3 Attempts of: 30 Kettlebell Swings, 2 Pood Run 400m Rest as needed between rounds Post time and load to comments.
Accessory Work Hip Mobility
Fight Gone Tamson!
Happy Birthday, Ryan P!
Great work, Team CODA on yesterdays Fight Gone Belated!
Ben Wsays
I was going to make up the dumbbell bear today, but this sounds worse, so I’ll do this. Guaranteed asthma attack.
Yesterday I did some sprints with my dog to stay warm after I locked us out of our apartment. I got annoyed at how unfatigued Sadie was, and how she always caught up with me, even if she started 5 yards behind me. I think was showing me up on purpose. I keep telling her that to make it fair she should run on two legs, but she ignores me. Bad manners.
I overslept and didn’t make it this AM, so I will be there tonight at 5pm.If you remember to bring that rugby training book, I would love to take a look at it.
Trying to keep the volume somewhat moderate. Part of me really wants to make this 4 attempts that’s a whopping 120 2 pood KB swings the day after the bear.
If anyone wants to make this a quad, have at it.
I really want to do this, but I have class tonight and we’re out of town until monday. maybe I’ll make this up next week.
Chris Foxsays
Looks like you and me for the WL shoes. What size for you?
Foxman: 8 1/2
Chris Foxsays
I can’t find a hard copy but I can send you the pdf. Post or give me your e-mail tonight.
That’s for the Rogue, right? The research I read said they run a bit large. I wear a 10 1/2 street shoe and I’m gonna order 9 1/2.
I have the Rogue in a size 10 and generally wear size 10 1/2 athletic shoes and size 10 dress shoes.
I usually wear a women’s 9 to 9 1/2 and got the men’s 7 1/2 which is supposedly (by a size conversion chart I found online) equivalent to a women’s size 9.
waaaahhhht??? size talk? i feel like i just walked into an aol chat room or something. age/ sex/ location?
did cindy this morning with a green band (and david).
the squats felt so hard, but it was good to get those in after having squat misery during the thruster portion of last nite. did 8 rounds in 20 minutes which was basically my goal.
i went 1.5 pood which was pushing it for me. the first set and the first 19 of the second were all American style. the rest was commie style. i saw mister pukie between the second and the third set. figured since i was gonna feel like shit either way i might as well finish up.
haven’t thrown up during a workout since the military, damn i feel awful. work is gonna suck tomorrow.
This was a lot harder than I expected. All day I was thinking only 20 KB swings so I was not looking forward to an extra 10.
1 pood KB/ 400m runTimes:2:492:502:51
I guess you could say I’m pretty consistent.
That run sure felt far! I just didn’t feel like I could push any harder after those swings and after yesterday’s bear. I’m gonna be sore as hell tomorrow! Nice job to Gabe for sprinting like a madman!
Steph Wsays
Happy Birthday Ryan!
I had a stomachache before this workout, I was so worried about it, but it turned out OK:
1 pood KB / 400 m2:452:553:00
I was doing the swings Russian-style though, so that’s something to improve on for next time.
WODKB rx’d/ERG 500m1:00/1:441:28/1:44?/1:44tough as hell, but a great one.
1st set unbroken, 2nd and 3rd broken. need to fix that and make them unbroken.
cloyde, way to push through!
happy birthday ryan.
congrats to FGB coda. sorry i missed the action. sounds like you guys kicked ass.
Chris Foxsays
2 pood/400m
Not 100% positive on times
3:15, 3:19, and a big, fat, DNF
Felt a bit off, and 2 pood felt really freaking heavy today. 1st round kb unbroken, 2nd 25 + 5, and 3rd I fell to shit. I got 15, then, 3, 3, 3, 2, 4. It all went to my back and about 40m into the run my back locked up, and I decided to call it a night.
Really liked taking the WOD outdoors again though. Guerilla marketing, baby!
Thanks to all for the shoe input!
Looking forward tomorrow to some foam roll/lacrosse ball love, and hot/cold water therapy. And to Jess’ b-day beers on Saturday.
P.S. – Shane, feel better!
1.5 pood, 1st 2 rounds unbroken, last round I put it down at 19 then finished the next 11. Times 3:06, 3:05, 3:29. The wod was definitely not as hard as it seemed, once I got going. Outdoors is great. My left knee felt twitchy before the wod, now it feels like shit. Hopefully all it needs is a weekend off. Thanks David for the shoes, running in Chucks didn’t appeal to me. Great to see David get a lesson on lifting safety from a passerby:)
Happy Birthday Ryan – hope it’s been a fanastic day!
1.5 pood. First set was 24 and then 6, then the second two sets were broken 15/15, with the first half American and the second half Russian. Just bit off a little more than my lower back could chew.
Thanks to all who had kind words about my FGB write-up, and props to Charlotte: I was busy lying on the ground and crying between sets while she was nursing. Pretty damn impressive.
The first 200m on each run really broke my spirit. By the time I hit the end of the street and came back I had gotten some wind back and was able to hussle a little more. Running at intensity is a real challenge for me. Was glad to do all the KB’s unbroken, last rep of last set I lost my balance a little and had to reset but I didn’t put it down or stop really.
Great doing this with Nick, loads of fun.
Happy Birthday, Ryan.
Gabe, talk about FAST!
Shane, Feel butter.
Pedestrian telling me that KB swings are unsafe, *Expletive deleted*
Charlotte is a badass.
Happy Birthday Ryan!
Feel better Shane – do you know what got you?
Came to this one with a stomach ache that I’ve had all day… can’t wait for my tummy to recover from all that gluten.
2:56, 3:22, 3:56. Went for the 20kg bell. Great swinging next to Katie who did the 1.5 pood! Got the first set of swings unbroken, second set 20/10, third set 15/5/5/5. I stopped being able to aggressively open my hip in that third set of swings – on the 16th swing it just didn’t go. I’ve never had that experience before.
While I was doing this I didn’t like it much, but now I think it was a lot of fun. It’s kind of crazy.
This rocked. After the first set I had an iron fist around my lungs and the taste of metal in the back of my throat, and when I told these things to Nick he said, “yeah. this is a hard workout.” so clearly that meant I *could* finish the next 2 sets, much as I might think otherwise.
Used 20kg KB, all American-style, all unbroken. Jenna, thanks for awesome form coaching & counting–sorry I couldn’t do the same for you, Linus is a merciless master when he’s hungry. Steph W: you are a *fast* runner, I bow to your fleet feet!
2 Pood is bloody heavy.
First round I started with 15 straight. In the second round it was 10 straight to start. By the third it was only 7 and they were Russian style.
Got the first two rounds done all American. But round three was just Russian.
3:12, 3:59, 3:51.
Feel better Shane. Happy birthday Ryan.
So excited for the talk on Saturday!
1.5 pood
2:51, 2:48, 3:16
Went unbroken on the 1st 2 rounds, but set her down on 15 and 20 on the last round. Only got one good sprint on the 2nd round to nose out Jessica who went on to destroy me in round 3.
Big fun today. That 1.5er is gonna be pourin’ me a cocktail and fetchin’ my slippers soon.
Nick Petersonsays
Did this with Dave – great fun. Did 2 pood, unbroken, but swinging out in an arc too much. Barefootastic!
1. 1:06 KB, 1:27 run, 2:33 total
2. 1:09 KB, 1:28 run, 2:36 total
3. 1:07 KB, 1:27 run, 2:34 total
So nice to have time off in between! Most of these met-con WODs are unbroken.
Feel better, Ryan. Happy birthday, Shane! Ha ha.
David Maksays
First time swinging the 2 pood – she’s mighty heavy! I had the honor of partnering with Ryan and in honor of his 33rd year we upped our swings to 33.3:344:073:09The last set I was done and my back was on fire so instead of going with a lower weight I scaled the reps to 18. All done good ol’ USA style. First set I was able to string together 15, next set 10 and everything went to shit afterwards.Ryan – Happy Birthday, you killed this one.Dave and Nick – WowShane – Stop slackin’ offLet’s just say everyone kicks ass!
Vincent Dugansays
Did 2 pood but in retrospect I should have done 1.5 pood. First round KB was in 4 sets all american style, 2nd round was half american half russian and last sets was mostly russian. I need to work on my hip “pop” with these swings.Rd 1 3:21Rd 2: 3:22Rd 3: 3:14
that was actually a lot of fun. as much as running SUCKS i wouldn’t mind seeing it more (i know, i know, be careful what you wish for!)
lets see if i remember this right..2:43 (swings unbroken)3:16 (18 then some combo of 12)3:07 (15 then some combo of 15)using 1 pood. for some reason the 20kg kb just seemed a ton heavier.
happy birthday ryan! awesome work!
Damn that WOD looks fun.
I really miss coming during the week.Im going to try to find a way to come at least 1 or 2 times.
At the very least I need to find a way to keep myself doing something when I get home (other than crashing on the couch).
Any tips or ideas?
Its like I always get home and feel tired so Im just liek Ill just change, and sit on the couch for a few minutes. Then a few minutes turns into hours. Of course there’s also running after Kamau and cooking dinner…but I need to try to get a 15-30 min WOD in.
Ive been telling myself Id take the dog out earlier ( i usually go at 11pm-midnight) and run sprints with him since he is now about 15-20 lbs overweight.
2 poodnever unbroken…I kind of suck at kb swings. and my time was shite.I will do this WOD again, with anyone that wants to make it up in class.RUnning the first part of the 400 already out of breath and hurting seems all too familiar
2 pood
I did all of the swings unbroken. The toughest part of this WOD for me was the final 200. My legs felt really heavy after touching the line to come back.
Up in Boston and slept through the am Crossfit Boston class.Went to a GLOBO gym with my buddy. Forgot how weird they are.No kettlebells or place to run.subbed a 400M Row for the run and used a #30 dumbell.
round 1: 1:46Round 2: 2:15Round 3: 3:00Times are kind of approximate because their erg kept shutting off and the trainers tried to steal my dumbell. Was also trying to use the chrono on my watch.
I was going to make up the dumbbell bear today, but this sounds worse, so I’ll do this. Guaranteed asthma attack.
Yesterday I did some sprints with my dog to stay warm after I locked us out of our apartment. I got annoyed at how unfatigued Sadie was, and how she always caught up with me, even if she started 5 yards behind me. I think was showing me up on purpose. I keep telling her that to make it fair she should run on two legs, but she ignores me. Bad manners.
Hey Mr. Fox,
I overslept and didn’t make it this AM, so I will be there tonight at 5pm.If you remember to bring that rugby training book, I would love to take a look at it.
Trying to keep the volume somewhat moderate. Part of me really wants to make this 4 attempts that’s a whopping 120 2 pood KB swings the day after the bear.
If anyone wants to make this a quad, have at it.
I really want to do this, but I have class tonight and we’re out of town until monday. maybe I’ll make this up next week.
Looks like you and me for the WL shoes. What size for you?
Foxman: 8 1/2
I can’t find a hard copy but I can send you the pdf. Post or give me your e-mail tonight.
That’s for the Rogue, right? The research I read said they run a bit large. I wear a 10 1/2 street shoe and I’m gonna order 9 1/2.
Anyone have feedback on that?
thanks a bunch fox
I have the Rogue in a size 10 and generally wear size 10 1/2 athletic shoes and size 10 dress shoes.
I usually wear a women’s 9 to 9 1/2 and got the men’s 7 1/2 which is supposedly (by a size conversion chart I found online) equivalent to a women’s size 9.
waaaahhhht??? size talk? i feel like i just walked into an aol chat room or something. age/ sex/ location?
did cindy this morning with a green band (and david).
the squats felt so hard, but it was good to get those in after having squat misery during the thruster portion of last nite. did 8 rounds in 20 minutes which was basically my goal.
KB ERG TOT1:04 2:08 3:121:32* 2:08 3:551:15* 2:22 3:39
i went 1.5 pood which was pushing it for me. the first set and the first 19 of the second were all American style. the rest was commie style. i saw mister pukie between the second and the third set. figured since i was gonna feel like shit either way i might as well finish up.
haven’t thrown up during a workout since the military, damn i feel awful. work is gonna suck tomorrow.
This was a lot harder than I expected. All day I was thinking only 20 KB swings so I was not looking forward to an extra 10.
1 pood KB/ 400m runTimes:2:492:502:51
I guess you could say I’m pretty consistent.
That run sure felt far! I just didn’t feel like I could push any harder after those swings and after yesterday’s bear. I’m gonna be sore as hell tomorrow! Nice job to Gabe for sprinting like a madman!
Happy Birthday Ryan!
I had a stomachache before this workout, I was so worried about it, but it turned out OK:
1 pood KB / 400 m2:452:553:00
I was doing the swings Russian-style though, so that’s something to improve on for next time.
WODKB rx’d/ERG 500m1:00/1:441:28/1:44?/1:44tough as hell, but a great one.
1st set unbroken, 2nd and 3rd broken. need to fix that and make them unbroken.
cloyde, way to push through!
happy birthday ryan.
congrats to FGB coda. sorry i missed the action. sounds like you guys kicked ass.
2 pood/400m
Not 100% positive on times
3:15, 3:19, and a big, fat, DNF
Felt a bit off, and 2 pood felt really freaking heavy today. 1st round kb unbroken, 2nd 25 + 5, and 3rd I fell to shit. I got 15, then, 3, 3, 3, 2, 4. It all went to my back and about 40m into the run my back locked up, and I decided to call it a night.
Really liked taking the WOD outdoors again though. Guerilla marketing, baby!
Thanks to all for the shoe input!
Looking forward tomorrow to some foam roll/lacrosse ball love, and hot/cold water therapy. And to Jess’ b-day beers on Saturday.
P.S. – Shane, feel better!
1.5 pood, 1st 2 rounds unbroken, last round I put it down at 19 then finished the next 11. Times 3:06, 3:05, 3:29. The wod was definitely not as hard as it seemed, once I got going. Outdoors is great. My left knee felt twitchy before the wod, now it feels like shit. Hopefully all it needs is a weekend off. Thanks David for the shoes, running in Chucks didn’t appeal to me. Great to see David get a lesson on lifting safety from a passerby:)
Happy Birthday Ryan – hope it’s been a fanastic day!
3:13, 3:17, 3:12
1.5 pood. First set was 24 and then 6, then the second two sets were broken 15/15, with the first half American and the second half Russian. Just bit off a little more than my lower back could chew.
Thanks to all who had kind words about my FGB write-up, and props to Charlotte: I was busy lying on the ground and crying between sets while she was nursing. Pretty damn impressive.
Warm-Up500m Row400m Jog
KB: 2 PoodRunning: Barefoot
R1: 2:45KB: Unbroken, :62Run: 1:43
R2: 2:49KB: Unbroken, :60Run: 1:49
R3: 2:58KB Unbroken :59Run: 1:59
The first 200m on each run really broke my spirit. By the time I hit the end of the street and came back I had gotten some wind back and was able to hussle a little more. Running at intensity is a real challenge for me. Was glad to do all the KB’s unbroken, last rep of last set I lost my balance a little and had to reset but I didn’t put it down or stop really.
Great doing this with Nick, loads of fun.
Happy Birthday, Ryan.
Gabe, talk about FAST!
Shane, Feel butter.
Pedestrian telling me that KB swings are unsafe, *Expletive deleted*
Charlotte is a badass.
Happy Birthday Ryan!
Feel better Shane – do you know what got you?
Came to this one with a stomach ache that I’ve had all day… can’t wait for my tummy to recover from all that gluten.
2:56, 3:22, 3:56. Went for the 20kg bell. Great swinging next to Katie who did the 1.5 pood! Got the first set of swings unbroken, second set 20/10, third set 15/5/5/5. I stopped being able to aggressively open my hip in that third set of swings – on the 16th swing it just didn’t go. I’ve never had that experience before.
While I was doing this I didn’t like it much, but now I think it was a lot of fun. It’s kind of crazy.
This rocked. After the first set I had an iron fist around my lungs and the taste of metal in the back of my throat, and when I told these things to Nick he said, “yeah. this is a hard workout.” so clearly that meant I *could* finish the next 2 sets, much as I might think otherwise.
Used 20kg KB, all American-style, all unbroken. Jenna, thanks for awesome form coaching & counting–sorry I couldn’t do the same for you, Linus is a merciless master when he’s hungry. Steph W: you are a *fast* runner, I bow to your fleet feet!
2 Pood is bloody heavy.
First round I started with 15 straight. In the second round it was 10 straight to start. By the third it was only 7 and they were Russian style.
Got the first two rounds done all American. But round three was just Russian.
3:12, 3:59, 3:51.
Feel better Shane. Happy birthday Ryan.
So excited for the talk on Saturday!
1.5 pood
2:51, 2:48, 3:16
Went unbroken on the 1st 2 rounds, but set her down on 15 and 20 on the last round. Only got one good sprint on the 2nd round to nose out Jessica who went on to destroy me in round 3.
Big fun today. That 1.5er is gonna be pourin’ me a cocktail and fetchin’ my slippers soon.
Did this with Dave – great fun. Did 2 pood, unbroken, but swinging out in an arc too much. Barefootastic!
1. 1:06 KB, 1:27 run, 2:33 total
2. 1:09 KB, 1:28 run, 2:36 total
3. 1:07 KB, 1:27 run, 2:34 total
So nice to have time off in between! Most of these met-con WODs are unbroken.
Feel better, Ryan. Happy birthday, Shane! Ha ha.
First time swinging the 2 pood – she’s mighty heavy! I had the honor of partnering with Ryan and in honor of his 33rd year we upped our swings to 33.3:344:073:09The last set I was done and my back was on fire so instead of going with a lower weight I scaled the reps to 18. All done good ol’ USA style. First set I was able to string together 15, next set 10 and everything went to shit afterwards.Ryan – Happy Birthday, you killed this one.Dave and Nick – WowShane – Stop slackin’ offLet’s just say everyone kicks ass!
Did 2 pood but in retrospect I should have done 1.5 pood. First round KB was in 4 sets all american style, 2nd round was half american half russian and last sets was mostly russian. I need to work on my hip “pop” with these swings.Rd 1 3:21Rd 2: 3:22Rd 3: 3:14
that was actually a lot of fun. as much as running SUCKS i wouldn’t mind seeing it more (i know, i know, be careful what you wish for!)
lets see if i remember this right..2:43 (swings unbroken)3:16 (18 then some combo of 12)3:07 (15 then some combo of 15)using 1 pood. for some reason the 20kg kb just seemed a ton heavier.
happy birthday ryan! awesome work!
Damn that WOD looks fun.
I really miss coming during the week.Im going to try to find a way to come at least 1 or 2 times.
At the very least I need to find a way to keep myself doing something when I get home (other than crashing on the couch).
Any tips or ideas?
Its like I always get home and feel tired so Im just liek Ill just change, and sit on the couch for a few minutes. Then a few minutes turns into hours. Of course there’s also running after Kamau and cooking dinner…but I need to try to get a 15-30 min WOD in.
Ive been telling myself Id take the dog out earlier ( i usually go at 11pm-midnight) and run sprints with him since he is now about 15-20 lbs overweight.
We shall see
2 poodnever unbroken…I kind of suck at kb swings. and my time was shite.I will do this WOD again, with anyone that wants to make it up in class.RUnning the first part of the 400 already out of breath and hurting seems all too familiar
2 pood
I did all of the swings unbroken. The toughest part of this WOD for me was the final 200. My legs felt really heavy after touching the line to come back.
Scott…animal…or robot.
Up in Boston and slept through the am Crossfit Boston class.Went to a GLOBO gym with my buddy. Forgot how weird they are.No kettlebells or place to run.subbed a 400M Row for the run and used a #30 dumbell.
round 1: 1:46Round 2: 2:15Round 3: 3:00Times are kind of approximate because their erg kept shutting off and the trainers tried to steal my dumbell. Was also trying to use the chrono on my watch.
Can’t wait to be home again.
Maybe Scott is MANIMAL!
1.5 Pood215220221