiasts is that running shoes cause people to heel strike (it changes running mechanics) and that heel striking causes injury and long term joint damage/limb damage. It is very easy to see that you wouldn’t heel strike running barefoot – just take off your shoes in a park and start running around. You’ll notice that heel striking is mighty unpleasant with bare feet and that you naturally moderate where you land to avoid pain. It is also easy to see why you generally wouldn’t land on your forefoot in shoes – try running around in your running shoes, landing on the ball or middle of your foot, I think you’ll find that it doesn’t work out very well.
The conclusion people typically draw from this sort of experiment is that prior to the invention of running shoes in the 20th century, people ran very differently… and since that is how our bodies evolved to run, it seems sensible to hypothesize that running in a different manner is sub-optimal.
The paragraph you quoted is just an observation that modern runners, wearing modern running shoes, tend to land on their heels. It doesn’t really say anything about how each of those runners would perform barefoot nor where on their foot they would land, nor how their probability of injury might shift depending on their footwear and gait.
There is undoubtably variation in gait etc. by person, but the running shoe/heel strike observation is pretty universal. I think that the lack of good scientific research is the real reason there is so much conflicting information and debate. So far we have an entrenched industry arguing with a group of enthusiasts and some smatterings of data.
No Instruction! Figure it out yourselves!
Kidding. Yes the warm-up portion of today will be devoted to the DBSC and Scaling this voluminous WOD.
Paul,We’ve got extra Rage Wraps! I got extra ones for just this occasion. They’re 15.00
Also, we have two pairs of RWraps in the Lost and Found. NO NAMES WRITTEN ON THEM tisk tisk tisk
Well said Laurel!
Did we evolve to wear helmets while riding a bicycle or wraps when doing pull-ups? To be on the safe side i propose half-barefoot running, alternating left/right leg… constantly RANDOM functional fitness… Man, i love pull-ups… forking BEAR IS COMING, and you know he is going EAT your vibrams.
Speaking of barefoot running, who can ever forget Zola Budd?
I imagine this Erin thing is an option tomorrow? Yes? In the meantime, I didn’t feel like winging it, so I finally made up the deadlifts that I missed 5 days ago.
Row 1200 m–started at 2:40 and decreased 10 seconds every 300. SR was between 12 and 16 until the last set, where I started to creep up to 20 occasionally.
Deadlift:warm-up135x5, 155×5, 175x5work185x1, 205×1 (pr), 215×1 (pr), 185×1, 155×3
I really only meant to go up to 205, but I had a little calculation issue (tee hee).
Joe, I just went to a Crossfit Endurance class at Virtuosity that dealt with running technique and was very pose oriented. They didn’t necessarily say you should throw out your shoes, but the technique dealt with is similar to Pose (if not exactly the same). If you subscribe to Crossfit Journal, you can find a good portion of the material covered on there by Brian MacKenzie. There are some more drills and in more depth, of course, if you take the actual class. And they also tape you and analyze your technique, but this will give you the basic idea. It makes a lot of sense–it’s physics! (Says the girl who couldn’t calculate the amount of weight she lifted).
My hypothesis is that barefoot running is good for your foot strength/health, and also good to prevent injuries from running. I don’t suppose that it makes you run faster. I can imagine that wearing shoes and killing your knees would be faster than doing what is safer.
Respect, and thanks to Master Corporal Doyle and blessings to his family; An honor to do your workout today.
As Rxed 17:57. Many thanks to Ryan who motivated me through and helped me achieve the sub 18 after absolutely crushing this workout himself.
Paulie, Joe and Laurel – super strong, great job!
15:24. Wasn’t exhausted afterwards. Didnt push myself hard enough. Couldve done better. Very enjoyable wod. Thanks to George for the help. RIP Master Cpl
I think 23:17 was the final verdict. 5 rounds, 25# dumbbells. I definitely could not have done this in June.
Thanks to Erin Doyle and all the heroes.
subbed 135lb deadlift for the cleans. my hands got tore up so it slowed down my pull-ups. probably could have gone faster on the deadlifts but my form kept drifting into shit so i did sets of 5. it was fun though. i hope the morning wod doesn’t involve hands.
14:49 as rx’d, down from 18:20 last may. go team!
5 rounds @ 20lbs, 21 pullups (RX’d*)
*Well, I used the white band for the first two rounds of pullups, then blue for the last 3. Give me a break, I just got my first unassisted kipping pullup on Sunday, and now I have to bang out 105!
For some reason, I feel really comfortable kipping. The split cleans also felt pretty good, but I’m sure I’ll have nice little purple bruises on my shoulders tomorrow. My forearms are shot and my fingers aren’t quite working right, but overall this was a fun wod! Can’t wait to do this in a few months without a band!
Laurel, way to keep going on that last set even though you thought you might puke! Bad ass.
11:30 as RX’d. Left a little skin on the pull-up bar. My shoulders are gonna be sore from smashing them with the dbells over and over.
Forgot to give props to Tam–Awesome job on the deadlifts!
And I really loved reading all the running comments. I’d love to move towards running in vibrams, but I guess I’d have to get a pair first. What style is your guys favorite and why?
Jess – I just picked up my first pair of Vibrams last week, and ended up with the KSOs. I had been leaning towards the Classics, but the clerk at City Sports, who (contrary to my expectations) runs in Vibrams and seemed pretty knowledgeable about them, recommended the KSOs as being better for keeping debris out on runs.
I sometimes have a little trouble getting them on (my little toe is particularly pinched in after a lot of years in hockey skates), but have found them comfortable once I get sorted. Now I just need to figure out how to run in them.
5 rounds in 18:09, subbing 15 lbs and 10 pull ups (no kip yet) w/ the blue band.
That was rough. Sorry again to everyone who was encouraging me in the fifth set and saw the angry come out. I really do like you all very much!
First time working with Jack. Jack, you have the heart of a lion!
I did 4 rounds of 30# DBSC and 4 rounds of 10 strict pull ups with a white band and Jack. 11:58. Shortly after I stopped, I felt like I should have pushed myself harder because I had more gas in my tank than I had thought. Next time!Thanks to Fox, DMAK, and Jack.
Did 4 rounds with 35# db. Was planning on all five, but my hand was really open and trying to open more, and my other hand was beginning to do the sloughing feeling so I called it. 19:59.
Felt pretty good all around other than the hand skin issues. Maybe I will use grips after all.
Erin was a big suck-fest…for me. Everyone else was awesome!
First 3 rounds were going pretty well. I was around 10:00 going into round 4, which would have put me under my goal of sub 18 min. Split cleans were unbroken till 3rd rnd, then 5-5-5, last rnd was 5-4-3-3.
Pull-ups KILLED me. I got inconsistent kips and was going 3 at a time pretty early on. On the 5th rnd I crashed. I swear the last 21 pull ups took FOREVER. Pukey feeling, torn hands, aaahgh. If not for David I’d have considered phoning it in.
I’d much rather have made up my 1rm squat.
Rx’d – 22:08, I think. Better next time.
Steph W – Let that GROWL out!
George – Nice fight on the pul ups!
Props to James and Regan on their 1st group class. Both of you did fantastick!
And to Ryan who absolutely killed this in proper fasion. ie, good mechanics and high intensity.
Erin @ 20lb dbs 23:58(it was really 24:26, but Jeremy said I could knock off 28 seconds because I had to put on my grips at the beginning and some big Meany Head aka David wouldn’t wait!)
Thanks Jess – at the end I just heard this quiet voice behind me saying “pick it up, do five more” and then Chris Fox on the pull-ups saying “set up, get back on the box, two more, com on.” and I obeyed. Thanks guys… and nice kipping Jess!
This was very hard. I’m abysmal at lunging movements and my kip was a bit wild. Oh well, it is still an enormous improvement. Last time I got 3 rounds w/ 20lb dbs and with a white band in 20:41.
David Mak – another impressive performance! You are getting so strong!
P.s. Jess – my time was 24:26 right? That’s what Malcolm and I recalled, but I feel slightly uncertain so if you remember something else, let me know!
Great WODing with Foxy Boxy today. Also, great effort everyone! Nice to see such a large 5pm class. Had there not been a 5pm, we would still be at the Lyceum putting heats of people through this workout.
“Erin”14:06 as Rx’dPrevious Erin: 15:35
Pull-Ups mostly 5-5-5-3-3Split Cleans 5-5-5
Partitioned the pull-ups intentionally to spare my hands. No wraps, no wounds, no problem.
“TAMSON STRONG”Great work James, Regan and everyone else!
Dug from the archives, here is a classic post from Mike R Post “Erin”:
Man, I’ve got callouses inside of my callouses.
And inside of those callouses?–more callouses.
And inside those callouses,is a tiny village of tiny, hard-working people, just like you and me- only smaller. They laugh and love just like you and me, and want the same things for their children that we want. Their mayor is a good, but complex man. He wants the best for his village and all the people that live there, but he knows it’s an impossible task, and worse yet, the village faces an energy crisis like never seen before.
The mayor has a history, a woman that he’d rather not think about, and an early mistake in his career that he can not help but think about.
Every night he puts his hands together and prays for the strength to act in the best interest of his village; to act boldly and with confidence. But tonight he does not put his hands together to pray, not because he’s lost his faith or because he no longer needs guidance. He does not put hands together because tonight they are completely covered with callouses.
What a great atmosphere at the Lyceum tonight! I really liked this WOD very much even though I had to stop after the third round because my hands were about to rip.
Time for three rounds 10:30 minutes.
I’ll be switching continents for a tiny while. Can’t wait to come back to Brooklyn.
15:05 with 45lb dumbbells. I didn’t bring the heat today. I’m not sure it would have been any easier with 40lb dumbbells. My split cleans looked more like hammer curl splits and my PUs were still somewhere between kipping and strict.
err. 3 rounds 10lb dumbells modified split cleans to lunges 8 on each foot and 10 push ups. 7:16
PS HIEE!!! thank you everyone for being awesome!
Three rounds w/ 25# dumbbells: 11:27
I was tentative going in because I hadn’t eaten much or hydrated today, and all the travel over the last two weeks has gotten in the way of my rhythm.
As it turns out, it was a good decision: I lost a sizable chunk of my left hand at the end of the second set of pull-ups, and I don’t think I could have gotten thru five sets of pull-ups as a result.
Nasty WOD, though. I look forward to doing five rounds next time.
23:46. 20# DBs and white band kipping pull ups. 5 rounds.I like the split cleans.
Erin: 18:15
5 rds, 20# DBs, white band pu’s
Great to see everyone!!
Not sure how I am actually typing right now…
5 rounds, 25# DB, white band kipping pullups: 21:57. Yucko. What gave out was not my will or my wind but my skin. I left some blood on the bar–hands opened up in the 5th round of pullups and I was stuck doing doubles after about 8. Ugh. I need me some grips! Also, to get unassisted pullups. One day….
Fun little morning group. Ash, great bleeding next to you.
Erin 25lb Dumbells 18:18 5 rdsKipping pullups were mostly singles or doubles. Great 5pm class!
Was my 1st class after foundations, felt a bit overwhelming not being really sure what was going on. Since split cleans and everything was very new to me, I was pretty cautious.
3 rounds of 10# dumbbells, 10 strict pullups w/green band8 and change.
was doing pullups in singles by the end.
Thanks to Chris for helping my through the WOD. Also glad Regan was there so I didn’t feel totally out of place.
19:??Felt good through 3+ rounds. I tried to squeeze the pullup bar a bit more to reduce ripping, and it it worked but my left hand lost the ability to grip. It was so swollen with blood I could barely open and close it. The cleans were still not too bad (5,5,5 limited by dumbbells slowly sliding out of my grasp) but I could barely hang on the bar. At least I know my weakness. I struggle at any wod for which grip can be a limiting factor. I guess I need to make my hands extra strong to make up for my stubby fingers.