Turkish Get-Ups
Novices will be learning this movement, experienced athletes will be experimenting with different weights, reps and implements.
Accessory Work
10 One Arm DB Push Presses, Each Arm
1:00 Dead hang
Hip Mobility
We have one additional prize for Fight Gone Bad. Whichever athlete who competed last year and had the largest increase in score/performance will receive a sports massage. Thanks to Carlos G for organizing this.
Please check out the Lost and Found today. We've got tons of water bottles, glasses and clothes that had been left in the locker.
If you haven't picked up your gymnastics grips yet, please do! Because they all look a like, please write you name or initials on your pair with a permanent marker.
Iceland Annie's Sandbag Uphill Sprint CF Games
2009 Women's Triplet, 3rd Heat Cf Games
Love TGUs.
Who’s gonna demo the Martone “girl get-up” ?
im gonna do a ‘mcgrath get up’ It’s where you find the biggest Asian/Irish dude you can, and TGU that bastard
Your Mcgrath is my warm-up.Put that on a t-shirt Paulie
Had a lot of fun climbing w/ Asta, Charlotte, Brian and Regan last night. Ben from BKB hung out and gave me some choice instruction on a couple of routes. Missed Tam and Milo but I understand that first graders have responsibilities. Next time!
Looking forward to getting these in today I’ve been hoping we’d do TGU’s for a while now and excited to learn a whole new generation of CFers on them.
Haven’t posted my WODs in a minute:FGB-313Weighted Pull-up(BWx5, 12kgx5) 35×5, 45×5, 60×5, 72×2, 72x2Was hitting C2B through the 3rd set so made the jump to 72 in 4…Not quite. Getting passed by McGrath on this was pretty awesome.
I think mcgrath has me beat for improvement, but just in case:last year: 234this year: 316% improve: ((316/234)-1)*100=35.00%
Hey everyone – I’m helping to throw a Halloween Costume Party on, you guessed it, Halloween!
October 31st, 8pmThe Australian20 W. 38th Street
Here’s a link to the invite – everyone is invited, the more the merrier!
There is a $20 donation at the door that will help the continued development of Randall’s Island meaning new turf fields, proper uprights and lights!
Happy Hour drink specials all night! And there will be prizes for best/worst/lamest costumes! Hope you can make it!
Hey if anyone is interested my client has 2 tickets to the Bruce Springsteen show this Friday night at Giants Stadium for sale. If you’re interested email me
Here is my application for a free massage:
Last year: 169This year: 232
63 pts, 37%
is it by percent or absolute improvement?
unfortunately i can’t make it tonight, damn! i do enjoy TGU’s, which is a pity, i would have enjoyed seeing gabrus TGU a McGrath.
FGB numbers.
sept 08 196 modifiedjune 09 262 rx’dsept 09 282 rx’d (PR) next time 300
It’s always fun to check the WOD and have to go scrambling to youtube to figure out what’s going on.
Looks fun!
Hey, any word on a FGB flickr album? I’d like to re-visit the pain.
is there a 5 o clock class tonight?
Gabrus, yes consider it a staple class.Matt, I like to hold the pics so sbk blog pictures stay novel. It will be released Friday
Very interested to see what TGUs will be like. Thanks for putting this on the menu!
hey guys… just found this:
given everyones enjoyment of climbing and the fact that its showing in Brooklyn on 10/8, maybe a bunch of us would like to attend? and invite our friends at BB?
very excited about today’s class!
and jenna, I nearly crapped myself just watching the trailer. that looks insanely awesome!
hey jenna,
you scooped me! i’m waiting for lance from bkb to send me a list of info for events they have coming up (climbing league, kids classes, the aforementioned screening) so we can pass it on to you guys.
unfortunately i can’t make it to that screening due to work (woe is me). however, i just watched “King Lines” which is made by the same crew but focuses solely on Chris Sharma. Some amazing, jaw-dropping, heart-stopping stuff and i’m bummed i’m not going to be there. they will be having a discounted climbing session at BKB after the flick for attendees.
Speaking of which, it’s a little too soon to talk details but I’m hammering out a discount w/ our friends there and should have that announced shortly.
See y’all tonight
Jenna: the reel rock thing is happening -at- bkb.
*pshaw* details, sameer.
more importantly, who wants to go? and who is buying the depends for Jess?
reelrocktour. yes please
reelrocktour. looks very cool, count me in…
Can’t wait to do TGUs – maybe tomorrow? Instead, Dave forced me to do the 2,000m erg piece. I hate Dave. 🙂
Here are my numbers: 6:22.0, ave. 1:35.5, 29SR. Breakdown:
0500m: 1:34.5, 291000m: 1:37.6, 281500m: 1:37.4, 282000m: 1:32.5, 32
I’m pretty happy about the piece. I hadn’t done one in a few years, and I had no idea what I could get. I’m thinking of going for CRASH-Bs and using it to help me knock my time down – would LOVE to break 6:00, but probably can’t manage that these days.
Thanks, Willy, for doing the piece with me. Can’t wait to see how Charlotte and Stephanie P. do!!
Very bummed to miss TGUs. Not that I would have been able to do them, I was also on tap for the 2K row. All that sneezing last night at BKB was not chalk dust; it was the Headcold of Ought Nine. Blecch. Everyone cross your fingers that Linus doesn’t get it–he already yells plenty.Brian and Asta: thanks for the belays! Fun to be back in a climbing gym after–gulp–fifteen years.
Good fun with TGUs tonight, and hanging around for a warm up. I really like the odd lifts to break things up a bit.
Worked up to heavy singles and was jazzed to get 105 up, even if it was only on the right arm. Got 95 on the left, and failed there at 105.
Great squats from our abbreviated Foundations crew. Nice work on the KBs also, you all looked like a bunch of experienced swingers!
Lots of make-up WODs going on tonight.
Highlights (in no order) for me were:
1) Watching Nick and Willy go at the 2,000m piece. Nice to see what proper form and intensity can bring on the erg. Great job guys.
2) Samir and Bjorn going at the beloved “spicy meatball”. This is especially tasty.
3) Getting to keep time for Juliana, Stephanie W, and Jack while they spent 4 sweet minutes in Tabata sit-up ville.
Awesome work people!
Warm-upFoam Roll then 700m Row
TGU’s30DBx3each45BBx2each65BBx1each85BBKept missing because the bar was spinning, especially on my decent. This is far from my best but I haven’t done them in quite a while.
“Angie” (100 Pull-ups, Push-ups, Sit-ups, Squats)16:51PR
Really great energy from everyone today, Great to have So many people in every class!
Great work Willie and Nick! You guys are total badasses.
Thank you David for letting me participate, bother you with many questions about opening a future affiliate in Nassau County and letting me observe the 6 7 and 8pm classes. Thank you all for your warm welcome, amazing people and support.
As Chris said (as well as helped me out with technique and spotting, thanks!), lots of fun with the TGUs. Barbell singles up to 95 on both, 105 on right, failed left.Muscle up practice and then got smoked by Annie in 11 min.
thanks all and cant wait to come back!
PS. great tacos at that spot.
This was a very interesting movement to say the least. All I did was a few sets with 20 and 25 lb DBs in an effort to try and get the form right. I think this might be one of those moves that I will try and work on whenever I have a bit of time after class.
For warmups, did the 1500m row, and once again struggled to try and moved down to a 2:00 and 1:50 split after starting at 2:30. Still, good practice.
Then, later, Bjorn and I made up the 8/10/09 meatball WOD. Finished in 21 minutes with 30 lb DBs. I suppose I should take a few seconds off to account for the time when I had to go fetch a new pair of 30-pounders! My shoulders were fried by the warmups and TGUs so this WOD felt particularly tough.
Big thanks to Bjorn for doing it with me and to Chris for coaching/keeping time.
I really like Turkish get ups, but they are something else with a barbell. First time trying them that way today so I took it slow, but still really hard.
22×3, 32×2 and 42×1. Next time I get to use a full size bar!
TGU:dumbbells: 25×2 each side, 30×2 each side, 35×1 each side, 45×1 each side.barbell: 22lbx1 each side, 32×1 each side. Tried to go for two in a row at 32, but this didn’t work out – too much rotation.sandbag: over the shoulder x2 each side.
Well, TGU were more fun than I was expecting (which was in the negative scale). Jack’s a badass. 20×1, 30×1, 40×1 and then some barbell ones that I have no idea what the weight was.
Nick and Willie were just damn impressive!
Justin – Great to have you around and thanks for the TGU advice.
TGU’s were fun. The 3 rounds of 1:00 dead hang were not. Fouled twice on the last one.
TGU’s: 15×3, 20×3, 25×3 each side (dumbbells)
I couldn’t really hold up much more weight after that since my arms were pretty tired from the warm-up. Looking forward to trying a light barbell next time!
Dumbell TGUs @ 20×3, then my first time doing barbell TGUs: 15×3, 20×3, 25×3, 30×1. So much fun! Love anything that feels old timey strongman-esque. Can we get CFSBK singlets?