All pulls taken from a dead start.
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Compare to 6.27.09
Accessory Work
Strict Ring Dips 3×5-10
WU: 15-10-5 Reps NFT of:
Knees to Elbows
Knees to Elbows Push-Ups
Empty Barbell Cleans
Emily B holds it down at New Haven
Thanks to Keith, Sam and Jessica at CrossFit Virtuosity and all the coaches and members of South Brooklyn for making yesterday's CrossFit 101 a huge success!
How to Strengthen Flat Feet Mark's Daily Apple
Barefoot Running through Central Park NY Times Video
Laurel says
Hey – the link to the previous DL day isn’t working for us…
Dan Rx'd says
Laurel — there’s an extra .html at the end of the link.
Sameer Parekh says
Errr, lifting this morning on 3 hours of sleep.. kind of hard. Wasn’t hungover, but i thought pukie might visit me before a couple sets, more a function of the party than the lifting, I think, but probably a combination.
CF 101 was awesome, and I’m really glad lots of people came out to the party last night. The most awesome thing was that I was listening to awesome music played by my old friends while hanging out and dancing with so many of my new friends. Life doesn’t really get much better than that. Absolutely awesome.
Great lifting with Vincent and Gabe, good to see your form coming together Gabe, nice improvements. This 5×5 with deadstops is really hard.
I stayed at 253 because it was clear I was at my limit. My last rep on the last set blew horribly.
Wasn’t sure what the ‘rule’ was on resting with the deadstop. for a back squat or something you have to hold the bar during the whole five so that is easy, but since you have to grip and regrip and reset your back etc on the deadlift I am a bit confused. When the loads got really heavy I was doing more like sets of singles with little rest, where I’d do a lift, put the bar down, stand up for a second or two, then get back on the bar. Was that cheating?
Joe says
Hm. Looks like my first post didn’t go through.
95 145 175 195 215 225
Fun working on ring dips with everyone. Felt good to be back in the box.
Peter says
135, 155, 165, 195, 225 x5Plus I did one rep @ 245 for a new PR. My old best was 225. Thanks to Tom, Chris and David for keeping my ass back and my chest big.
cloyde says
135*5 warmup
185, 205, 225, 235, 245
last rep on the 245 was shaky but all in all a good effort. 235 was my 3 rep max so im happy. did 20 ring dips, 100 s/u then tried to do some weighted pull ups but my arms laughed at me so i went home.
Becca says
It was great lifting with Ariel and Rebecca today!
Deadlift 5×5(80×5) 100×5, 110×5, 115×5, 120×5, 115×5, 120×3
I dropped back in weight after the 4th set per David to work on my form. Then I did the set of 3 to drill it into my head. (Don’t soften the back, keep the weight in the heels, narrower stance…)
After class I did some DU practice. I’m definitely getting it…slowly but surely.
Happy Birthday, Jess F.!
Deb says
(95×5,115×5)130×5,140x5x2,145×5,150x5Tough today. Got a little light headed at the top of some of the lifts. Never experienced that before. Last weight was a previous 3rep PR. Great lifting with Stephanie and Emily. Thanks for keeping things in check.Ring dips were fun.K2E push ups? Wha? Crazy move.
Malcolm says
Lifting felt heavy today. My body really lets me know that it doesn’t appreciate even a few beers.
Warmed up and then 215, 235, 245, 255×2. My form fell apart on the 255. Felt solid until then.
Nino says
185, 205, 225×3(PR), 205×2?, 195×2?, who knows…
After I failed on the 4th rep at 225, it seemed like my legs were still ready to go but my back just gave up. I think I psyched myself out – my nervous system just did not want to let me deadlift anymore. Had to scale way back just to finish my fifth set. I probably just started too high and went up too far, too fast with the weight. Lesson learned.
That aside: I’ve never deadlifted 225 before, so progress. Thanks to Shawn and Cloyde for the coaching.
Samir Chopra says
165, 175, 185, 195, 205.
Felt a little weak today (yup, I know, I shouldn’t have stayed out so late).
The ring dip session was a lot of fun.
Jeremy says
Felt good to be moving a little weight again.
Laurel says
Deadlift: (65×5,95×5,135×5)165,175,185,195×2
GRIN! This made me very happy. 195 was my 1 rep max not that long ago, so this is terrific progress! Weeeeeee.
Did the warm-up after the lifting:15-10-5, KNE-push-ups, KNE.then 1×5 and 1×4 ring dips. These definitely need work.
Foundations class was great today – lots of nice movement. I recall having much more trouble with cleans than they did.
paul says
yesterday we went to crossfit gsx in fort worth, texas. nice space, great people, everything you could ask for!
afterwards we went to an awesome hole in the wall taqueria for breakfast, which was excellent.
.DMG says
warm up15 10 5k2e, and k2e push ups. never did the push ups before, liked them.
DL225 275 315 335x2good lifting with alec and john. should have warmed up more, back was tightening on last round so i stopped. other rounds felt good and easy.
acc wkring dips 8×3
katie says
DLed in New Orleans:185, 205, 225, 235, 245Old PR was 230 in August so I’m happy.
NOLA counterpart Liz got:185, 205, 225, 235 (3)Her old PR was 215 so she’s happy too.
dip sets of 5.
Ash says
275 295 315 335 345
Worked with Andy today who encouraged me to go for a PR. Pointers from Jeremy r.e. engaging shoulders made a world of difference (tks for that).Still felt pretty good at 345, will be looking to move on past this a little next time.
Group ring dips at the end there was fun, again a bit of support goes a long way.. 5, 8, 6.
Bjorn says
DL 5×5246 – 276 – 296 – 306 – 316pr
Plus a 1 RM PR of 326 in there, when our math got screwed up and we had more weight on the bar than we thought.
Good lifting with Nick who banged out 346 between bouts of child care.
Also good to see John “The Bike Whisperer” Ficarra in the gym today. Welcome!
Andy says
Sumo-DL(warm up 5@135; 3@185; 3@225; 1@275)5@315; 5@335; 5@275 (narrow stance); 2×5@225 (“overwide” stance)
Ash did an awessome job, today!
Erik K. says
I actually did this yesterday, but may as well post about it here
Bench Press (dumbbells)50 lb x 1075 lb x 790 lb x 180 lb x 470 lb x 7
20 round sit-up tabata maintaining 10 sit-ups per round.
Paulie T-Shirts says
DL 5x5255x5275x5285x5305x5315x5
Felt pretty good today. I needed coffee in a bad way. Is it ok have an espresso between sets? I need to continue to work on my form and keep my back flat or Shane is going to knock me back down to Foundations! 🙂
Steph W says
Sorry I missed out on all the festivities (and deadlifts) this weekend:( Happy Birthday to Jess F. and Christian D.!
Tam says
There were a couple of good reps in the last set and a couple o’crappy ones. I can feel it a bit in my lower back now.
Nick Peterson says
Worked with Bjorn today. Sorry, B, for running away so much to look at Linus!
5 x 5246276296326346
Felt good.
Happy birthday, Jess!
Vincent Dugan says
Tam says
I have to say I kind of love that there were Linus interruptions. You don’t get to mess around with enough babies at Equinox.
stephaniep says
DL(95×5, 115×5)135-140-145-155-165
fun lifting with deb and emily. em – good luck with the rest of your season!
dips are my goat, our little ring-dip pow-wow was nice and encouraging.
then the red sox lost and the yankeees won – so it was a pretty great day!
Gabriel says
Whole lota help from Sameer and Vincent.Thank guys, saved my back from certain injury and made for a fun workout.
Charlotte says
Tam, I am so glad you were OK with the Linus interruptions–I felt terrible. Nick and I won’t try to work out at the same time again. It also meant I missed the ring dips practice, which really bummed me out since my dream is to do a muscle-up.
135/155/165/175/185. Need to perfect form but I am looking forward to getting heavy on this one day.